Chapter thirty five~ the battle prep

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"I know they're in here, underneath all this ruble." A blue haired girl said. She had her hair tied with a bandana, wearing a loose open blue top and skirt with black boots. "We have to find them, so let's keep searching." She said to the group around her. "Over here!" Erza yelled, as she began to pull gray from the rubble. They found juvia and silver close beside gray, all of them unconscious. "Hey, over here!" Wendy yelled, as she began to pull Luna out of the rubble. Romeo and gajeel rushed to Wendy's side to help her, searching close by for Lucy, jellal and natsu.

"I found Lucy and jellal!" Mira said, moving some ruble to the side. They pulled the pair from the ruble and laid them beside the others. "What about natsu?" Sylvia asked with worry, Rebecca crying beside her. The others looked around with worry, having searched the whole area. "It's okay baby, we'll find him." Sylvia said in a reassuring tone. "Wait, Listen." Romeo said. They could hear something, something that sounded like a roar. The ground began to shake around them, the ruble beginning to cave in on itself.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Natsu screamed, as he threw the rubble from himself; his body aflame. He looked around for Acknologia, to see that he was gone. "Natsu! Daddy!" Sylvia and Rebecca rejoiced when seeing him. "Sylvia? Rebecca? What are you guys doing here?" Natsu asked. "It's been three days!" Sylvia said. "We've been looking for you guys all day!" She said, her hand on her hip and her other pointing a finger at him. Natsu looked around him, seeing the destruction of the building, his friends lying unconscious. His hands balled into fists as he remembered Acknologias words.

"Acknologia." He said with venom. Everyone around him gasped, knowing who he was, everyone except Sylvia and Rebecca. "Who?" Sylvia asked. "He's the king of dragons, he's the reason there are no more dragons." Mira said, her hand to her mouth. "He's coming to kill all dragon slayers, and take Lucy's power for his own." Natsu said with a scowl, his eyes turning towards Lucy's unconscious form. "What...what do we do?" Sylvia asked, her body shaking with fear. Natsu pulled Sylvia into a comforting hug, his hand running up and down her back. "We fight, and we win." He said with determination, unwilling to lose his family; his Nakama.

They gathered their wounded and headed back to fairy tail, natsu fuming the whole way. "What are we going to do Erza?" Levy asked, as they made it back to the guild. Elfman, gajeel and Romeo were taking the wounded to the infirmary for Wendy to begin healing. "Like Natsu said, we fight and we win." Erza said, her features a mixture of hope and doubt. "We need to train, come on Sylvia." Natsu said, taking hers and Rebecca's hands. He quickly drug them from the guild, heading for their house.

Silver was the first to awake, as his wounds were the lightest. He groaned as he looked around, recognizing the guild infirmary. "Oh, your awake!" Wendy said, rushing to the side of his bed. "How do you feel?" she asked with worry. "Like a building fell on top of me." He said with a sigh. He turned his gaze to his mom and dad, frowning at their unconscious forms. Wendy followed his gaze, looking to Lucy and jellal as well. "They saved me." Silver whispered. "They shielded me." He said. His eyes turned to luna, who was furthest away from him.

"I was to worried about getting to Luna, I didn't see the ceiling coming towards me." He said, mad at himself for not doing a better job. "It's not your fault." Wendy said wisely. "These things happen, and we sometimes can't control them. We have to learn from our battles, and become stronger." Wendy said with a smile. "Yeah, your right." Silver said. Just then, Lucy began to awake. "Ugh." She groaned. "Lucy?" Wendy asked softly. "How do you feel?" She asked. "Like my body was crushed beneath something." Lucy said, moving her sore muscles.

"Well, we were buried underneath a building." Silver said, an apologetic look on his face. Lucy quickly looked around her, sighing with relief when she spotted Jellal and Luna beside her. Gray and juvia were to her left side, silver looking at her from the other side of them. "Damnit!" Lucy cursed, tears welling in her eyes. "How can we beat something this powerful?!" She questioned. She began to sob, her shoulders shaking up and down. Wendy looked at her sadly, her eyes too beginning to water. Silver stared at his sheets, his hands balled into fists.

Lucy felt a hand land on her shoulder, she lifted her head and dried her tears. She turned to see Jellal beside her, his hand upon her shoulder; his features determined. "We will fight this, and we will win; no matter what." Jellal said confidently. "We, are fairy tail!" He said, giving her shoulder a slight squeeze. "And we never give up!" Gray said, as he threw the covers off his legs. "We fight, till the end!" Juvia said, following her husband. Silver looked to his parents, proud to be their son as he too got out of bed.

Lucy began to cry again, this time from happiness. Levy burst through the infirmary doors breathlessly. "We have a problem!" She informed. "Gajeel, natsu and Laxus are trying to hunt down Acknologia, by themselves." She said with tears in her eyes, afraid for gajeel. "We have to stop them!" She cried. "I'll follow their scent!" Wendy said, as the group rushed from the guild.

End chapter.
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