Chapter fourteen~ lucy loses control part 2

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Lucy, jellal, natsu, Sylvia and gray stood in the woods in the last place Luna was. Natsu was currently sniffing the area trying to pick up her scent. "This way." He said, waving the group onward. "How far do you think they've gone?" Lucy asked quietly. "The scent is still pretty strong, they haven't gotten far." Natsu said, leading the way. They continued into the woods, deeper and deeper; until it was completely black.

"Well, this is spooky." Sylvia said, as she and natsu lit their hands to light the way. Lucy shuddered as she scooted closer to Sylvia for warmth. Natsu led the way with jellal watching the rear in case anyone snuck up on them. Lucy couldn't stop worrying about were Luna was and what they were doing to her. "She must be so scared." Lucy said, a silent tear running down her cheek. "Don't worry, we'll find her; and make that bastard pay." Jellal said, his eyes twinkling with revenge.

"That's right! Nobody takes our family and gets away with it." Natsu said, his fist raised to the heavens. Lucy couldn't help but appreciate the family she had acquired over the years. They had been through so much together, over so long of a time; nothing could tear them apart.

With Luna.
Luna awoke in a quiet, cold and dark environment. She had no idea were she was, or if anyone would be able to find her. She put her back to the wall, pulling her knees to her chest she began to silently cry. "Mommy, daddy." She whispered through her tears. "Help me." A door opened to her right causing her to jump slightly. The light was bright as it filled the room, a man stood in the doorway.

"Let's go girlie." He said, roughly picking her up by the arm and dragging her through the door. He proceeded to drag her down a narrow hallway with five doors on each side. Luna could hear crying from each door as they passed. "What.....what are you going to do with me?" She asked, fear creeping into her voice. "You'll see, gihi." He said with a smirk. He pushed her forward as they neared the end of the hall, roughly shoving her through the door.

Luna looked around as she regained her balance, noticing she was in a giant room with a long table in the middle. A man sat at the far side of the room, the man from the train; the one who took her. She gasped slightly at the sight of him, her breath hitching in her chest. She began to shake with fear, not knowing what to expect. "Come, sit with me." The man said. Luna cautiously and slowly approached the man, he sat gesturing to the chair beside him. Luna tentatively sat down in the seat beside him, edging away from him.

"You look just like your mother, Lucy correct?" He asked, a small smile tugging his lips. Luna simply nodded, knowing he would know if she lied. "What do you want with me?" She asked simply, still shaking from fear. "Why, your the bait dear." He said kindly. "I'm simply using you to get your mother here." He said, chuckling at the end. "Why do you want my mom?" Luna asked cautiously. "I sent Deus to retrieve her for me, he failed." He said with a wave of his hand. Luna's eyes widened in realization, he was part of Deus demarkos gang.

With Lucy.
The group continued farther into the Forrest until they approached a worn down church. "This is definitely the place." Natsu said, sniffing the air. "A church? Really?" Sylvia said, her eyebrows raised slightly. "Bad people choose abandoned buildings because nobody ever checks them." Jellal said, shrugging his shoulders. "Well, let's check it out. I'll have Virgo dig us a whole into the basement." Lucy said, summoning Virgo. "Punishment time?" Virgo said, appearing out of thin air.

"Can you dig us a whole into the basement please?" Lucy said, ignoring her weirdness. "Yes princess." Virgo said. "It's done." She said, appearing from the hole she just dug. Lucy led the way though the hole into the basement of the church. They could hear heavy footsteps above them. "There's at least twenty people." Natsu said, his eyes closed while he focused. "I can hear children crying." He said, his features turning angry. "This place is horrible." Sylvia said with a shudder.

They climbed the stairs of the basement, cautiously checking through the door before opening it. There was nobody in the hallway so they walked through. Lucy placed her ear to each door as she passed, her heart becoming heavier with each passing door. Behind each door she heard the sobs of children, by the time they reached the last door she had tears running down her cheeks. She pushed past the others, kicking the last door down completely off its hinges.

She could see a long table, with Luna sitting beside a man. Luna was shaking with fear, a smile creeping into her lips at the sight of her mother. Lucy's hair flew around her as if the wind were blowing, her halo began to darken along with her horns wings and tail. A black aura surrounded her as her eyes zeroed in on the man. The black aura began to raise her into the air as she changed from light to dark. All Lucy could see was red, and the man sitting there with a smirk.

"What do you want?" Lucy asked the man, hovering in the air before him. "I want you by my side as my queen." He said. "So, your the same as that Deus demarkos bloke?" Lucy said, her head tilting slightly to the side. "No. I'm nothing like Deus, he was simply my pawn to acquire you." He said. "He failed." He said with a shrug. "As will you." Lucy said, venom in her voice. She lunged at the man, grabbing him by the throat she lifted him into the air. She threw him into the opposite wall, slamming her hand on his throat again before he even bounced off the wall.

She continued to punch him over and over and over again until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned, fire in her eyes to find Jellal; a strange look on his face. He had fear in his eyes, Lucy blinked a couple times before turning to the man once more. He was bleeding from the nose and mouth, his face was swollen on both sides, his breathing was labored; he was barely alive. Lucy dropped his simi-conscious body to the ground, turning to Jellal with tears in her eyes. "What happened to me?" She sobbed, her body returning to normal. "You just saved Luna's life, along with the rest of the children here." Jellal said kindly, pulling her to his chest as she sobbed.

The doors burst open behind them as twenty men rushed in, all carrying swords. Natsu smiled at Sylvia as they got ready for battle. They quickly defeated the new enemy, walking through the halls they destroyed the doors releasing the children, walking them outside just as the magic council arrived.

End chapter.
Hey guys hope you enjoy. Sorry it took so long. Please vote and comment your thoughts.

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