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My heart raced when he said i should accept his request. Something obviously didn't feel right in the way he said. I was tensed and when i looked at Emilio, he looked as tensed as i am. It somehow made me feel we are in this together no matter what daddy has to say.
Wait! Could it be that he heard my screams last night or what? He wasn't at home at least that's what i think....OMG he's not going to refuse me from seeing Emilio is he?
If he does that am definitely going to die.
Then he dropped the fiance?? Oh God! This is not happening to me. Emilio's reaction was worse. I just watched his face go pale like blood was drained from him. It was almost immediately replaced by fright when the guy in question came into view and swiftly his face became blank. How does he do this..hide-his-f*cking-emotions. Something ain't right here but that is the least of my worries right now..
I gave my dad the why look. I mean he should have talked to me about this before saying this in the open. I don't think i can accept this. With tears filled eyes, i whispered to him
"daddy you should have discussed this with me before now. Don't you care about my feelings. About who i love? Daddy please take it back i cant marry him. I mean i don't even know him neither does he like me dad...please"
my dad looked at me with pleading eyes..
"you have to my dear. I picked my friend's son for you because i feel he's best for you and I know he will be able to take care of you and my companies. Besides am dying my dear"
when he said those words my heartbeat accelerated. Dying? Why now? I'm about going into college and now this. I asked hoping i heard wrongly
"yes my dear. I have pancreatic cancer. Am sorry for not telling you on time but I didn't know on time too. As at the time I went for the check up, it had gone so bad that the doctors couldn't do much .It is a silent killer and now I have just 6 more months on earth so please grant my last request. Grant the wish of a dying man. Please marry him and strengthen the bond of our friendship. Will you"
NO OOO. Death is so cruel. It snatched mum away from us and now its planning to take dad away soon.
My birthday which supposed to be a happy day for me is turning out as the worst day of my life. Cant i just be happy for once?
I didn't even notice i was already crying until a tear slipped down my face. I quickly wiped it away and replied my dad without thinking twice knowing that my life had just taken another turn..
"I will dad. I will marry him" My dad smiled warmly.
"am proud of you angel"
And as if the crowd had been waiting for my answer, they clapped while others cheered as Bill walked towards me smiling. I looked at the crowd of people who don't know how much i hate the decision i just made and smiled weakly to hide my pain.
All this while i have been avoiding eye contact with him. You should know who am talking about now. He looked disappointed and heartbroken and this is all because of me. I know that its taking a lot of patience for him not to come up here and claim me and for that, am grateful. He only tears his eyes away from me when Bill was close to him. Both of them starred at each other as if they wanna kill each other.
I was silently praying for Emilio not to hold him by his collar and smash his head on the wall or punch that smile away from his face. I don't know if its just me but there's more to the way both of them are starring at each other. Bill is smiling wickedly while Emilio tightens his jaw as well as balling his hands into a fist. Am thankful Bill passed without Emilio punching his face. He tears his gaze away from Emilio and continued walking towards me while smiling.
He is walking as if he owns this place...what right does he have. Now that he's facing me, I take my time to check him out. His tight black tuxedo hugs him accurately. He had black shinning shoes to march. His long hair is the colour of spun gold and it bounces on his shoulder as he comes closer giving me a sly smile. A few locks falls across his prominent eyebrows. His thick golden eyelashes are resting against the top of his high cheekbones. He gat a pointed nose and full coloured lips. I must confess he's cute no gorgeous. He really is blessed with good looks and no one can dispute that fact. My mind we back to Emilio, he is still giving him a death stare and i can already tell its going to be tough with Bill here.
"hello malyska" he greets while taking my hand
"i must say you look breathtaking moya princesa"his hot breath met my skin and i shivered as he swiftly turned my hand placing wet kisses on the inside of my palm. I let out a small groan and snatched my hands from him..WTF..what is he doing to me..
My dad cleared his throat while picking up the microphone again
"hmm....ladies and gentlemen i present to you the future Mr and Mrs Gates and the heir to all I've got. I am so proud of her"

I know this chapter is kinda short but after typing the last line it felt like an appropriate end.
Thanks for reading guys we love you'll.....

© Winner Godwin
& Grace Aghedo
All rights reserved...

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