Chapter thirty eight~ devil no more

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The birds chirped in the trees, the sky a beautiful pinkish gold. Lucy, jellal and Luna slept peacefully in their beds, having spent a long night at fairy tail. Lucy had spent a good portion of the evening, explaining how she used her devil magic to defeat Acknologia. The guild members were impressed, her friends were proud, and Luna looked up to her mother; she admired her even more. The rest of the evening was spent drinking, laughing and enjoying everyone's company.

Around eleven.

Lucy awoke to the sound of something frying, the wonderful smell of bacon wafted through the room. She moaned as she stretched her body, her bones popping slightly as she stood from her bed. She slowly walked to the door, grabbing her robe from a hook on the wall before walking out. She stumbled slowly down the hallway and into the kitchen, were she found Jellal frying bacon, Luna dancing happily beside him.

"Mamas gonna love this!" Luna sang happily, as she twirled around like a ballerina. "Do you think mama would love the idea of going on a picnic this evening?" Jellal asked Luna with a smile. Luna's eyes lit up, her hands clasped in front of her as she stopped twirling. "Yes!" She said with hearts in her eyes. Lucy stood in the doorway to the kitchen with a smile on her lips, she leaned her head against the door frame while she watched them. "Well, I can't wait to ask her then." Jellal said, placing the last of the bacon on a plate.

He turned around to place the bacon on the table, and stopped when he spotted Lucy. "Oh, hello my love." He said with a smile. "Hi mommy!" Luna said with a giggle, as she rushed forward to hug Lucy. Lucy gave Luna a big squeeze, kissing her forehead before heading to the table. "I would absolutely love to go on a picnic." Lucy said with a smile. "Yay!" Luna exclaimed happily. "So, you eavesdropped?" Jellal asked with a smirk. "It couldn't be helped." Lucy said with a shrug, as Jellal placed a plate of eggs, bacon and pancakes in front of her.

They ate their breakfast, discussing what to bring on their picnic. Once they were finished, they began to prepare for their picnic. "Crap, I need to run to the guild." Lucy said with a sigh. "What's wrong?" Jellal asked, his head tilted slightly. "Mira has some of the things I need to bring. My blanket, my basket and I'm sure she'll have something for us to take." Lucy said. "Okay, we'll wait here." Jellal said. "Thank you sweetie." Lucy said, giving Jellal a swift kiss before heading out the door. She hummed to herself as she  walked on the ledge of the lake, heading down the familiar streets of magnolia.

"Hey guys." Lucy said with a wave, as she entered the guild. "Hey lucy!" Everyone said. "Lucy!" Silver exclaimed, rushing to her. "Have you seen Luna?" He asked, worry in his voice. "Yeah, she's at the house. We're getting ready to go on a picnic." Lucy said. "Ok, I was worried because she hadn't come to the guild yet." Silver said with a sigh of relief. "Would you like to come on our picnic?" Lucy asked, knowing Silver liked Luna. "I wouldn't be intruding?" He said hopefully. "Of course not!" Lucy said. "You can head over to the house, I need to speak with Mira." Lucy said with a smile. "Okay, see you soon!" Silver said.

"Hey mira!" Lucy said, as she approached the bar. "Hey kucy!" Mira chirped. "Do you still have that blanket and picnic basket?" Lucy asked. "Oh yeah, hang on." Mira said, as she headed into the back. Lucy tapped her finger on the bar, waiting for Mira to return. She began to observe the members around her, Wendy and Romeo sat at a table to her left; Wendy was blushing and giggling. Levy, gajeel and panther lily sat at the opposite table, Levy reading a book while gajeel took a nap. "Here you go Lucy." Mira said, handing her a blanket and basket. "Thanks Mira." Lucy said with a smile.

"Hey lu-chan!" Levy yelled across the room, waving her arm in Lucy's direction. "Hey levy-chan, what's up?" Lucy said, approaching her table. "What are you doing tomorrow?" Levy asked, a glint in her eye. "Nothing that I know of." Lucy said, after thinking a moment. "I need your help on a mission, I have to go to the library across town. I need your help finding a couple books." Levy said with excitement. "Sure, sounds good to me." Lucy said with a smile. She left the guild heading towards her house, her blanket and basket hanging from her arm.

Along the way, she stopped at a store to get some strawberry's, bananas and other fruits and veggies. She could hear a commotion as she walked up the steps to her home. She pushed open the door to find Jellal and silver wrestling on the floor, Luna cheering silver on in the corner with a smile. "What is going on?!" Lucy exclaimed. "Oh, hello dear." Jellal said, freezing when he heard Lucy. "Nothing, nothing at all." He said with a sheepish smile. "Silver said dad couldn't beat him at wrestling." Luna said with a giggle. "Boys will be boys." Lucy said with a shrug, heading into the kitchen with her bags.

"What did you get?" Luna asked, her eyes lighting up when she saw the strawberry's. "Well, I got some strawberries, bananas and some grapes." Lucy said, as she pulled each item from the bag. "Yay!" Luna said happily. Lucy packed the picnic basket and they headed to the park. It was beautiful weather, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping and townspeople were chatting happily. They set their blanket beneath a giant tree in the park, setting out the food around them. They began to eat their sandwiches and veggies, enjoying one another's company. When they were finished, silver and Luna went to play on the swings.

"So, do you miss it?" Jellal asked randomly. "Miss what?" Lucy said, her head tilted slightly. "Your devil magic?" He asked. Lucy thought about it for a moment, she did indeed miss her power. "A little, But I can become stronger without it." Lucy said with confidence. "You were already strong before the devil magic." He praised. "Thank you, sweetie." Lucy said, as she and jellal shared a passionate embrace.

End chapter.
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