Notes (pt.2)

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I couldn't keep up with Chresanto. He was walking so damn fast down the hall that I was a good three feet behind him, and it wasn't like I could just yell for him to slow down either. He walked into the cafeteria and I lost sight of him for a minute, I walked in behind him and saw he was already at Shania's table. He was talking to her, he turned his head and said something to Lexi, Monica, and Abby. I wanted to go over and stop him. He didn't have to do this. 

I watched as he opened his bag and poured all of the notes that were once in my locker onto the table. Shania picked one up and read it, she looked at her friends then at Chresanto. She shook her head a little and said something to him. 

"Hey, what's going on?" Jordan asked as she walked up to me, she looked over her shoulder and gestured to Chresanto. 

He's mad. Shania's friends left me rude notes in my locker, like a whole bunch. 


I'll explain later, just... Come on.

I walked over to our usual table and sat with her, Jazmyne, and Ray. Cameron was there too. 

"You don't have to be a bitch about it!" Chresanto suddenly yelled, the lunch room got painfully quiet and all eyes were on him. 

Great, just fucking great. 

"Um..." Ray said lightly, "is he okay?"

I shook my head and got up, I walked over to Chresanto and began to collect the notes from the table. He looked at me and I ignored his gaze. I stuffed them into his bag and tried to pull him away, but he wouldn't budge. I looked at him. 

Please, come sit down.

The amount of anger I saw flooding his eyes scared me a bit. He looked away from me and I saw he was thinking. 

"Don't leave another damn note in my girlfriend's locker" he said seriously, "if you've got a problem you will address it with me, not with her. Got it?" 

I watched as Lexi rolled her eyes, "okay". 

Monica folded her arms across her chest, "alright". 

Abby smirked, "whatever you say, Chresanto". 

He glared at her, "don't play with me, Abby. Don't leave another note in her locker". 

"Notes? What're you talking about?" I turned around and saw Ray standing there.

Oh my God. It wasn't supposed to get this much fucking attention. The whole lunch room was still quiet and watching and I felt really embarrassed. Chresanto didn't have to do what he did, although I appreciate it, I really do. Ray didn't have to come over here and try to figure out what this was all about. 

I watched as my brother walked up to Chresanto, "what're you talking about?" He asked quietly. Chresanto looked at me. 

"I don't know if she wants me to tell you" he murmured to Ray.

This was ridiculous! Are they really doing this right now? Having a small conversation in the middle of the goddamn cafeteria?

"Tell me" Ray said seriously. 

Chresanto looked at me again and sighed. 

"Lexi, Monica, and Abby left a whole bunch of notes in Bria's locker. Like a lot, I don't even know how they got that many in there, but anyway, that's not important. It's what was written on them that is". 

"And what was written on them?" Ray asked curiously he was looked at the four girls who were still sitting there. 

"Shania's better, um..." Chresanto trailed off as he thought, "we can do whatever we want, you're worthless, an-" 

"You told my sister that she was worthless?" Ray asked seriously. 

I looked around and saw how serious this really was. The only thing that could be heard right now, was noise that the lunch ladies were making. They had no clue as to what was going on, and they weren't worried about it either, as long as it wasn't a fight; they didn't care. 

Tears of pure frustration and embarrassment filled my eyes as I stood there. I looked at Ray and Chresanto, they couldn't have done this somewhere else? I shook my head a little and walked away. 

"Bria" Jazmyne said as she tried to stop me.

"Hold on" Jordan added.

I completely ignored the both of them and left the cafeteria. I wiped at my eyes as my tears streamed down my cheeks. I sniffed and walked down the hall. I really can't believe that just happened. 


Leave me alone.

I looked away from Ray as he stood in the middle of my room. 

Go away.

"Okay, look, I can understand why you'd be mad at me, but what I did wasn't that bad". 

You and Chresanto told Abby, Lexi, and Monica off in front of everyone in the cafeteria! They all know what they did now, I would've been fine if y'all had done it somewhere less out in the open! They all know the things that they wrote.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry" he apologized, "Chresanto and I shouldn't have handled it like that, but you don't know how mad I was when I was told that you were called worthless. What the hell did you expect me to do? Laugh and let it go like it's nothing? I'm your big brother, I'm supposed to help you". 

I didn't need fucking help, Ray! I had it under control.

"Really? That's what under control looks like? Over thirty rude ass notes in your locker is your definition of under control!?"

If you had just let me handle it!

"I couldn't, Bri! I couldn't just walk away after hearing what they called you. I'm supposed to make sure that you're okay. I'm supposed to help you whenever I can, and I'm sorry that I handled it like that, but I was upset. They called my little sister worthless, it hurts me just as much as it hurts you".

I stared at him before shaking my head a little. 

"I can't even believe you didn't tell me in the first place!" He exclaimed, "how long have they been talking about you?" 

Not long.

"Yet you still weren't going to say anything to me?" 

I didn't want you to know.

"Why not?"

Because how the fuck was I supposed to tell you that three girls were calling me fat, and a slut, and worthless!? It's hard telling someone those thing, Ray! It's hard believing them too! I already feel worthless, it's not like it's not fucking true.

I watched as he groaned loudly, he balled his hand into a fist and swung for the wall, he stopped right before his fist came in contact with the hard surface and he sighed. He shook his head a little. 

Mom and dad are gonna kill you if you punch a whole in the wall.

He looked at me, "Bri, I just.... I just wanna talk to you". 

Well if you'd stop yelling at me and actually talk, then maybe we'd get somewhere.

"Look, I'm really sorry, okay? I really am, it's just.... I feel like it's my job to make sure you're okay, y'know? I just wanna make sure you're okay". 

He wiped at his eyes and I realized he was about to cry. I didn't want him crying because of me. 

"I just don't want you to feel as if everything's against you. You're not worthless, okay? You never were and you never will be. I don't want you to cut yourself again because of what those girls are saying about you, none of it is true. Absolutely none of it". 


Woo, sorry for any mistakes.I stayed home from homecoming *sigh*.



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