Chap 38: Meeting at the mall

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Love is love....


Play this song as you read "No broken hearts" by Nicki Minaj ft Bebe Rexha.

"Oh. No shopping bags ?" My mom asked as I entered through the door. Sighing I shut the door after me and leaned on it. The day was long and definitely the cat ate the rat.. Mom you just don't know where your innocent daughter was....and what she has been doing.

"I don't know which lie to give this time, " I sigh in defeat. Mom giggled and I know she was glad that I was being honest. It was almost evening and surely I've done nothing constructive.

"So you just have to say the truth if you can't lie. " she mocked.

"I just forgot mom, " I said walking and hugging her. Avril walked to the room and hugged me as well. Everybody at home and it was cool.

"You're really busy these days, what's up ?" Avril ask as we sat on the coach. Probably I'm never around in time thus she sensed something.

"Workload sis, " I lied.

"Really ?"

"Yeah, I have a surprise for you guys. My boss's sister has a birthday party on Friday nextweek."

"Is this for real ?" Avril exclaimed standing and looking at me with her smiley face.

"Yes, I'm sure. You know what ?"

"What ?"

"Launching my first song at the party before officially releasing it." My mom was silent before but now she scooted and hugged me. Avril joined and literally strungled my throat with their hug.

"I'm happy you made it big sis, still releasing it with the guy you told me about ?" Avril beamed.

"Yes, he is brother to my boss, " I responded stealing a glance at my mom. She just sat without saying a word and I felt uncomfortable. I think this was what she wanted me to do all this time ?

"Mom, say something, " I said looking at her.

"I'm glad you made it my daughter but I told you I don't like his family, I mean I don't like anything associated with them, " she honestly said and I saw something heavy on her eyes. Why does she hate them this much ?

"Other training places were expensive mom and I didn't know he was his brother, you're technically busy everyday you don't ask me even who trains me, " all those words came out of my mouth. Did I say how I hate fighting with my mom ? I really do.

"I know, I'm not blaming you for that but I'm just warning you. Take care my daughter." She was telling me the same words she told me. Maybe she has a feeling that I'm dating either of the two brothers and she is afraid that I may be heartbroken.

"Why mom ? They are rich and obviously they can help her much in her career, " Avril joined and I knew she was young, so she wasn't familiar with the world yet.

"They have something in common and it really disgust me that they do." Mom huffed.

"What is it ?" Avril ask and I just looked at them confused. She must have something she is trying to hide from us.

"Forget I said that, " she muttered sighing.

"Are we invited sis ?" Avril asked.

"Sure all of you, " I said and Avril was bursting with happiness. "Mom will you come ?" I asked feeling emptiness in my heart. If she fails then I can't enjoy anything. She should be the one to see me sing my own song at the party.

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