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Okay, so someone said they were confused as to when Bria was talking to Jacob and when she wasn't, so to clear things up for said reader, I've agreed to put apostrophes ( ' ) when Bria is communicating with him. 

I slowly opened my eyes, what was I looking at? I couldn't tell because my vision was blurred. I blinked a couple of times and realized it was a light. I suddenly became conscious of my surroundings as my fingers gripped onto a thin blanket. I felt the IV tube rub against my arm and I heard the monotonous beep of the heart monitor.

I was in the hospital.

I turned my head to the side and slowly reached out and pressed the button that had an arrow pointing up. Immediately the bed slowly began to put me in an upright sitting position. I removed my finger from the button and looked around. I was alone in a room with a small tv mounted to the wall, a chair by the bed, and different machines for different things.


I looked around the room once more and waited for him to answer me.

'Did you leave?'

I think he left. Why is everyone doing that now? First Chresanto, now Jacob. Who's next? Rayan? Speaking of him, where was he?

I looked over and noticed a red button on the side of the bed, it was beside the up arrow button, it said "press for nurse". I pressed it and waited.

Seconds later a lady with brown hair that was collected into a bun walked into the room. She had a soft smile on her face as she looked at me. "You're awake" she stated. I nodded a little.

"I'm nurse Mia, I've been the one checking your vitals" she explained as she walked over and looked at the heart monitor. I watched her carefully and I wanted to say something, but I couldn't. I tapped her and she looked at me. I used my hand to make a writing motion in the air. "Your brother has your whiteboard, would you like me to tell him and your parents you're awake?".

I nodded a little.

I watched as she left and waited for Ray to come in, and when he did, I wasn't prepared for what I saw. His eyes were a light red and he was shaking slightly, and I didn't know if this was because it was cold in the hospital or because he had been crying. I looked at him and he looked at me, he slowly walked over and placed my whiteboard on the small table by the bed.

Was he mad at me? I can understand why he would be. I was being selfish at the time when I took all those pills, I didn't think how it would affect him. I should've thought about him first. I'm so stupid.

I suddenly felt him pull me into a hug and I hugged him back. He pressed a kiss to my forehead before letting me go, he sat down in the chair by the bed and took a deep breath. "You know I thought you were dead" he stated, "I thought I had gotten home too late, and I did. I got a ticket because I was speeding, and I still managed to get home late". 

I reached over and picked up my whiteboard and marker. I didn't write anything down. 

"I'm not mad" he said finally, he sounded tired, exhausted even. "I'm not mad at you". He held his head in his hands. "Can I tell you something?" He paused. "I'm just going to assume you said yes. I was so scared when I found you on the bathroom floor".

He was making me feel guilty honestly. I didn't want him to stop talking though, I wanted to know what happened.

"I ran in and found you, I was freaking out and Chresanto was trying to calm me down, although he was freaking out as well, he's in the waiting room by the way. He called 911 and I lifted you up and Bria you didn't even flinch when I pressed against your cuts, you were that far gone". He rubbed at his eyes and sighed. "Chresanto's in the waiting room though".

I don't want to see him.

"Why not? He's really worried about you".

I don't want him to see me right after I tried to kill myself.

"So what am I to tell him?"

I don't know.

I didn't want to see him ever. He was one of the reasons as to why I was currently in the hospital. I didn't want to ever see him again because he let me down, and I know I said that he doesn't deserve me and he doesn't need me, but I needed him and he knew that.

"Oh, sweetheart" I looked over and saw my mom walk into the room, my father was behind her. I was engulfed in a wave of kisses on my face and I pulled away from them both. I stared at them.

"You're already off Zoloft, I've already got Dr. Hayes getting you Prozac" my mom explained.

"How about no more pills in general?" Ray asked.

"We can't give up after one set back" my dad said lightly.

"Do you two not see where we are? We're in a hospital, she overdosed on pills, and yet you just want to give her more?" He asked curiously, "I don't get you two at all". I watched as he stood up and left out of the room.

I didn't want him to leave. I didn't want to be left alone with our parents. "What's going on, Bri?" My mom asked. I shook my head a little. I didn't want to talk about it.

"Please, you've got to tell me something, just so I can help you" she pressed. "Keisha don't push her too much, she'll tell us when she's ready" my dad intervened.

Can I just sleep for a while? I'm just tired right now.

"Yeah" my dad said, "of course". I watched him leave with my mom and I laid the bed down and curled up in the blanket.

My fingers played with the end of the blanket as I closed my eyes. I'm in the hospital, Jacob's gone, Chresanto's in the waiting room, Ray is upset with our parents. This is great.

As I laid there, I listened to the beeping of my heart monitor and found myself dozing off. I was close to falling asleep when I heard someone shuffle into the room. I didn't open my eyes nor move, I just laid there. Suddenly, someone kissed my cheek gently.

"I'm sorry, baby girl".
Sorry for it being short, also for posting later than usual, and also for any mistakes.

Dysfunctional (Sequel to Soft Whispers)Where stories live. Discover now