Chapter thirty nine~ lucy becomes strong

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"Lu-chan! Wait!" Levy complained, as Lucy was several steps ahead of her. "Sorry Levy." Lucy said with a chuckle, her hand to her mouth. "How much further?" Levy said, as they continued to walk up a spiraling staircase that seemed to never end. "Levy! Your the one who took this job." Lucy said, holding up a piece of paper. It was the job request Levy chose, find the trilogy of Dr Ziegler, a forevers tale. The reward was 6,000 jewels, pretty big for a job this simple. Rather the job would be simple if the library didn't contain thousands of books, along with the trilogy being fifteen books.

"I know, I know." Levy sighed. "It's just these stairs never end!" She said, looking to the ceiling. They were only on the third floor of the ten floor library, having no luck so far in finding the books. "We'll find them, quit complaining." Lucy said, as she continued up the steps. "Floor four, you take the left I'll take the right." Lucy said, as she began to search the shelves. "I found the first book!" Levy exclaimed, thirty minutes into searching. She held up a blue book titled "finding the beginning, a forevers tale". Dr Ziegler's name was in large bold print across the top.

"Great job, fourteen more to go!" Lucy said, as she returned to looking. Another thirty minutes passed, Lucy almost fell from the ladder she was on when she found the second book. "Found book two!" She informed Levy. It was titled "the journey begins, a forever tale. "Why exactly are we gathering these books? Do we have to destroy them?" Lucy questioned, realizing the job request didn't specify. Levy stopped, her finger hanging lazily on a book, a thoughtful look upon her face. "You know, now that you ask, I have no idea." Levy said thoughtfully. "I guess we just find them first and see what happens." Levy said with a shrug.

They continued to search the library, finally finding all fifteen books. "Here's the last one!" Levy said happily, placing it in the pile with the rest. As soon as she placed the book down a bright white light appeared, a woman stepped from the light. "Hello, dear helpers." She said in a sweet melodic voice. "I'm so glad that you have saved me." She continued, as if she were a recording. She looked to Levy with a smile and a nod of her head, her features turning to shock when looking at Lucy. "Your magesty!" She said, as she quickly got on her knees and bowed.

Lucy looked to Levy with a quizzical look, Levy returning the look. "What do you mean, majesty?" Lucy asked. The woman stood timidly, unsure if she should. "My name is Amber Ziegler, I am the author of these books. I was tricked by a dark wizard and placed inside of the books with a spell. The only way for the spell to be broken, was if all fifteen books were found along with the celestial queen." Amber said, indicating Lucy as the celestial queen. "I'm...a queen?" Lucy asked, unable to believe what she was hearing. "I have been waiting for 600 years for you to save me." Amber said with a thankful smile.

"But, who trapped you in these books?" Levy asked curiously. "The dark lord zeref." Amber said with a shudder. Levy and Lucy looked to one another, they knew who zeref was, a dark wizard from long ago that created dangerous spells, killing those who apposed him. "He won't be a problem anymore." Lucy said, as they had already defeated him. "Thank the stars above." Amber said. "You my dear, are queen of the celestial beings. I bestow upon you, the magic of the queen." Amber said, as she lightly touched Lucy's forehead with her fingertip.

Lucy could feel the magic welling inside of her, like the universe was hers to command. "Thank you." Lucy said with a smile. "Oh lu, this is so exciting." Levy squealed with joy beside her. Lucy's grin widened at her friends excitement, anticipation coursing through her veins. She couldn't wait to try out her new magic.  "There is one thing you should know." Amber said with caution. "The celestial queen is responsible for all the celestial beings, along with the celestial world itself. It is your job to keep them both safe." Amber said sternly. "I won't fail you." Lucy said with confidence.

Amber disappeared in a shower if golden light, her job finished. Lucy and Levy began their journey back to the guild, talking animatedly about Lucy's new magic.  "What does it feel like?" Levy asked with wonder. "I can feel I have become stronger, like I can accomplish anything. It feels more powerful than my devil magic." Lucy said thoughtfully. "I can't wait to see what you can do!" Levy exclaimed, stopping suddenly with a giant grin. "What?" Lucy asked. "I can't wait to see the look on everyone's face at the guild!" Levy said with a heartfelt laugh.

When they arrived at the guild, everyone was there. They were ecstatic about Lucy's new power, asking how she felt and what she though she could do. "I'm not sure what I can do." Lucy said. "I was thinking of summoning Leo and having a talk with him about it." Lucy said, as a golden light appeared beside her. Loki (Leo the lion) had appeared beside her, using his own magic to pass through the gate. "I'll be happy to answer any of your questions, my queen." Loki said with a smile, as if he was waiting for the chance to call her that. Everyone gasped when he called her queen as she hadn't mentioned she was the celestial queen.

"Your a queen?" Luna said in awe. "Yes, I am the celestial queen." Lucy said shyly. Everyone turned into an uproar of more questions, all of which Lucy had no answers. Yet.

End chapter

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