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I couldn't stop laughing and jumping. I was extremely happy. Never did I think that my brother will someday fall in love nor show his true feeling. This realisation trigger me to jump,laugh,dance and cry.. Mehn this is not happening. He looked confused but what can a happy man in my state do?. When did the impossible become possible..if you know what he has done in the past, then you'll know why am this excited. Emilio kept asking thousands of question
"Am absolutely okay"i said trying to ease my laughter...
"am just extremely happy that you're in love. The greatest and most arrogant player has been whipped and has fallen in love with his..."
The truth just hit me back to my reality as i try to digest and summon the courage to believe and accept the truth. I finally completed my statement
I sat down on the wet sand..
The weight of the truth weighed me down.. They are both in love and I know neither of them will let go of their feelings and they'll fight the truth to be together and never separated. Am the only one aware of this fact and the key to their happiness but Emilio has to prove himself worthy of her..
Then and only will I reward him with the key. Let the game begin and one more must win Emilio don't let me down
"let's go home. We'll figure out a way"
"No, you head up I'll catch up with you later"
"i won't allow you to sit here all by yourself sulking"
He opened his beer and attempts to drink from it but I quickly snatched it away from him and smashed it on the ground. I held him up by his collar
"Drinking is not the solution to this problem and you know it" I said shouting at his face which i know he hates. He pushed me hard and stumbled. I wasn't expecting that. He tries to punch me but I was lucky to dodge. I pushed him to the floor
"it will only result to bigger problems"i yelled. We remained silent both breathing heavily.. I know by the look of his face i got into his head... Sometimes, violence and words of wisdom help to calm an arrogant person like my brother..
"Let's go back now, emy will be worried"i said in a steady voice like I wasn't the one shouting few minutes ago.. He stood up without uttering a word. He walked passed me.
I hurried after him and he drove off without looking back..
"That's the brother i know" i hooped into my car, brought the engine back to life and headed back to my uncle's mansion.
On my arrival, I noticed the absence of Emilio's car and I was equally welcomed by my sister who looked worried and stressed out.. Myself and that jackass of a brother is responsible for this..
"Hey, where have you been,I've tried calling you countless time" she said worriedly...
"Am sorry, my battery is low..." Her eyes where searching around for someone
"He's not here...I thought he was coming ho......." Alejandro's horn interrupted me. He must have a good explanation for arriving late. I could clearly see relieve in my sisters eyes as Alejandro steps down from his precious car..well that's what he calls it... I walked passed her and am sure she's unaware of my absence as her eyes were fixed on Alejandro. I bumped into my uncle and I know am in for it today...

I don't know how long we stood there in silence, as we expressed our feelings in silence. Her pretty eyes looked worried with conflicted emotions. I couldn't stop my self from staring hungrily at her perfect curved lips. Those lips that I have become a prisoner to ever since the day I kissed her at Zena's party. How can I ever forget that special moment after a long time of been away from her.
I mean how can a simple kiss trigger so much emotion and send so much pleasure down my spine and giving me a hardcore. Mehn that's how whipped I think I am and ever since, I kept yearning for more.
How do I cope with all these fucking feelings i have for her...
"Am sorry... I was out to get fresh air" I hope she won't bother me with load of questions because that's one of her greatest talents....
"I was only worried about your well being and dad too....."
I nod and walked past her only to face my biggest problem in life.
He walked up to me majestically.
I hope he stays within his limit as I don't want our relationship to affect the one am trying to build with Emilia...
"Where have you been? And why are you back this late?"
My God... I can't stand Richards arrogance
"I don't remember, you having any right over me and by law I have all the right to do what I wish to..." I walked passed him and climbed upstairs
"Stop!!! I dare you to move an inch from that spot!!!" Emilia commanded... I was extremely surprised that i halted at her command. She walked up to me and dragged me down stairs...
Am standing opposite Richard, side by side with Nils... This will certainly not end well...I have to play my cards well to earn her trust...
I hope she doesn't push me too hard....
Richard and Nils stared at me in total shock.. I turned to Emilia who was gesturing me to say something..
I was standing there with conflicted emotion.. Still battling with my head and my heart. As much as i hate Richard, i wanted to really render an apology all because of my feelings for Emilia but what came out of my mouth was
i walked past Richard and Nils.. I halt and take one more glance at the only woman my heart longs..
Her charming eyes that cast a spell on me.. Those eyes stare at me in disbelief and anger.. Why can't she understand that fire and ice don't ever agree..
As I hurried to my room, Emilia called after me. I locked my door. Am not in the right frame of mind to exchange words with her.. I failed her once again.. She stood at the door step and knocked lightly begging me to open up for her. I Stood close to the door in confusion.. I could sense a little anger through her pleading voice...
I opened the door for her in defeat..
"I just need a quite time to clear my head" she shot the door behind and locks it...
I couldn't assimilate what's happening before she locked her lips with mine.. Wild sensation boiled in me as I take her happily..
Our tongue both battling to over throne one another..then we pulled away gasping for air...
"What was that for? I thought you came in here to scold me but you did the otherwise...What's going on with you because I don't understand...Holy fuck.. Say something"
"I just did what I had to do
to help clear up your head so you could be in the right frame of mind to answer me clearly..." What the heck is she saying??
"Why can't you forgive dad. He's yearning for your love..."
"Can't you see that he needs to know that deep down you miss him too. I know you're affected by all this commotion. You just fail to accept the fact"
"You know how much I hate Richard. You don't fucking expect me to say sorry to that asshole you call your dad.."
I raised my voice at her for the very first time after mom died all because of Richard. Why don't he give up...
"Please don't ever interfere with my issues with Richard..."
"Try and understand me..."
"This is also hard for me...I know you don't get it but I need you now more than ever.." My voice broke down as I let my pain out
"I need your support to scale through..." I could feel the hot tears that I was striving hard to hold wet my cheek...
She wiped the tears away and cupped my cheek gently. I wanted to say something else. To tell her how seeing Richard reminds me that he killed my mum. Killed the only woman who loved me and how he's also obstructing me from getting the love I deserve because of him adopting her. I also wanted to tell her how I want her not to keep talking about this cause anytime it comes up, I feel like am a monster and I always fail her cos I don't always do what she wants me to do but she placed her finger to hush me from saying anything further...
"You've said enough and I want you to know that I will be here and that's a promise I don't intend to ever break.." She gave me a light kiss on my lips and locked me in her warm embrace.. It feels too good to be in her arms...

I couldn't believe my eyes what just happened. I sat on my bed still in shock.... Emilia has so much effect on Alejandro even if he denies it. It's clear that he would never intentionally hurt her.
Even though he didn't apologise, I know he almost did anyway. He's ego wouldn't be bent so easily though...
I guess it's time to let the secret out...
I can't hold back anymore.. It's due time to release the cat out of the basket...

We love you guys xo xo much....
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© Winner Godwin
& Grace Aghedo

THE MASKED (Sequence 1)Where stories live. Discover now