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It hurts a lot to see your loved one in pain and can't express your feelings or try to lessen their pain. That's how i felt seeing my bgff in pain.. She was blaming herself for how my wedding day ended up tragically.. It wasn't her fault.. It's fate.. My fate.. I couldn't watch her in pain so i walked up to her and sat beside her.. She didn't even notice my presence.. I remained quietly seated for several seconds before i spoke up..
"You don't have to blame yourself sister.."
"sister"she exclaimed surprised..
She hugged me so tightly like she was afraid i would disappear..
I missed her warmth..
But i couldn't convey my emotions..
"With time you'll understand better.. You should go get your beauty sleep.. We'll talk later" i tapped her shoulder lightly as i scoot away from her to avoid her questions..
I walked up to Ardo..
I could still feel Zee's eyes on me..
She trailed behind me while i try my best to ignore her so she wouldn't notice that am aware that she's stalking me. Don't be surprised cos this is how she is. She won't rest until she's gotten answers to her questions.. That i can't give her not now that my father is in there fighting for his life..
I let out a deep breath that I've been holding..
"Ardo, any news from the doctors"
"no sweetheart but Alejandro is there with him.. Hmmm.." he paused
"your friend is coming.. She looks like a hungry tigress.."
"Nah.. She's searching for answers.. She won't let me be." i sighed..
I notice Nils walking toward us but i didn't turn..
"Vy poluchili to, chto ya prosil..?( have you gotten what i asked for..? ) i ask speaking in Russian.. He nods
"da..... Tochno kale vy nastavili.. ( yes.. exactly how you've instructed.. )" Ardo replied
"Pozhaluysta, naznach'te vstrechu.. ( Please set up a meeting i want to get it done with )
"vse poluchili ukhod.. Snayper otpravit vas detali (it's all been taking care of.. Sniper will send you the details..) i nod.. She clears her throat to draw my attention.. Edwardo turns to look at her but i didn't turn around..
"You speak Russian..?" Nils asked and i turned.... Zee looked startled but why.. "Yes brother"
"i had no idea but fear not i don't understand Russian that much.. So your conversation is safe.."he replies. I know he's lieing.. Why would he try to lie to me..
"I don't give a damn about that... It's not a big deal..." I replied harshly..
But Nils remained calm like it was nothing.. But not Zena. Oh this girl...
"You could have been more polite... He was just asking a question.." she frowns as she defends Nils..
"You know he can defend himself when needed.... Why should you try to speak when you shouldn't.." i questioned her trying to divert her attention from asking me those silly she intended to ask. Well I think am succeeding....
"Why are you being so bossy.. This is not who you are.." she tries to lecture me.. I laughed at her. My plan seems to be working real good..
"You do feel oppressed.. I get it.. But we all are dynamic in nature" i replied but i know she's not convinced.. She wants to get answers from me one way or another..
I could tell from the look on her face
"But definately not today.."i replied her thought.. Emilio walks towards us with tears in his eyes..
"What's wrong...?" Nils asked nervously.. "It's Richard..." Emilio tried to compose his voice..
"Whats wrong with father.." i panicked
"you should come see for yourself" he replied running back to my father's ward as we run along with him..
"Father.."i exclaimed in shock.. He made it
"He lives.. My father lives"i shout with joy as tears flowed from my eyes
"Yes sister.. Dad lives" Emilio embrace me.. It's the first time he called him dad.. He let go as other share in his joy.. I hugged my husband as he kissed my tears away..
"It's all over babe.. Your pain, fear and sadness.. They're all over for good.." he smiles as she kissed me on my cheek
"thanks a lot." i gave him a kiss on his lip as i noticed Emilio's attention me..
"you should take me to your home after i see father.. Too bad our honeymoon was cut short.." i peck his neck as his body react to my lips.. Emilio clenched his fist..
I trailed my hands seductively down to his stomach. God knows I don't enjoy this but I have to.
Please stop me Bill..
As if reading my thoughts he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him
"that's a danger zone sweetheart.. Trade with caution" i laughed out loud..
"Sweetheart we need to spend a little more time to get to know one another better" he tells me smirking mischievously..
"You can count on me anytime... But i need to see dad" i kissed his lip and he tried to deepen the kiss..
I placed my hand on his chest to stop him but he's stubborn and won't let me go..
"Can't you get a room.. Or use any available restroom.." Ardo said laughing at us but his eyes depict different emotion..
What a complicated guy..
"Come along with me Nils..
I want to check on father before i leave to my husband house.."
"let's go"

OH!!! Today has been a very hectic day.. The wedding was a success though my little heiress almost gave me a heart trauma. I thought for a while that she was gonna change her mind but she made a very wise decision by going through with the marriage.. She's seems cunning but have a brave mind that i like about her.. Hmmm.. But how and when did she and Edwardo become friends?
He was the one who kidnapped her for me and almost got caught for the first time in a mission.. He can't be friends with her all of a sudden that am very sure of.. There's something in it for him. There's absolutely nothing to be afraid of.. My happiness is and will always be his top priority..
"Father.. I need an audience with you"my daughter calls out..
I know you might be surprised but I have an adopted daughter.
She is tough and is a pain in my ass sometimes....
"Come on in.." i adjusted my sit..
"Bill and wife have arrived at the mansion"
"that's great.. Why didn't you make it to the wedding or reception Sandra..?"
"My flight was delayed due to technical reasons.." i'm not convinced by her silly excuse but I'll let it be..
I noticed her shifting uncomfortably in her sit..
"Edwardo is also coming back today.. You should go welcome them.. I'll join you guys downstairs i need to tidy up some things.." i dismissed her..
"I'll go down now" she exits the room.. I dialed my private investigator's number..
"Hello sir.."he greets..
"Robin.. Get me update on my daughters activities.. Report it to me first thing on Monday morning.." i hanged up before he could reply..

The Gate's mansion is super huge with tight security..
Every door has a password..
We finally arrived at the main floor after what seem like eternity little did I know that I just started. You know that feeling when you are walking and don't know where you are going but keep moving? Yea that's what am experiencing right now.
I walked through the huge door of this mansion about thirty minutes ago and I've been walking since.
When I thought I was going to faint soon, Bill stopped and finally we were getting a sit soon.
I felt really welcomed by all the guards and maids in the house .
They made me feel at home..
I hope the family members would also be nice and friendly..
Bill told me that half of the family member would be here and some would stay for long..
Saying that someone who didn't make it to the wedding would also be here and it's a family tradition to get to know each other..
"Welcome" they sang in unison..
I stared at them all in awe as they introduce themselves..
I heard them saying their names but as soon as they said it, it flew out of my mind. What? Am not a machine so don't tag me as a bad person.
"Look who we have here.." Edwardo said mockingly..
"Ardo.. What brings you here" i said hugging him briefly..
"It's a tradition in this house to come together once in a while.. a way to know each other more since we don't live together... Moreover you're my friend.."
"Oh La la la.....Touchy.."i touched my chest and the workers around us laughed.... Footstep approached us and we all became quiet.. A stunning lady descended with her head bow down.. Her movement catches my attention..
"Shilla!!!" i exclaimed in shock as she raised her head..

THE MASKED (Sequence 1)Where stories live. Discover now