Chapter thirty four~ acknologia

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Ashley lunged at Lucy with a blood curdling cry, grabbing her by the throat. She used her right hand to begin punching every inch of Lucy's body she could get to. "It's your fault!" She said venomously with each strike. "Lucy!" Jellal yelled. Lucy didn't even fight back, she just let Ashley hit her. When Ashley stopped, leaning on her knees for support as she breathed heavily, Lucy simply looked at her. "You done?" Lucy asked, earning a glare from Ashley. "Why?" Ashley sobbed. "Why did you bring him into my life just to take him away?" Ashley said, as she continued to cry.

"I'm sorry." Lucy said gently, bending down she put her hand on Ashley's shoulder. "You can't let this rage control you." Lucy said, speaking from experience. "I don't have a choice." Ashley whispered, her shoulders beginning to shake. "I have nothing left but rage, everyone on edolus is gone. She came and took everything and everyone away from me." Ashley said through sobs. "Who did?" Natsu asked. Ashley looked into natsus eyes, her rage briefly fading. "Nightwalker." She said.

Lucy and natsu looked at one another with wide eyes. They remembered the edolus version of Erza, she was known as the fairy hunter and had killed many fairy tail wizards in edolus. "Why, why would she do this?" Lucy asked. "So that she could have ultimate power, a dragon appeared offering her all the power she could possibly desire; if she would help him kill natsu." Ashley said, still sobbing. "What did they look like, the dragon?" Natsu asked. "Well, when he appeared he was a huge black and blue dragon; but when he spoke to nightwalker he was a man with long black hair." Ashley said, trying to remember the details.

"Acknologia!" Lucy gasped. Natsu, jellal, Gray and juvia all shuddered at the name. "Who is he?" Ashley asked. "He's the reason all the dragons are dead, and he's coming for dragon slayers as well." Natsu said through clenched teeth. "He's the reason my father, igneel, was murdered." Natsu said venomously. "Now now, don't go spoiling all the fun." A voice said in the shadows. "He's here." Ashley whimpered. Lucy quickly looked around the room, seeing Luna still tied to the throne like chair; behind her stood a figure in the shadows.

Lucy gulped as she recognized the form of acknologia, moving closer to Jellal she took his hand. "What do you want?" Natsu asked venomously. "What do I want? Well, that's simple, for all dragons and dragon slayers to be dead; leaving me the king of all dragons." Acknologia said with a smirk. "What do you want with Ashley?" Lucy demanded. "She is simply my pawn." He said, as he began to walk towards them. He stopped beside Ashley and placed his hand atop her head. "She has been an excellent pawn, but now I'm done with her." He said.

He grabbed her by the hair, lifting her to her feet; smirking at the cry of pain she released. "Goodbye, Lucy Ashley." He said, before snapping her neck. You could hear the crunch of her bones breaking as he twisted her head; her body falling limply to the floor. Luna gasped before bursting into sobs, never having seen someone being killed. Lucy and the rest stood in shock at his actions, knowing what a horrible person he is but being unable to bear the thought of killing someone. Natsus body began to shake with rage, the floor beginning to melt beneath the heat as his body came aflame.

"How could you?!" Natsu screamed, lunging at Acknologia. Acknologia simply smirked again as he grabbed Natsu by the throat, flinging him into a cage at the opposite side of the room. With a swish of his finger the cage locked into place, a dark aura surrounding the cage. "Now, what to do with the likes of you." He said, as he slowly turned to observe the others. He smiled evilly as he saw Luna tied to the throne, he snapped his fingers and the chains vanished. Luna looked down in surprise as she began to float in the air, heading straight for Acknologia. "Luna!" Lucy and jellal said in unison.

"Leave her alone!" Silver yelled, as he charged at Acknologias turned back. Before Luna made it to Acknologia, silver hit him in the back with an ice spear, causing him to lose focus, dropping Luna to the floor. Acknologia turned to silver, shock and surprise on his face. "How dare you." He said with a smirk. Silver gulped as Acknologia looked at him, his body beginning to shake in fear. Gray and juvia stood protectively in front of silver, glaring at Acknologia as he smirked in their direction.

"So, you want all dragons and dragon slayers gone, what does that have to do with my daughter?" Lucy asked, gaining his attention. "She was simply the bait." He smirked, as he began walking towards them. "What are you, by the way." He asked, his eyebrows raised in question. "I'm a devil, if you must know." Lucy said proudly. "Hmph. I shall take your power for my own, along with the dragon slayers." He said evilly. While Lucy had him distracted, Silver snuck to Luna's side. He helped her to her feet and quickly moved her behind gray and juvia.

"You think you can take us on?" Lucy asked, glancing at natsu. Natsu stood proudly beside her, a grin from ear to ear. He was ready for a good fight, and he knew Acknologia was powerful. "I'll take both of you, another time perhaps." Acknologia said, before transforming into a dragon. The building began to collapse around them, burying them in ruble as Acknologia flew away.

End chapter.
Hey guys sorry it's short. Hope you enjoy and please vote and comment your thoughts.

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