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Arguing woke me up at two in the morning. I sat up in bed and listened to my parents argue, I hadn't heard them argue like this since many months ago. It was when Ray still played football, and when I still talked, and when Jacob was still alive. 

"Then leave, Ryan! Leave!" My mom exclaimed, "just leave". 

I rolled my eyes and laid back down. 

She would always say that to him. 

It was getting old.

I covered my head with my pillow and breathed in slowly.

"Hey, you wanna get away from here?"

I moved the pillow and looked at Ray.

I picked up my whiteboard:

And go where?

He shrugged, "I don't know, anywhere. It's better than being here".

I nodded and got up. I watched him leave and I changed into sweatpants and a T-shirt.

I met him in the hall and we slipped past our parents' room and left out of the house.

So where to?

"Gas station, not only do I need gas, but I need snacks" Ray answered.

I smiled.





How are you?

I'm in your head, I'm doing great. No sarcasm by the way. How about you?

Is it nice up there? And I'm okay.

Wonderful, actually, and that you are. 


We were the only people at the gas station, except for the cashier and a couple with two small children. 

"Jane, I told you we should've just stayed at a hotel" the man said as they walked down the same aisle as me. 

"Well, I'm sorry, Mark, but I thought we'd make it to grans before it got dark". 

I picked up a bag of Skittles and tried to walk past the two, but a little kid was in my way. 

"Hi, I'm Teddy and I'm this many" he said as he flashed me four fingers. 

I smiled a little and waived at him. 

"How many are you?" He asked curiously. 

I put up all my fingers then put up seven.

If you're seventeen then why don't you drive?

My parents don't think it's good for me to drive, not when I'm depressed and on medication.

Oh, okay. That makes sense. 


"My brother's this many" Teddy said as he held up six fingers, "he's over there". 

I looked to where he was now pointing and saw a boy. He was staring at a bag of chips. 

"Do you have a brother or sister?" 

I nodded. 

"How many are they?"

I held up all of my fingers again then put up eight. 


I nodded. 

"Teddy, go and get Mathew please, we're heading out" his father said as he looked at me, he smiled before motioning for Teddy to go. 

I returned the smile before walking over to my own brother. 

"I saw you made a friend? You used to do that all the time" he said as he paid for the gas, the drink he had, and my Skittles. 

"Can I get a pack of cigarettes please?" Ray asked to the cashier, he pulled out his I.D. and showed it to her. 

Since when do you smoke? I asked as we walked outside. 

"I don't know" he answered, "I figured I'd start soon". 


"I heard they help with your mood, like it feels good to smoke. I don't know, that's what Chresanto told me". 

He smokes?

"Yeah, not a lot though. Usually after school and stuff".

I furrowed my eyebrows and opened my bag of Skittles.

"You're thinking too hard" Ray said.

I looked at him.

"It's two something in the morning, it's no time to be thinking as hard as you are right now".

I nodded a little and got in the car. 

Do you think they're done arguing? I asked when Ray joined me. 

"Maybe, but what do you say to just driving around for a while?" 

I say it's a good idea.

"Well alright then". 

You ask Jordan out yet? I asked once we were on the road again.


Are you going to?

"Yeah, eventually".

Good, she really likes you.

More than Jaden, I think.

"He never did treat her right" he stated.

Sorry for any mistakes.

Dysfunctional (Sequel to Soft Whispers)Where stories live. Discover now