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My relationship with Sandra has began to blossom. She's now officially my girl friend.. I can finally beat my chest and say 'I've found love and love had found me'
I was humming to Bruno Mars song 'that's what i like' when my alarm suddenly came on.. Who could that be? My wild cat travelled to LA.. I did not invite anyone home today..I quietly disconnected the alarm and grabbed my revolver which I loaded with bullets.
I decided to check my CCTV camera to know who my visitor was. To my greatest surprise it was Officer Santos, my own brother.
What the heck is he doing here..? He thinks i give empty threats. I angrily marched towards the door and immediately i opened the door, I pointed my gun straight to his head..
"Look who i have here.. The almighty officer himself" I grined evilly.. He surprisingly raised his hands up..
"I came here without handcuffs or a gun.. For i came as a brother to meet his own. The least you could do is hug me and not point a revolver at me" he said and i could see the sincerity and fear in his eyes. His words break through the wall of my defence and I dropped my gun down and hide it at my back and embraced him..
The warmth i felt spread happiness to my heart.. I ushered him inside.. We wine and dine together just like the good old days.. "I have one question San"
"go ahead and ask.."San replied..
"Why can't you be a cop and a brother at the same time.. Is it impossible to be the two at the same time.." i asked.. He looked confused as he debated on what to say.. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out..
"Let it be San.. You're an officer to the core" i sighed in defeat..

Life in prison is all about survival.. The survival of the fittest.. The weak die like rats while the strong challenges the mighty and the winner becomes the fittest.. My first day was distratrous.. I was haunted by the weak, strong, the mighty and the fittest..
My fighting skills helped me a lot.. I battled with the five-star which almost cost me my life but the will of survival kept me going against all odds.. One thing I also discovered was that the more my victory the greater danger i will encounter.
I have made few friends who always watch my back but I miss home a lot.. This place is hell.. For the past three months, nobody except Nils has come to visit me.. He had indeed proven to be my brother because he goes through troubles to see me.. although lately he hasn't come by to see me.. I hope all is well with him.. Oh my Emilia.. My love.. She's always too busy for me.. Even when i call her she's either with the doctor or in a meeting.. She always give me false hope of her coming.. Why does she hates me so much..? What crime have i committed to deserve such ill treatment from her. Is it really possible for her to hate me even after loving me for a long time?
"Hey you, you have a visitor" One of the prison guards hit my cell to draw my attention..
I followed quietly as i wonder who my visitor maybe.. It could be Nils.. i concluded in my heart.. At least he remember me today.. As i walked closer to the visiting room, my visitor came in view but it wasn't Nils. It was no other than the love of my life.. My Emilia.. She finally came to me.. I sat quietly as she flashes a smile at me.. My heartthrob increased..
"You finally remembered me Emy.." i exclaimed
"am sorry i couldn't visit you sooner.."
"It's okay.. Am glad you came by.. I swear i didn't kill father.. I swear it on my mothers grave, I didn't do it.. Someone framed me.. Believe me please.. I would never kill my own father" i explained to her..
"I believe you.. You're not father's murderer"she said and i smiled.. Am happy that she believes me..
"Did you find the true killer..?" i questioned curiously..
"Yes.. I know who the killer is that's exactly why i came here" joy filled my heart.. I will make that son of a bitch pay for killing my innocent father..
"Who the hell is he..?" i raised my voice as my heart burns in rage..
"It's me.. I killed father" she said through clenched teeth as my heart broke into a million pieces..

THE MASKED (Sequence 1)Where stories live. Discover now