Chapter twenty-five~lucys hope

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Lucy circled the tall trees in the forest she had been hiding in, before landing lightly with Luna in her arms. Luna had fallen asleep halfway here, Lucy had looked at her fondly as she drifted off; feeling like her old self once more. She had spent the last three months trying to "find herself" again. She found that the only two things that could make her feel like herself, was Luna and jellal. Now that she had Luna again she was hoping that she would become herself again. But, with her having kidnapped Luna she feared that Luna would hate her.

She gently lay Luna atop her bed, tucking her into the pink comforter. She smiled as she looked down at her daughter, her chest moving ever so slightly as she breathed. She felt like such a bad person, killing that man, kidnapping her own daughter. She only hoped she could be saved.

With jellal.

Jellal paced back and forth across the guild floor, unsure as to how to proceed. Should he go after them? Were would he even look? He stopped pacing when a thought crossed his mind, the way Lucy's face had changed from rage to happiness when looking at Luna. Maybe that was the key, maybe she needed to be reminded of herself. But if that was the case, wouldn't staying at the guild have been her best chance? Jellal looked around, his eyes landing on Erza. He began to walk towards her with determination, his mind made up.

"Erza?" He said, as he approached. "Jellal, how are you?" Erza asked with concern, her hand resting lightly on his arm. "I honestly don't know how to answer that." He said, a slight chuckle escaping his lips. Erza nodded in understanding as she too had found herself feeling this way many times. Everyone had been working hard to find clues, Silver had chased them as far as he could; gaining a general idea of their location.

They knew that Lucy was close to megonia, the only question was which direction. Megonia was covered by woods on all sides, they could be anywhere. Silver had offered to go and explore the woods on the south side of megonia, but his parents still felt he was to young to go alone. Natsu and happy agreed to accompany him as he searched, saying that Natsus nose could pick up the scent. Gajeel and levy began their search on the north of megonia, Wendy and Romeo went to the east, leaving the west to Laxus and Mira.

Jellal was determined to find both his wife and his daughter. "Erza, I can't just sit here doing nothing while everyone else is out there searching for MY family." Jellal said exasperatedly. "I know, jellal. I'm waiting for the others to get back with their information before moving forward." Erza said, hoping he would understand. "That is the smart thing to do. I'm sorry. I'm just so worried." He said, throwing his hands into the air with a huff. "I know you are, we all are; but I promise we'll find them. You know natsu, he won't stop until he finds her." Erza said with a smile. "Yeah, your right." Jellal sighed.

Back with Luna.

Luna awoke confused and disoriented, not knowing were she was or how she got there. The events from the night before came rushing back to her like a tidal wave. She remembered having so much fun at her birthday party, then her mother showing up. She remembered how Lucy's face lit up as their eyes met. She looked around the room she was in, noting the pink comforter and how this room looked oddly like hers at home. She could hear movement past the door behind her, wondering what it could be she went to investigate.

Luna quietly opened the door a crack, peeking through the tiny opening. She could see a living room with a couch and love seat, a bookshelf with so many books she lost count. She could hear the scratching of pen on paper, craning her neck to get a better look she saw Lucy sitting at a table writing. There was a stack of already written letters beside her, each addressed to a member of the guild. Luna could see tears running down Lucy's cheeks as she wrote.

"Mommy?" Luna asked, pushing the door open. "Luna!" Lucy said, jumping slightly. She quickly wiped her tears before standing to face Luna. "What is it baby?" Lucy asked, bending down. "Why were you crying?" Luna asked, her fingers gently caressing Lucy's face. At Luna's touch, Lucy lost control. Her shoulders shook from silent sobs, the tears streaming down her face, her head hung into her hands. Luna was shocked at first, quickly enveloping her into a hug. They sat there for quiet a while, until Lucy had no more tears to shed.

"Do you hate me?" Lucy asked, fearing the answer. Luna looked at her, shocked that she could think that. "Of course not, I could never hate you mommy." Luna said, shaking her head slightly. "Did...did anyone...tell you what happened? With the man who hurt you?" Lucy asked, hoping that they didn't. "Daddy just said he got what he deserved." Luna said, scowling at the thought of that man. Lucy breathed a sigh of relief, glad Jellal didn't go into detail. "Well, yes he did. But, mommy went a little...overboard." Lucy said, looking away from Luna.

Luna took Lucy's face in her hands, turning her gaze back onto Luna. "Whatever you did, you had good reason to do so; that doesn't define who you are." Luna said, pulling Lucy to her feet. "How you feel about it, is what defines you." Luna said, hugging Lucy around the waist. They stood there embracing one another, both of them crying; as Lucy's body began to change.

The black aura began to fade, her halo, horns, wings and tail began to brighten. Lucy felt as though a veil had been lifted from her, she felt herself again; which made her cry even more.

End chapter.
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