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At first, I was shocked to see a look alike of officer Santos.. I thought Sniper was someone dangerous with a criminal profile and a WANTED tagged to his favourite picture but reverse was the case.. The only difference between Santos and Marcelo is that Santos is a cop and Marcelo is a professional tracker and hacker.. Marcelo has lots of visible tattoos but i haven't seen the officer without his uniform.. Gross.. I don't wish for that to happen though, I might just puke and that will be super gross..
When we came back into the office of Santos, everything seemed normal. After the act we got into the car but Marcelo was screening or staring at my bag as if he was trying to pull something out of it. I wanted to ask him what the problem was but Ardo covered my mouth. After sometime, he told us that a tracker was placed on my bag. I was surprised but they didn't look bothered. It seems the officer want to know about our whereabout. We decided to go to Marcelo's house so as to lead him there.
The car came to halt at an unfamiliar residence.. I never thought that such a place could still exist.. It looked more like an abandoned project over 30 years.. I couldn't restrain my self from staring in disgust but i remained calm and well composed..
I followed quietly walking side by side with Ardo as Marcelo led the way. I hope this house isn't one of the worst building ever..
"Welcome to my domain.." Marcelo said smiling.. Are you kidding me..?? His building isn't just one of the worst, It is the worst I've ever seen..
He proudly opens the door with a mischievous smirk.. I take a deep calming breath as i stepped inside the house..I closed my eyes as i pray the building doesn't collapse on me and my innocent baby.. I opened my eyes slowly as his sitting room comes in clear view..
"Wow!!!" i exclaimed as i surveyed my environment. The outside is a complete opposite to the inside. His taste in design is unique and classic.. Not so bad for a guy like him.. I sat opposite the two of them.. Now i understand why he lives in such kind of a place..
"Like what you see..?" he asked as he stood up to his wine bar.. He gave me a glass of fruit juice while he served himself and Ardo wine..
"My brother must have gotten my location. He should be on his way driving like a maniac" Marcelo sighed..
"You don't really look like a gangster even with all the tattoos.. You're a perfect imposter.." i spoke my mind.. He smiled.. "He has so many great talents that's why he's my right hand man and my childhood best friend" Ardo said..
"That means you guys are inseparable.." they nod in agreement
"After watching you act like that in Santos office.. I think you're far more better than me in acting.." Marcelo says
"You're indeed the goddess of deception and manipulation.. I must confess.. You're a great actress" Marcelo said and i burst into laughter..
"No.. It isn't a joke.. Am 100% sure that you fooled the Almighty Santos.."
"Mia, back then in our senior year.. We used to be the secret prank masters and in most cases failed in pranking Santos.. He out smarted us.. But today he got outsmarted by you.. Mia.."Ardo said.. I think I love being called Mia...
"It's in my nature to be better than the best" i bragged.. Just then the light in the parlour begins to blink.. Displaying multiple colours of light..
"He's here.."Marcelo said..
"The light is an alarm.."Ardo explained.. I watched as Marcelo defused the alarm and the light became stable..
Marcelo waited for Santos to ring the door bell before opening the door.. He ushered him in with a humourless smile.. Santos prowled after Marcelo before closing the door gently behind him.. His gaze flitters on us as he gently take his seat.. He stare at each of us repeatedly.. Then he shakes his head and smiled..
"You planned it all brother.." Santos said We burst into laughter..
"I plead not guilty my lord.." Marcelo said in a tune of mockery..
"Would you care to explain how you knew about the tracker and what's your motive for leading me here.." Santos said
"You can figure that out.. Moreover you're a cop.." i said.. He remained quiet for a while before he finally spoke up..
"From the look of things.. It's obvious that you have known each other for quite some time and whatever happened in my office was only an act.. You pulled a stunt on me..hmm...but what's your intention for leading me here.. I could arrest you right here.." Santos warned and his statement provoked Marcelo.. He grabbed Santos by his collar and forcefully dragged him up.. Ardo tried to pull Marcelo away from Santos.. I just remained seated as i watched the drama that unfolded before me..
Ardo successfully pulled Marcelo away and Santos began to cough.. I stood up and poured a glass of water and handed it to Santos.. Meanwhile Ardo seems to have calmed Marcelo..
"Santos.. I don't like the way you talk to Marcelo.. He's your brother not a criminal Where is the brotherly love in you.. I want you to...."
"there's really no need for your sermon Edwardo.. You always take his side.. You're birds of a feather.." Santos said interrupting Ardo..
"Get out.. San; get the fuck out of my house" Marcelo shouted..
"Are you for real Marc..Do you know the gravity of what you're doing..?" Santos said with a little bit of emotion..
"Yes officer.. Let me get this straight with you.. When next you come here as a cop make sure to come with a warrant because i won't hesitate to smash your head on my wall if you mess with me and get at least three handcuffs because it wouldn't be that easy to take me down.. I won't run as if I were a coward like you would do because without this uniform you're nothing.." he paused for a while.. He stalked towards Santos..
"Now, get out of my house San.." he shouted at Santos face..
Without uttering any word, Santos left shutting the door unceremoniously.. What kind of a man is he..?
"Am sorry you had to witness that.."
"I should be the one apologizing for bringing such a lame idea.." i said interrupting Marcelo.. He forced himself to smile...
"He's not in a good mood today that's why he acted grumpy and annoying.." Marcelo said defending his brother
"And majorly because you proved his instinct toward your brother's case wrong" Ardo chipped in.. I checked the time as i emptied my glass of juice.. I picked up my purse and gently rised to my feet..
"I have an appointment to catch up with.. So I'll have to be on my way now.." i said to Marcelo and he nods his head lazily..
"Bye bro.." Ardo said waving his hand..

THE MASKED (Sequence 1)Where stories live. Discover now