Chapt > Thirty - Three

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> K E E G A N

I walk up the stairs to my old apartment with Marilyn behind me. My apartment door was open and I heard voices inside. I walk inside seeing my landlord talking to some man. "Keegan, your back"

"Mr please don't see my apartment, it was huge mistake"I said pleaded to him.

"Well Mr. Marcus came in and paid me 300k for it"my landlord said. "Can't beat that"he chuckled.

"So I can't get my apartment back cause of Marcus paying you 300,000$!!"I yelled getting frustrated.

"I'm sorry Keegan, but no"the landlord said. "We actually made a deal"

Marcus is really crazy. He told this man to not give me my fucking apartment back. I sigh heavily taking a seat on the couch. "Tell you what. I will pay for another apartment for you okay. I can call my men to take your things to this apartment. It's downtown, closer to the beach"

I look up at him wanting to cry. He really would do that for me. "Thank you"I got up from the couch and hugged him. "Thank you so much"words can't explain how I feeling right now. I finally got my apartment back. Well a new apartment somewhere downtown.

"Sir please don't tell Marcus that you have her a new apartment. He's crazy"Marilyn said.

"Yeah I can tell. And I can tell he really wants you"my landlord pointed at me then laugh. "You should date him. Probably can change his life"

"Change his life? He need to change his own life"I said. "I should go now. Just text or call me about the address to the new apartment"

"Okay"he nod his head.

Me and Marilyn walk out the apartment going to the car. "He's nice man"Marilyn said with a smile.

"Sometimes he's mean, sometimes he's nice. He knows I have a little girl to take care of"I said.

"He's a good man for that. Now all we have to do is keep our heads low from Marcus and wait till they move your stuff. Have any clothes?"

"We can stop at the store?"I ask.

"Sure,I need some stuff for the house anyways"she pull off from the apartment complex.

We pull up to the store and hop out Marilyn Audi SUV. We walk in several clothing shops. I bought some pajamas for me and demi. Then I bought some clothes for us. Toothpaste, toothbrush, face cleanser for me, some snacks, and shoes. I need this before I move to the new apartment.

After we was done shopping, it was now 7 o'clock at night. We pull up in Marilyn condo garage and got out the car laughing.

"I'm telling you, me and Adam didn't like her at first but got use to it"Marilyn open the door. Her face expression change and I seen why. Marcus was in the kitchen with Adam drinking beer.

"Babe, Marcus been looking for you and her. He said he wanted his girlfriend back"Adam said.

"Where's Demi?"I ask walking to the hallway. I can tell Marcus was following me. I went to my room seeing Demi sleep on the bed.

"Why you left like that?"Marcus ask.

"Marcus, why did you paid that man money to sell my apartment?"I ask all angry at this motherf........

"I want to be with you okay. I love you and only you"he said. "Please Keegan, come stay with me cause I know Adam don't want you here"

"Fuck Adam. Marilyn doing this to help me out Marcus"I said.

"Mommy"Demi little voice said. I looked at her as she rubbed her eyes waking up.

"You should leave Marcus. Demi already don't like you for what you did to me at the pool"I said.

He sigh heavily looking at the window. "Fine"he nod his head. "Just remember that I love you and your mine"he kiss my lips but I pushed him back. He smirked at me and walk out the room slamming the bedroom door.

I sat on the bed and cried cause I don't want Marcus in my life right now. Why did I do this to myself? I was perfectly fine with Dave staying with me and Demi in the old apartment.

"Momma, can we call daddy and tell him to come back"Demi said. "Daddy can protect us mommy"

"I know Demi. I know"

This Ain't Love > Dave. East <Where stories live. Discover now