Chapter fifteen~lucys change

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Lucy, jellal, natsu, Sylvia, Gray and Luna headed back to the guild. Natsu, Sylvia and Luna were all chatting happily as they walked down the road to the guild. Lucy trailed behind slightly, her head hung down. She was still trying to figure out what happened to her, she still felt...strange. Like, all the anger she had ever felt surfaced to a boiling point and she released it upon that man. She was disappointed in herself, she almost killed him; and would have if Jellal hadn't stepped in. Jellal, noticing her sad demeanor, walked slower to match her pace.

"Everything okay?" He asked, watching the others to see if hey were listening; knowing natsu would hear anyway. "No." She said, shaking her head slightly. "You wanna talk about it?" He asked with concern. "I don't even know what to say, I don't know what happened. It's like I blacked out and came to when your hand touched my shoulder. I.....I......I was going to kill him." She said, her breath becoming labored; tears running down her cheeks. Lucy's footsteps halted as she lost her self control, she stood there in the street; her shoulders shaking from her sobs.

Jellal pulled her to his chest, her fists balling into his shirt; her tears staining his chest. "Shhh. Shhh. It's going to be okay." He soothed quietly. "Everything okay?" Sylvia asked, noticing they trailed behind. Her hand went to her heart as she saw Lucy crying uncontrollably. "Luce?" Natsu said softly, as he approached her. "I' okay." She said, calming her breathing. "Mommy? Did I do something wrong?" Luna asked, her voice barely audible.

Lucy looked at her daughter, how could she possibly think she did something wrong? "No baby, you didn't do anything wrong. I promise." Lucy said, kneeling down and hugging Luna. Luna began to cry softly into Lucy's shoulder. "I'm sorry mama, I'm sorry you had to save me." Luna cried. "Shhhhh, baby it's okay. None of this is your fault." Lucy assured her, hugging Luna tighter; hoping she understood. "Whether you were there or not, those men would have come for me." Lucy explained.

"But, why?" Luna asked. She couldn't understand why these people were after Lucy, she didn't know the story behind her transformation. She didn't understand that her mother was valuable to many people because of her transformation. "I'll explain later when we get home, Okay?" Lucy said. "Okay." Luna nodded, taking her mother's hand as they continued to the guild. Natsu kicked open the doors, being greeted with loud laughter.

"We're home everybody!" Natsu announced, waves and hellos being seen and heard throughout the guild. Gray stopped in front of Lucy and Luna before they continued, kneeling down to Luna's level. "I'm so sorry Luna." He said sincerely. "I heard you holler for me, but I couldn't get there fast enough." He said with disappointment in himself. "It's okay, uncle gray." Luna said with a smile. "You came back for me." She said, placing her hands on his shoulders as she hugged him. Shocked at first, gray hugged her back carefully. "Honey! Dad!" Voices said behind them, as juvia and silver came running to gray.

"Are you okay?" Juvia asked, checking for wounds. "I'm fine." He said, shooing her away with a smile. "Dad! I'm so glad your back!" Silver said, hugging gray around the waist. Gray hugged him back, ruffling his hair. "Luna! Juvia is so sorry, Juvia should have taken you to gray herself." Juvia said, hugging Luna. "It's okay aunt juvia, none of this is your fault." Luna said, repeating her mother's words. "Luna, you wanna come play with me?" Silver asked, offering her his hand. "Okay." She said hesitantly, a blush on her cheeks as she took his hand.

"Lucy! Jellal! Natsu! Sylvia! Why did it take you so long?!" Erza yelled from the top of the stairs. "You try finding an abandoned church in the dark woods!" Natsu yelled back. "Did you get her?" She asked, smiling when she saw Luna with silver. "Thank the stars!" She exclaimed, descending the stairs. She grabbed Luna into her arms, spinning her around and placing her back on the ground. Luna laughed the whole time, a giant smile on her face. Erza approached Lucy, noticing something in her features she couldn't quiet name.

"Lucy, can we talk in my office?" Erza asked, her arm extended to the stairs. "Sure." Lucy said, following Erza up the stairs to her office. "There's something different about you." Erza said, sitting down at her desk facing Lucy. "What do you mean?" Lucy said, her hands beginning to shake slightly. "Does she know what happened?" Lucy thought to herself paranoid. Lucy was afraid that, if everyone found out what she did she would become a monster; she felt like a monster.

"You seem sad, worried even; what happened Lucy?" Erza asked, concern in her voice as she leaned on her desk; hands resting under her chin. Lucy was unsure at first if she should tell Erza, but Erza was one of her best friends; and now guild master. If she was going to trust anyone it should be Erza, so she told her what happened; and how she felt during it. Erza sat there patiently listening, nodding were necessary and her sadness for Lucy showing in her eyes.

"There's something wrong with me." Lucy concluded. "Hm, do you think it has anything to do with your devil magic?" Erza asked thoughtfully. "Possibly." Lucy said, her hand rubbing her chin. "But, whatever it is; I don't like it one bit." Lucy said with worry. "You could always visit master at porlyusicas hut in the woods." Erza said, as Lucy agreed to pay him a visit soon.

End chapter.
Hey guys sorry this chapter is a little shorter than the others. I hope you enjoy and please vote. Don't forget to comment your thoughts. I love to hear from you guys. Thank you so very much.

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