Chapter thirty~ lunas rescue part two

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"Come again?" Luna asked, her eyes widened in shock. Frank stood before her, his back to her with his body slightly turned. He faced her fully, deciding whether to tell her or not. "I work for a woman named Lucy, Lucy Ashley." He said. "She's got short blond hair, wears black leather clothes. Has a tattoo on her arm." He said, shrugging his shoulders. "Cant say I know her." Luna said, her eyebrows scrunched in thought. "Someone you know does." He said with a smirk.

Back with Lucy.

"Okay, which way now?" Lucy asked natsu. She was standing at a fork in the road in the woods they were in, just outside of magnolia. Natsu stood there sniffing the air, walking back and forth between the roads. "I'm pretty sure it's this way." He said, pointing to the left. "But, it could be this way." He said, pointing straight ahead. "Well, which way do YOU think it is?!" Lucy yelled, her hands on her hips.

Lucy took a deep breath, realizing she was letting her anger control her. "I'm sorry, natsu." She said with a sigh. "It's cool, luce." He said, placing his hand on her shoulder. "I think it's this way." He said confidently, pointing straight into the woods. "Let's go then." Silver said, beginning to walk into the woods. Juvia rushed after silver with gray right behind her. Lucy took Jellals hand in hers, happy settling atop her head before they followed the rest into the woods.

Lucy was afraid for Luna, afraid they wouldn't find her. Afraid of who had taken her this time and why. Jellal squeezed her hand slightly for comfort, letting her know he was right beside her. They continued through the woods until natsu stopped them, crouching down behind some bushes. "What is it?" Lucy asked, as she peaked over. She could see Luna tied to a tree with one man beside a fire asleep, the other stood before Luna with a smirk on his lips. Lucy gasped as she saw them, what was they going to do?"

"I work for a girl named Lucy, Lucy Ashley." The man said. Lucy gasped again at the name, her and natsu meeting eyes. Lucy Ashley came from Edolas, and was the other version of Lucy herself. "What does she want with Luna? And how did she get here?!" Lucy whisper yelled. "Like I would know!" Natsu snapped back. "Shhh!" Jellal said, pointing to the man. "I don't know who that is." Luna said shaking her head. "Well someone you know does." He said with a smirk.

He began to walk towards Luna, Lucy could see her cower away in fear. "Oh hell no." Lucy said, going to stand. "Wait." Natsu said, grabbing her arm and dragging her down. "What!?" Lucy said, spitting her hair out her mouth. "Watch." Natsu said, pointing to the man. They watched as he bent down and cut the rope holding Luna, taking a step away he sheathed his knife. "Come by the fire and get warm." He said, giving Luna the first smile she had seen on him. "You sure?" Luna asked, looking to the other man.

Frank turned towards Jacob, watching his shoulders move as he breathed in and out. "He's not in charge, I am." Frank said in his deep voice. Luna stood and dusted off her pants, she gently took Franks hand in hers as she began to walk back to the fire. Frank followed her and sat beside her, whenever she shivered from the cold he kindly wrapped his jacket around her. "Thank you." She said with a smile. "You know, your really nice; for a kidnapper." Luna said with a giggle. Frank blushed slightly at her words, no one had called him nice before.

"Well, I'm not really here by choice." He said, his head hung down sadly. "What do you mean?" Luna asked with concern. "This Lucy girl that I work for, she rose me from the dead." He said quietly. Luna's eyes widened in disbelief, how could that be possible. "I'm not sure how she did it, but I know there was dark magic involved. She did the same with Jacob over there." Frank said, nodding his head towards Jacob. "But, why?" Luna questioned. "Your guess is as good as mine." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Come on guys." Lucy said, stepping over the bush she began to walk towards Luna. She was hoping they from his words he might be willing to help them. "Excuse me." She said politely when she approached. "Mommy?!" Luna said, turning to the sound of Lucy's voice. Frank jumped from his seat, getting in a fighting stance. "How did you sneak up on us?" He asked in his deep voice. "Well, you took my daughter." Lucy said, her head cocked to the side. She placed her arm lightly over Luna's shoulders. "But, from your words it seems you don't wish to be here." Lucy said, her eyebrows slightly together.

Frank hung his head in thought, he turned to the sleeping Jacob making his choice. "No, I don't wish to be here." He said, looking to Luna. "I don't wish to hurt anyone ever again, I have already paid the price for my sins." He said quietly. "How about you help us then." Natsu said, throwing a friendly arm over Franks shoulders. Frank was shocked at first, thinking natsu was going to fight him. "You want me to help you, even though I kidnapped your daughter?" He said, eyeing Lucy. "Yep." She said with a smile.

"You look just like her." Frank said, eyeing Lucy. "Yeah, I know. She's the Edolas version of me." Lucy said, shrugging her shoulders. "I knew that name sounded familiar!" Luna said, snapping her fingers. "Oh, so you did know her?" Frank said with a smirk. "Um, no?" Luna said, shrugging her shoulders. Frank gave a low chuckle deep from within his chest. "Alright, I'll help you." Frank said. "Alright!" Silver said excitedly. "Silver?" Luna said, unaware he was there. She stood, Franks jacket falling from her shoulders. She rushed into silvers arms, hugging him tightly. "I'm so glad your okay!" She said to him.

"I'm glad your okay! I'm so sorry Luna! I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you." Silver said, holding her tightly. He rested his chin atop her head, breathing in the familiar scent of strawberry's. "I love you." He whispered, his body tensing when he realized what he said. He hoped she hadn't heard him so that things wouldn't be awkward if she didn't feel the same. "I love you too." She whispered, snuggling deep breath into his chest.

End chapter.
Hey guys hope you enjoy this chapter. Please vote and comment your thoughts. Hope to have the next chapter out by Wednesday evening.

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