Chapter twenty-one~ jelu go on a date part two

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Lucy was putting the finishing touches of food into her cute little picnic basket, when a knock was heard at the door. "I wonder who that could be." Lucy said, as she went to the door. Luna was at silvers house and jellal should be at the park, plus neither of them would knock. Lucy looked through the peep hole, a smile forming when seeing the short blue haired levy. "Hey levy." Lucy said, as she opened the door. "Hey lu-chan, you ready for your big date?" She asked in a sing song voice.

Lucy rolled her eyes at her best friend while laughing. "I guess so, almost done packing the food." Lucy said, walking into the kitchen with levy following behind her. Levy began to help her put the rest of the food into the basket. "Jellal came to the guild looking for me." Levy said. "Oh, was everything okay?" Lucy asked, slightly confused. "Oh yeah, he just needed some help is all. Oh you have to wear this." Levy said, rushing back to the door to grab something.

She came back into the kitchen holding a giant bag with a zipper down the middle. "What is it?" Lucy asked, eyeing the bag. "It's a dress." Levy said, unzipping it. She pulled a beautiful knee length black dress from the bag. It was sleeveless with red stitching in an elegant design. "This is beautiful." Lucy said in awe. "But, why do I have to wear it?" She asked, her eyebrow raised. "Because, Jellal said so." Levy said with a smirk. "And I'm not telling you why." She added, rubbing her hands together.

"Oh come on, that's not fair." Lucy whined playfully. "Not gonna tell you." Levy said in a sing song voice. Lucy pouted with her arms crossed over her chest. "Fine, I guess I'll wear it." She said with fake sarcasm. She headed towards the bathroom to change, thinking about how to do her hair. She summoned cancer once changing,and had him do her hair straight down her back; hanging to her waist.

"You look so beautiful." Levy said in awe. Her eyes lit up as she looked Lucy up and down. "Jellal is going to be speechless." Levy said with a smile. "You think so?" Lucy asked, her confidence wavering slightly. "Of course! He loves you so much, he would find you beautiful in anything." Levy said blissfully."I wish gajeel would see me that way." Levy sighed. "Oh levy, if only you could see." Lucy said, her hand on levys' shoulder. "What do you mean?" Levy asked, her head tilted slightly. "If only you could see the way he looks at you, when your not paying attention of course. He acts all tough on the outside, and for the most part he is; but when it comes to you he's totally soft." Lucy said with a smirk.

Levy blushed crimson at Lucy's words, her hands flying to her cheeks while shaking her head. "What, no he doesn't." Levy said, a smile tugging on her lips. Lucy rolled her eyes before lightly shaking levy's shoulder. "Yes, he does." She said with a smile. "Levy smiled as she sat there, still blushing crimson. "Okay, I'm going to the park." Lucy said, grabbing her basket. "Go get him girl." Levy said, giving Lucy a smile and thumbs up. Lucy giggled as she grabbed her keys and walked out of her house, knowing levy would lock the door behind her.

Lucy walked down the street towards the park, the sun beginning to sink. It was close to sunset, which Lucy found beautiful. She hummed lightly as she walked, noticing the looks she was receiving. Some of the women were staring in awe, some of the men were looking at her as though she were the most beautiful girl they had ever seen. She blushed slightly as she walked a little faster. She saw the gates to the park, a man stood with his back propped to the fence.

"Jellal?" Lucy said, stepping closer. "Lucy, wow you look beautiful." Jellal said in awe, taking the basket from her arm; and her hand in his. He began to lead her to the lake inside the park, she noticed a table with candles and a vase of flowers. Streamers of different colors were strung from the trees with lights on them. "Wow, it's beautiful." Lucy said, as Jellal pulled her closer to the bench.

"I got these for you." He said, pointing towards the vase of flowers. "Wow, that would go nicely on the counter by the door." She said, her hands clasped together with hearts in her eyes. "You remembered!" She squealed, as she threw her arms around him. "Anything for my love." Jellal said, his hand placed lightly upon her back. He bent his head down to gently kiss her forehead. She blushed slightly as she lifted her head. He put his finger under her chin, tilting her head back slightly; before bringing his head down to meet her lips with his.

They enjoyed their picnic, talking and laughing by the lake. The sun had already disappeared, leaving it dark; only lit by the candles of their table. "You ready to go home?" Jellal asked with a smile. "Okay." Lucy said, as they began to gather their things. The basket hung loosely from Lucy's elbow, as she and jellal walked out of the park. Her free hand was intertwined with his, his thumb making light circles on her knuckles.

They walked down the deserted streets towards their house. "Lookie what we got here!" A voice said from behind them. They turned to see two men behind them, one was tall with a tattoo of a tear drop on his cheek. The other man was shorter with blond hair and green eyes, a smirk on his face. "Can we help you?" Jellal asked, stepping protectively in front of Lucy. "Yeah, were going to take that lovely lady off of your hands." The tall man said with a smirk. Jellals eyebrows drew together in fury. "Over my dead body." He said, preparing to fight.

Lucy stood her ground behind Jellal, her fingers hovering above her keys. "And what do you want with me?" Lucy asked, venom in her voice. "Why, were going to sell you to the highest bidder of course." He said, eyeing her halo horns wings and tail. "You'll pull a hearty price." He said, licking his lips. "You have to catch me first." Lucy said, taking a step forward. "Star dress, Leo form." Lucy changed, changing into a black sleeveless dress with black shades.

Jellal punched the shorter man knocking him into the opposite wall. His eyebrows still drawn together in fury, he charged at the taller man. "Ahh!" He screamed, his fist raised. Before he could make contact, he was hit with a force of electricity that knocked him into the wall behind him. He slid to the ground unconscious, his chin resting on his chest. "Jellal!" Lucy cried, her hand to her mouth. "Your going to pay for that." Lucy said, becoming furious.

She stepped forward ready to battle, throwing a right punch and then left. She continued to punch and kick furiously, as he dodged each blow. "Regulas impact!" Lucy cried. Her hand began to glow with a golden light, as she swung her fist with all her might; landing a blow to his face that sent him flying.  "Finally." Lucy sighed, as she changed to normal; her magic draining slightly. "Ha, hahahaha!" A laughter rang out in the night. "Is that it?" The man asked, as he stood without a scratch.

"Shit." Lucy muttered, before she was blown backwards into a wall. She slumped to the ground unconscious, her head resting on her chest. "Now, I can see who will buy you." The man smirked.

End chapter.
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