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"Homework" Ray stated as he placed a blue folder in front of me, "lessons" he added as he placed a red folder down too.

Thank you.

"No problem" he replied, I watched him walk into the kitchen to get a snack. Chresanto walked into the house, "Ray knows I was behind him, so don't think I just randomly walked into your house".

I smiled a little.


"So how are you?" He asked as he sat down next to me.

Good. How about you?

"Eh, I'm okay" he paused and messed with his hands, "sorry about yesterday". I shook my head.

You're fine. You weren't moving too fast, Chresanto.


Yeah, you left so fast; I wasn't able to tell you. Why're you so worried that you're going too fast?

"This is the first real relationship that I've had and I just don't want to mess it up" he confessed.

Don't worry about messing it up, you won't. That's my job.

"How so?" He asked. 

I'm the depressed one here, I should be worrying about messing it up.

"No, you shouldn't". 

"How about this? Both of y'all don't need to worry" Ray stated, I hadn't noticed him walk in. "It's that simple". 

I looked at him. "By the way, Mom's working late and dad's got a meeting that he's going to" he informed, "so they'll both be getting home later than usual today".


"So that means, you can stay later too" he stated to Chresanto, "I mean, if you want to".

"Uh, sure, yeah" Chresanto answered.

"Okay, well I'm calling Jordan, so don't do nothing stupid" I watched him as he walked to the stairs, "oh, and if you need a condom, just ask".

I heard Jacob's laughter fill my mind.

Wow, he really just said that.

"Do you think I don't carry a condom on me or something?" Chresanto asked. I felt my face grow warm because I thought this was somewhat embarrassing.

"I don't know, just trying to make sure".

"I'll be sure to wear a condom, I won't get your sister pregnant".

We're not even going to have sex. So it doesn't even matter if you have a condom or not.

They both looked at me and I looked at them.

We're not.

"Okaaaay" Ray said, as if he was unsure. I watched him walk up the stairs and disappear from view.

I opened the blue folder and took out my homework; which was just for trigonometry and biology.

I began to work on trig first, I twirled my hair around my finger as I looked at the problems. Chresanto sat next to me and watched.

You can turn on the tv if you want.

"I'm okay, I like watching you".

I smiled a little.

Oh, well okay.

I quickly began to work out problem one and as I did so, Chresanto sat right next to me and watched.

You forgot to carry the four.

"You forgot to carry the four".

Shit, man, I got it.

'Jacob, he can't hear you'.

Oh, yeah.


"No problem".

'Thank you, Jacob'.

You're welcome.

I erased my mistake and fixed it. I quickly managed to answer the rest of the questions and I switched to biology. 

God, that looks boring.

'It is'.

I slowly answered the questions because they were quite difficult to understand. I pushed my hair away from my face and suddenly felt Chresanto run his fingers through it. He twirled his finger around a strand, I looked at him. 

"Am I distracting you?" He asked as he stopped twirling his finger.

I shook my head a little.

"You sure?"

I nodded.


I finished off my biology homework and placed both folders on the coffee table. I got up and walked to the kitchen and pulled grapes from the fridge, I washed them off and placed them in a bowl. I walked back to Chresanto. I sat down and casually placed my legs on his lap, he looked at me as I ate a grape.

"So you're sure we're not having sex?"

I nodded and picked up a grape, I didn't eat it though, I just threw it at him. "So we're throwing things now?" He asked, he grabbed his own grape and threw it at me.

I smiled as we had a miniature grape war, he suddenly reached over and took my wrists in his hands. He placed them over my head and kissed my nose, "I don't know about you, but I think I won".

I giggled and tilted my head back a little, I pressed my lips against his and kissed him.

You just giggled.

'Yeah, so?'

That's the first sound you've made in months.

I thought about what he said and realized he was right.

Chresanto rubbed his thumbs back and forth across my wrists as he kissed me back. I wrapped my legs around his torso and pulled him closer to me.

His hands trailed down to my waist and I slipped my hand under his shirt and traced his abs. I managed to pull him just a bit closer and a soft groan escaped his lips. Did I really want to do this? Had we even said that we loved each other? It was like he had read my mind because then:

"I love you" he murmured as he gently broke away from the kiss, he looked me in the eye, "it's my first time saying it to you, and the only reason is because I didn't think you'd feel the same; but I don't care anymore. I really do love you".

I stared into his deep brown eyes and nodded a little. That's all I could do, and of course I could write it down, but that would be too much. This was one of those moments where I wish I could just open my mouth and speak. I opened my mouth and my eyes began to water because I knew I couldn't say it back, even though I really wanted to; I just couldn't.

He shook his head and smiled a little, "it's okay, you don't have to try and say anything". I nodded again and held his left hand in mine. I kissed him and in that moment, I decided that I wouldn't mind having sex with him after all.

I kissed him with a bit of eagerness, and he didn't seem to mind because he only returned it. I didn't know when or how to let him know that I thought I was ready. It was only after six more minutes of kissing with such eagerness that we pulled away and looked at one another, he asked;

"Should I think about getting the condom?"

I nodded. I watched as a playful smirk suddenly came about his face:

"And you said we weren't going to have sex".
Sorry for any mistakes.

Dysfunctional (Sequel to Soft Whispers)Where stories live. Discover now