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She halted.. Staring at me like a ghost.. I walked up to her regardless of the questioning eyes on me..
"My Shilla lives." Tears dropped down her beautiful cheek at my proclamation
"Anna.. Anna" she hugged me.. We let our tears flow down as we try to console each other but failed.. The memories of my parents death kept replaying in my mind and my chest boiled in anger each time memories of the past flow in my mind.. The anger flowed through me like electric and I broke the hug.. Can my life ever spare me a day without unnecessary pain..
"Why.. Why didn't you look for me..? Was i not of importance to you..? Did you miss me.? If you did.. Why didn't you look for me even if it was my corpse..? Did you ever dream of me... And wake up wishing it wasn't a dream.. Why.. Whyyy?" I broke down sobing with questions flowing in my mind which i couldn't ask ..
"I'm Sorry.. I thought you were dead.." "you promised me.. You fucking made a promise but you broke it.. It hurts a lot" i turned my back on her with my head bow down..
I wiped my tears off and walked up to Bill ignoring her as she continued to sob. Suddenly feeling dizzy
I staggered and missed my step but Bill and Edwardo caught me at the same time.. I stared into Bill's eyes with pain and anger..
"Get me away from her..." i spat with bitterness.. Her sob became louder as i walked away.. Bill arms wrap around my waist as he led me to his room.. I went straight to the bathroom and lay down in the bathing tub.. I closed my eyes as i embraced darkness..
Memories of the past flood through my mind disturbing my peace...
I saw her lifeless body..
How did she make it out alive..?
I need answers.. No more sulking..
I opened my eyes and stepped out of the bathing tub and wrapped myself with towel.. I don't know how long i was in the bathroom before stepping into the master bedroom..
When I entered the bedroom, I met an empty room which made me to sigh thankfully... It was as if he know i needed my space..
I changed into a short strapless black gown and checked myself in the mirror and just then, my phone buzzed.. A message..

'Am coming to check up on you..
Wait for me in your room and lock the door..

I read the message over and over again.. If i lock the door but how will he get inside my room. Is he a ghost or something?Confused, I sighed and locked the door..
My eyes became too heavy and i closed them to drift to sleep.. I felt someone tapping me as i lazily opened my eyes.. "Ardo... You're here..." I embraced him and glanced around surveying the room. How the hell did he get in here
"There's a secret tunnel that links to every room. I didn't come through the door because there's a CCTV camera outside every room except the tunnel and the bedrooms.." he explained as if reading my thought..
"I couldn't share your pain with you in front of the family members especially not when you have a jealous husband with insecurities" i smiled...
"Am glad you came"
"Do you wish to talk about it.. You can ask me anything.. If i have no idea i will investigate it for you" he sat down on the couch..
As i rest my head on his lap, he touched my hair gently and i relaxed to his gentle touch..
"How and who. rescued her..?" I asked closing my eyes as i wait for his reply. He was about to answer when we heard footsteps approaching..
"I have to leave now.. Spray the room to suppress my scent" he peck my head and left. I quickly sprayed the room. I suddenly miss his presence.. Gosh.. I jumped up and unlocked the door and quickly lay back on my bed..
The door burst open and my husband walked in majestically.. I pretend to be lost in thought.. He sat beside me and his hand on my back..
"It's okay to be upset and sad but a problem shared is half solved.." i turn my body coming face to face with him..
"I don't wanna talk about it.. Thanks for your concern." he nods..
"It's my duty as your husband to care for you. To stand by your side in good times and in bad times.." i rolled my eyes in disgust.. I hate hypocrisy.. He insulted my dignity and here he is lecturering me..
"Come on man listen to yourself.. You insulted your wife in public, was that part of your duty..? Was that how to stand by me in good times and in bad times?"
"am sorry about that. I wasn't thinking straight.. I was you know...".
"Jealous.. That's the word.. Jealous" i said interrupting him.. He nods....
"Am not use to feeling that way.. I handled my feelings immaturely..." i nod as i saw the sincerity in his eyes.. His eyes were on my lips and his face drew closer but we were interrupted by a knock.. What a relief..
"Come in.." he answered with his eyes locked on mine.. A tall lady carrying a tray walked in and greeted us. She placed the tray on a glass table next to the couch and left...
"I ordered Evelyn to serve your dinner in the room since you didn't come down for dinner.." i smiled because I wouldn't want to face shilla certainly not today.. He feed me while i ate slowly, teased me a little bit and imitates how slowly i chewed my food..
"Thanks for dinner.."
"it's nothing.. I wouldn't want my wife to sleep with an empty stomach" I yawn as i rub my eyes tiredly..
"Sleep dear.."he grabs my night gown and handed it over to me..
"I need get a warm bath.. I'll be back in a giffy.." i quickly changed into my sleeping wear.. I lay down as my eyes flutter close..

I stared at my father.. imagine the nonsense I did. I mean..what came on me that day. I pushed my dad, he hit his back on the glass table making it to break into pieces and as he fell on it, bits of glass entered his head and his back and that was how he got here. He has been successfully operated upon but he is yet to wake up. I have a lot on my mind but i don't know what to say.. I wish i had a good relationship with him. I wish i wasn't such a nuisance..
"You don't deserve to be punished with a son like me.." i held his hand cupping it gently..
"I love you dad.. Please open your eyes.. You need to get off this hospital bed.. This is not your home.." i cried out.. I rest my head next to his hand..
"You know i never hated you.. I was only angry at you.. Come back dad. You're a fighter i know it.. Please fight for us.. Even if it's not for me.. Do it for your daughter.. Do it for Nils. Wake up..." i raised my voice as i broke down in tears
"please.. I need you.." his chest started to jerk up and down as I heard a loud beep from the monitor..
"Dad?.." i called out confused.. I quickly pressed the alarm button and in few minutes, the doctor and nurses rushes inside..
"please wait outside.." a nurse ushered me out
"what happened" Zena asked me immediately I stepped out of the room..
"i was talking with him when all of a sudden.. He started.. He" i broke out in tears.. She rested my head on her shoulder as she console me...
"Please call Nils and Emilia to come down to the hospital..." she nods..
"I'll be back soon"
It's high time i get a solution to my problem.. I will make the impossible possible by getting help from where I once tagged as forbidden...
I won't back down until i get my answer and solution today..
This i should have done a long time..

THE MASKED (Sequence 1)Where stories live. Discover now