Chapter nine~ back to fairy tail

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"Oh, look you guys!" Lucy said excitedly, clasping her hands together. They had just made it to the top of a hill, magnolia coming into view. "Yay, were home!" Natsu exclaimed, as Sylvia jumped into his back. She laughed as he rushed down the hill, followed shortly by gray with Juvia on his back. Jellal raised an eyebrow asking Lucy to join, she shrugged her shoulders as she jumped on his back. "Woohoo!" She exclaimed, as Jellal raced down the hill. They all laughed excitedly as they rushed through town, now a race to see who would make it there first.

Lucy laughed as she and jellal were first to the guild doors, followed by natsu and Sylvia. Gray had to stop along the way due to juvia passing out, he wasn't mad at all as he held juvias hand and laughed. Natsu kicked open the guild doors with a bang. "We're home everybody!" Natsu declares with a laugh. "You guys!" Everyone yelled. "Mommy! Daddy!" Luna and silver yelled in unison. They rushed to their parents, embracing them in a loving hug. Jellal picked Luna up, spinning her around as she giggled.

"Mom! Dad! I missed you!" Silver said, hugging his parents tight. "We missed you too, son." Gray said, ruffling silvers hair. "We missed you so much." Juvia said, kissing his cheek. "I'm glad your back. I was worried." Silver said with a sigh. "Well tell you all about it when we get home." Gray promised. "Yay!" Silver yelled. "Mommy! I can't wait to show you my new pictures I colored!" Luna said excitedly, waving a handful of papers. "I can't wait to see them!" Lucy said, hugging Luna close. "Bye everyone!" Lucy said, as she carried Luna out of the guild.

Jellal took her hand as they walked back to their house. "Home sweet home." Lucy said, placing Luna down as they walked through the door. "Yay!" Luna said, running around the living room table. "I'll prepare dinner." Jellal said, stepping into the kitchen. "Would you like to help me set the table?" Lucy asked Luna. "Okay." Luna said, grabbing the plates. She placed three plates upon the table, along with three sets of silverware. Jellal entered the dining room holding a plate with a pig, it had an apple in its mouth. "Wow daddy!" Luna exclaimed.

"How did you get a pig?" Lucy asked with a chuckle. "I had some help, Elfman actually cooked this before we got home." He whispered in Lucy's ear. "Oh? Haha!" Lucy said, her fingers held to her lips; her held tilted back as she laughed. "Luna will love it." Lucy said, kissing him on the cheek. "Thanks dear." Jellal said, a slight blush to his cheeks. They are their food, talked about the mission; and Luna's time at the guild.

"And then..silver turned into a fish!" Luna said between giggles. She has just finished telling her parents about silvers attempt to transform. "Well, how did yours go?" Lucy asked with a smile. "Let's go in the living room, I'll show you." Luna said, taking each of her parents hands; and leading them into the living room. Lucy and jellal sat at the couch together while Luna stood in the middle of the room. "Prepare to be amazed." She said, in a deep voice; a giggle at the end.

"Transform!" She chanted, as her body began to glow. Atop her head a halo formed, along with white horns. Small white wings formed on her back, a long white tail above her bottom. She smiled at her mom and dad, they had shocked looks on their faces. "How did you do that?" Lucy asked, her voice chocking from emotion. "Mira taught me to be like you mommy." Luna said with a smile. "That's wonderful baby, your beautiful." Lucy said, wiping a tear from her eye. "Don't cry mommy." Luna said, hugging her mom.

"And then, Luna grew horns and wings and a tail just like aunt Lucy!" Silver exclaimed. "Oh, wow" Juvia said. "What did you turn into?" Gray asked. "A fish." Silver said, his cheeks puffing in anger. "That's wonderful darling, mama can turn into a fish too." Juvia said with a smile. "You can?" He asked, his face lighting up. "Yeah, she does it when she's in water." Gray said, remembering times he had seen Juvia do just that to save his life. "Your moms awesome." Gray said out loud. "Of course she is." Silver added, causing Juvia to blush. "Thank you boys, now who's hungry?" Juvia asked, going in the kitchen to make food.

"Happy, were home!" Natsu exclaimed, as he kicked his cabin door open. Sylvia walked in behind him with a smile, hiding a fish behind her back. "About time!" Happy exclaimed, flying into Natsu giving him a hug. "I got you something, happy." Sylvia said, pulling the fish from behind her back. "Fishhhhh!" Happy exclaimed happily, as he flew to the fish and began to nibble on it. Sylvia and Natsu laughed as they began to prepare dinner, telling Happy all about their adventure. "I'm gonna ask Carla to marry me!" Happy said suddenly.

"You sure your ready for that little buddy?" Natsu asked, eating his flaming hot chicken. "I think so." Happy said between nibbles. "Does Carla know your even dating?" Sylvia asked with a smirk. "Yeah!" Happy said. "Finally." He whispered, causing Sylvia and natsu to laugh. They finished their meal with happy spirits and full belly's before heading to bed.
End chapter.
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