Chapter twelve~ happys engagement

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The guild was as loud as ever after the group returned. Everyone was so excited for Sylvia and natsu to finally have a kid of their own, so of course they threw a party. Luna, silver and Rebecca were playing games with Wendy and Romeo. The adults were drinking and laughing loudly. Erza, Lucy, jellal, Gray, juvia, Sylvia and natsu were at the bar chatting. Natsu seemed concerned because they had yet to find happy, they had stopped by the house on the way home to introduce him to Rebecca; however he wasn't home. He wasn't at the guild upon their arrival, Carla said she hasn't seen him all day, which had her worried.

A few hours after the party had begun, happy arrived with Levi, gajeel and pantherlilly. "Happy, were have you been!?" Natsu demanded. "Sorry natsu, I had some business to attend to." Happy said apologetically. "Is everything okay?" Sylvia asked with concern. "Just getting some supply's for my..." he trailed off, looking around to make sure Carla wasn't around. "Remember I said I was going to ask Carla to Marry me?" Happy whispered in Sylvia's ear, his little paw covering his mouth. "Yeah I remember, Wait your doing it now?" Sylvia asked with excitement. Happy nodded as natsu looked at him proudly. "Go get her buddy!" Natsu said, patting his head lightly.

Happy was excited and nervous at the same time, he knew she would say yes; but was still scared she might say no. "Can I have everyone's attention please?" Happy said, flying onto the stage to use the microphone. Everyone stopped what they were doing to listen, the guild becoming eerily quiet. "Carla, my love. We have been together for a very long time now. I fell in love with you the day I met you." Happy said nervously into the microphone. "Would you accept this Darjeeling tea, and make me the happiest exceed in the world; by giving me your hand in marriage?" Happy asked, holding the tea delicately in his paws.

Carla had tears in her eyes as she began to walk up the steps to the stage. Happy landed on the stage, his wings disappearing. "It's about time!" Carla said with a laugh. "Of course I'll marry you!" She cried, as she hugged him so tight the tea fell to the ground forgotten. Everyone began to cheer and congratulate them, some hugging some crying and others well drinking. The party continued up again, being loud laughter and some crying. "Oh, happy meet Rebecca; my new daughter." Natsu said, introducing Rebecca to happy and Carla.

"What, your daughter?" Happy asked. They explained how they came across Rebecca and what happened. "I'm so happy for you guys! Your going to be the best parents ever!" Happy said with tears in his eyes, as he hugged both of them. "Hi, I'm happy the cat. It's very nice to meet you." Happy said to Rebecca. "Hi, I'm Rebecca. I like you a lot." Rebecca said, hugging happy to her chest. "Can I keep you?" She asked. "Well, your kinda my sister now; so yea." Happy said, settling into her arms with a laugh. "What do you mean I'm your sister?" Rebecca asked confused. "Well, natsu raised me like a son. He's had me since I was born. So, that makes us brother and sister." Happy explained.

"I have the best family ever!" Rebecca yelled to the guild with a laugh. Sylvia's eyes began to tear as she watched Rebecca, finally she could experience the same happiness as Lucy and juvia. "I can't believe Happys getting married." Natsu said. "It's kind of weird don't you think?" He asked Sylvia. "No, not weird." Sylvia said wiping her tears. "Why are you crying?" Natsu asked with concern. "Because, I'm just so happy." Sylvia said with a smile, slightly shrugging her shoulders.

"Let's dance." Jellal said, taking Lucy's hand and leading her to the middle of the room. They began to dance as a slow song came on, shortly followed by gray and juvia. "May I have this dance?" Natsu asked Sylvia, offering his hand with a bow. Sylvia giggled, placing her fingers to her lips. "You may." She said with a curtesy. Natsu took her hand in his, leading her to the dance floor. "Would you like to dance?" Silver asked Luna. "How about you me and Rebecca all dance together." Luna suggested, not wanting to leave her out. "Yeah!" Silver said, grabbing both girls by the hand.

The guild continued to party the night away into the early dawn. Lucy and jellal gathered Luna, natsu and Sylvia gathered happy and Rebecca; gray and juvia gathered silver. The family's headed home to rest, knowing they might have a mission to take.

"Mommy?" Luna asked, as Lucy tucked her in to bed. "Yes dear?" Lucy asked, her head tilting slightly. Jellal stood at the door, his arms crossed over his chest; back to the door. "I really like Rebecca, but I'm scared for her." Luna said; sadness in her eyes. "What do you mean?" Lucy asked, her eyebrows drawing together in question. "That man, he got away. The man that killed her family, and kidnapped her. She said that there are more of them, who kidnap kids and kill their parents. They take them somewhere and force them into slavery." Luna said sadly.

"Did she say were they were taking her?" Lucy asked,, trying to get some more information. "No, she didn't hear them say." Luna said, shaking her head sadly. "I don't want that to happen to me or Silver." Luna whispered. "That will never happen." Jellal promised from the doorway. Lucy and jellal caught eyes with one another, nodding in silent agreement. They would never let anything like that happen to Luna, they knew gray and juvia would do the same. Sylvia just got Rebecca, she would never let anyone hurt her or take her away.

They are members of fairy tail, a family. Family sticks together no matter what, they would always be there for one another. Lucy made a silent promise as she and jellal laid down to bed, a promise to destroy the people Luna mentioned.

End chapter.
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