Chapt > Forty - Two

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> K E E G A N

> 3 Weeks later

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> 3 Weeks later

"Momma!!!!"I heard Demi yelled from her bedroom. I hurried up speed walking to her room to see what the hell is wrong with her.

"Demi, what's wrong?"I ask.

"I had a night mare"she said frowning. Just her way to saying let me sleep with you and daddy.

I sigh heavily while scratching my scalp. "Come on"I said. She got out of bed and followed me to my room. Dave was sleep in the bed like a damn baby. He didn't even hear Demi yelling.

Demi jumped in the bed getting close to Dave. I guess since he's warmer, she wants to snuggle up with him. "Why you in this bed Demi?"Dave ask in a raspy voice.

"I had a bad dream daddy"Demi said.

After a while, they both went to sleep. I stayed up watching TV, on Instagram, or on Facebook. Multitasking. I couldn't fall asleep for some reason.

Finally, slept took over me. I don't even know what time I went to sleep.


I woke up hearing Dave talking on the phone. I tried on listening to what he was saying so I turn the TV off.

"Melissa, stop bruh. I'm done with you"--" Yeah I'm back with my baby mama so what"-- "fuck off with that Melissa, I ain't never hit it without a condom. I ain't stupid"

I know this bitch ain't pregnant for my man. I hope out of bed then walk to the living room where Dave was.

"Bye Melissa. It was fun while it lasted" he hung up the phone chuckling.

"What happened? What Melissa wanted?"I ask.

"Trying to trap me"Dave said.

"You drop Demi off at Pre-K?"I ask.

"Yeah, she didn't cry this time"Dave said. "So what's up with you? When you have another fashion show make up thinging"

"I really don't know. I'ma call Marilyn and see if she needs me for her new clothing line"I said picking up my phone from the counter where I left it.

"Angel called"

"You answered her?"I ask.

"I did and then she hung up on me"Dave smiled.

"I want her to come down here"I said. "I want them to meet Marilyn"

"I talk to Bianca and she might bring little ole Keith"Dave said.

"Is Keith still with her?"I ask.

"Probably, probably not. I really don't know"Dave said.

"Probably so"I said. "I mean it is cuffing season"

Dave chuckled then shook his head. "Ever thought about having another baby"

Is he serious right now? Another baby. "I-I don't know"I said.

"What if we try again"Dave said.

"I'm scared Dave. Right now with Marcus running around crazy and me looking for jobs....."

"Fuck Marcus and I want to take care of you and Demi"

"I want to be independent myself Dave"I said.

"Okay fine"he said. "We'll wait"

"Thank you"I smiled. Dave nudged me a bit laughing.

It's working. But the baby part. I'ma think about that.


I'ma continue updating for y'all. I'm at school right now and missing some stuff for my test just to update for y'all😂😂😂😂😂😂😂.

Keep the comments coming tho

Love and peace

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