Chapter > Fifty- Six

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> K E E G A N

"Marcus, you have to let me go please"I cried.

"Let her go Marcus. She's pregnant"Marilyn said.

"What?"angle looked at Marilyn.

"You know what"Marcus push me out the hallway to the club dance floor. I was praying to God that he won't do anything to me.

"What are you doing?!"I yelled so he can hear me. He took the gun and fired it in the club. People scatter out the club or for safety.

"Turn the fucking music off!!!"he yelled at the DJ. The DJ turn it off and watch Marcus every move. "Now, anybody that's in this club leave now or you will be hurt!!"

He still had a grip on my arms. I was trying to run away but if I do, he will probably shoot me. "Marcus"I cried. "Please, let me go. You need help"

"I don't need help!!!"he threw me on the ground aiming the gun at me. "You should of never disrespected me"

"What?"I narrowed my eyebrows.

"You ruined my life Keegan. I wanted you for myself but noooooooooooooooooooo!!!! YOU WANTED SOMEONE WHO WASN'T THERE FOR YOU AT ALL!!"

"You serious right now"I looked into his eyes. He didn't even look like Marcus any more. He was different. He had bags under his eyes and his arm. He was cutting himself.

"Oh I'm all the way serious baby!!"he yelled. I look at the door seeing Dave. He creep his way behind the bar which was 30 feet away from Marcus.

"Marcus, you really need help. Why are you doing this to me? I have a daughter, your cousin has a daughter and you threaten her as well"I cried.

"You think I give a fuck about my family, fuck them. My father ruined my life, same goes to my mother!!!"he yelled.

"Why you keep yelling?! Your going to stress me out and kill my baby!!"

"Your stressing your own self out"

"I hope you die in prison"I said. He took the gun aiming it at my head. I close my eyes praying to God that I will see another day in life. I don't want to die. Not like this.

"Fuck you......"just then gun shots rain out. I watch as Marcus drop to the ground and Marilyn holding the gun breathing all hard.

"Marilyn, drop the gun"Dave said. Marilyn drop the gun and started crying. I got up from the floor looking at Marcus trying to breath.

The police rushed in the club looking around. "What happened?"the cop ask.

"H-He almost tried to kill me"I said.

"What's his name?"the cop ask.

"Marcus"Marilyn said.

"Been looking all over for him"the other cop said.

"Come on"Marilyn grab my arm.

I just stared at Marcus who was laying on the ground bleeding out.

Please. Let this be over.

This Ain't Love > Dave. East <Where stories live. Discover now