Dr. Hayes?

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I sighed and walked into Dr. Hayes' office.

Look, Dr. Hayes, I can't be on Zoloft anymore. It's not helping me, I need something different.

I looked up and saw a caucasian male. He had short brown hair and a mustache.

I quickly erased the words from my whiteboard.

"Come sit" the man said as he motioned to the chair that was a few feet from him.

I slowly walked over and sat down.

"You're probably confused".

Uh... Yeah.

You're not doctor Hayes.

I think he knows that, Jacob.

"I'm Dr. Jones, Traci is at a convention and won't be back for a while. I'm taking over for her".

Um... Okay.

"Bria, right?"

I nodded.

"Says here you're depressed? That's a first, I've never seen a black girl like yourself who's depressed".

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

I don't know.

How long will Dr. Hayes be out? It's very important that I talk with her.

"At least two weeks".


"So what's going on?"

Um... I don't know? My late boyfriend passed away and it's been hard having to live without him.

"Hm, how has his passing away affected you?"

I've stopped talking, it's been a good couple of months since I've last spoken to anyone. I'm depressed, and I'm on Zoloft; which is doing nothing for me.

"And you've cut" he added.

How did you know?

"It's over ninety degrees outside and you're wearing a sweatjacket. That's how I know".


"Mhm, have you ever thought about a support group?"


"Maybe you should".

I watched as he wrote something down.

"So how have things been?"

They've been okay? My antidepressant isn't working, it's affecting me in horrible ways. I wanna cut again, but I'm trying not to and yeah.

I showed him what I wrote and I could tell he wasn't very interested.

I frowned and erased my words.

He looked at me.

I'm not answering any more of your questions if you aren't interested in helping me or reading the answer.


I stared at him.

"You have pretty eyes".

Wait, what?

I looked away from him and squinted my eyes.

What the hell?

"You're also very pretty for a girl your age" he said, I felt his hand on my thigh.

Okay, time to go.

I agree.

I should be going.

I stood up and walked to the door and left. I walked to the waiting area of the building and found Ray, he was looking at his phone.

I tapped his shoulder and he looked up at me.

"Oh, hey? You're out early?" He asked.

I nodded as I ran a hand through my hair.

"How come?"

Just didn't have anything to talk about.

You should tell him what happened.

Let's just go home.


We walked out the building and got in his car and as he started the car and left, I sighed.

"Dammit, I was supposed to talk to Dr. Hayes for mom and dad" Ray stated as he groaned, "I completely forgot".

It's okay, she wasn't there anyway.

"What do you mean? Who was there then?"

Dr. Hayes is at a convention somewhere, I don't know where. This man named Dr. Jones was there instead.



"So wait, why did you leave early?"

Things got weird.

Really weird.

"How so?"

He said it was a surprise that a girl like myself was depressed, and that I had pretty eyes and that I was pretty for a girl my age. He put his hand on my thigh.

"Bri, how come you didn't tell me this when we were there? I could've done something" he explained, "I can still do something".

No, it's okay. I'm fine. I don't want to go back until I know for sure that Dr. Hayes is there.


When Ray and I walked in the house we were greeted with arguing and yelling.

"Ryan, it's not my fault she's like this" my mom stated.

"I never said that".

"I feel as if you're trying to imply it".

"For God's sake, Keisha".

I looked at Ray and he shook his head a little.

"It's not my fault either" my dad suddenly stated.

It's my fault.

Don't they know that?

"You want me to give you ideas on how we can help her, I get that" my dad continued, "but it's hard, okay? It's hard having a depressed daughter who ca-"

"We're home!" Ray said loudly as he walked into the living room.

"Rayan, we... Thought you were at Dr. Hayes'?" My mom asked lightly.

"Bria and I left early. Dr. Hayes wasn't there" he explained.

"Did you, um... Hear an-"

"Yeah, yeah, we heard".

I held onto my bag and walked to the stairs.

"Bria, I didn't mean anything of it" my dad said.

I ignored him and went to my room. 

I closed the door behind me and sat down on my bed. 

"Hey, you okay?" Ray asked as he poked his head inside. 

Yeah, I'm fine.


Sorry for any mistakes. 

I'm posting this ten minutes before eight because eight is going to be the time I post the prologue for my new Royce book, Hamartia. Please check it out if you like to read Royce books.



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