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"Gate keeper" was all she could say. God what's happening to my daughter? I have never seen her this scared and depressed before.
I managed to calm her down and covered her with her blanket because she was running a fever. I rushed to the kitchen to get a her a cup of hot steaming tea and some drugs only to meet her crying.
I was totally confused so I just did my best and left the room to allow her rest for a while...

My name is Mrs Bella Adam,married to Mr Adams Smith and Anna is my daughter. She doesn't dream very often but if she does it signifies something. I remember when she dreamt last year that a fruit fell down from a big tree. It wasn't up to a week my grandmother died. When I related everything to my husband's sister she insisted that my daughter was a witch. She introduced a magician not too far from my town to me and insisted that I take Anna to his place for cleansing. I objected and took her to my pastor instead. That was how I knew she was a great child. My pastor told me that she has a gift of for seeing through dreams and that Anna should be careful of making wrong decisions.
Since then she's been okay and back to normal but this sudden behaviour is really freaking me out. I really don't know what to do..
"Babe what's wrong??"
I was super shocked cause I had been deep in thoughts..
"What's wrong? I have been talking to you for the past 2 minutes but you seem to be deep in thought."
I didn't even notice he was in the room with me all this while but I tried to put on the beat smile which failed even before I made an attempt....
"Am fine"
"No you're not..what's going on?"
Left for me I wouldn't have told him but I know my husband and he is the persistent type and not telling him would only make him worry more.
"Am just worried about Anna"
"What's about her?" He asked
"She had a terrible nightmare and has been behaving strangely"
Immediately, my husband stood up and I knew he was going to check up on her but I stopped him.
"I went to check her few moments ago and she's okay now but she's still sleeping. We need to give her time to rest, okay?"
With this, he sat back down on the chair. The worried look he gave me proved that he loved his daughter and wouldn't want her to be hurt. I walked up to him..
"She's going to by fine. What you need right now is a warm bath and you'll be just fine."
"That's not important now. My daughter is lying there depressed and traumatised. Why is God unfair to me,he gave her a curse all in the name of gift,why does he want to destroy the life he created"
"My world please don't blame God..."
'"He knows what's best for our princess"
"What was the dream all about."
Oh God give him the grace to bear this burden am about to put on him..
"She can't talk"
"She's also looking terrified and scared to write."

When she drop the bomb on me my whole world crumbled ....
I know she's struggling to fight back those tears from dripping down those pretty eyes of hers.
"Babe calm down every problem has a solution"
"We need to take her to the hospital"
"We'll be leaving first thing tomorrow morning"
I don't know was the future holds for me but I will fight heaven and earth for my daughter's sake....even if it's the last thing I do on this earth, I exist just for my wife and my daughter....
The loud scream from my daughter's room drove me out of my thought and what I heard scared the life out of me...

THE MASKED (Sequence 1)Where stories live. Discover now