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For the past four years my son has been a real pain in my ass. All this started after the death of his mother. He's been very rude and always getting into trouble. To minimise all this, I sent him to a boarding school. As tough as Brook Hill was, he still made keeping him as a student very stressful. I really don't know what to do about him anymore and now he's back to stay. I might be a very busy father but I still care for my son and I want him to love and treat me as his dad. Since his return, I have been trying my best to show him that I truly love him but he's been frustrating my every move. I don't know if I can keep up with this because am really tired of his arrogance....
"Alejandro"i called out
"am here Richard"
He rudely interrupted me. I guess i should get used to his behaviour because with with the look of things, he's never gonna change
"Richard stop starring at me. Just tell me the reason why you were yelling"
"well son,i won't be around for..."
"like i care".
I think he truly doesn't care. I really don't know why he hates me so much but I'll do anything to find out...
"am going to Bangkok for a while. My coming depends on when the work is done. Call me if you need anything okay?"
"Just leave"
Saying that he sat on the sofa operating his phone not minding me. I know am not the best dad but i just want my son to show me a little love. Am just glad my daughter loves me and gives me so much joy. Talking of her where could she be
i called out to inform her am travelling...
"hey Richard don't you know the road to the guest room. Your slut must be there waiting for you and as long as I live here, you need to stop shouting"
He rolled his eyes and drove out. This boy gives me heartache. When my wife died I couldn't take it. I couldn't work for months. I had to console myself with the promise of pouring all my love on my son since my wife is no longer here. But look at what I get for loving him.
my princess tapped my shoulder bringing me out of my thought
"Emilia dear"
"Dad are you going on a trip again"
I nod sadly. How did she know about it???
"that's bad dad. Am here to stay with you for a while and you're leaving. Are you tired of me or have i offended..."
"no my dear. Am going for a business trip in Bangkok for a while. Besides your brother is here to keep you company"
"Really,when did he come back"
she asked happily
"a week ago but he's barely around. All he does is go clubbing and getting himself drunk or even engaging in fights"
her smile suddenly disappears
"come give dad a princess hug"
she smiled happily as she locked her self in my arms. She has been a source of joy to me ever since I saved her...

Am all alone in this mansion doing nothing and am so bored. What am I going to do?
My dad looked hurt when he talked about my brother and to think that he's been in this house with me for a whole week yet I've not seen him is alarming. Anyway am so anxious to meet him and i hope we get along...
OMG am running late for Zena's party. Yea, Zena is my bgff (best girl friend forever) and she's having a party today. I don't even know what am going to wear but I need to look good. I ran upstairs to freshen up. I am a very beautiful girl and I know that. After searching for over an hour I finally took out a backless mini dress that hugs my shape perfectly. After applying my makeup, I left the house. I don't own a car yet. Don't get me wrong, my dad is rich. He promises to get me my dream car when I clock 18 and that's few months from now. I can't wait.
"Watch it you idiot"
he yells at me. i didn't even know when i bumped into...OMG he's so cute..i manage to say am sorry in what looked like a whisper.
I crossed the road hurriedly so I could get a bus. Michael is supposed to drive me but this is my only way to get freedom. That stranger is really rude and super hot. He's a sexy devil.
Well that's what I'll call him from now on...I can't even stop thinking about those deep brown eyes of his. I hope my brother would be more handsome and polite than him so I can have all the girls at my call because of him. I giggled...
oh no 5 missed calls...from who? Walter? why is Walter calling me..I'm gonna switch off my phone so i can enjoy Zena's party to the fullest.
Wow..the whole place is buzzing with light and loud music... Zena must have put in a lot to make this party a success. Girls are everywhere with their dates. Others are dancing while some are already drunk. Spotting her brown hair I walked up to her...
"Hello cutie"
Zena hugged me
"you look stunning dear"
i compliment her
"come on Emilia, you know the whole world bows down at your feet because of your beauty".I giggled at her comment...
"Bae you're party is classic"
i said as i grab a drink and a sit..
"why didn't Walter come with you"
"Sweetheart we finally broke up. I might find my prince charming here you know"she winked me.
I knew she never liked Walter so her I don't care attitude is understandable...
After chatting and drinking a bit she told me that a particular guy has been staring at me for a while now. Turning, my eyes met with that stranger. Yea I mean that sexy devil. I quickly turned away. Darm! I never thought I would see him this quickly...i felt very uncomfortable under his gaze. Seeing my uneasiness, zena asked me if I knew him.
I told her I don't which is true...
I tried to steal a glance at him once more but he caught me starring. I walked away shyly to sit at a hidden spot. I felt so embarrassed. That sexy devil really got a hold on me. I've never been this shaken by a man.
I mean its been the other way round. The presence of someone sitting close to me brought me out my own world.
"hello beautiful...nice to see you again"
he smiles at me. God, his smile is so beautiful that it makes me blush. His face is so chiselled..his pointed nose..full lips and those deep brown eyes that makes me wanna melt.
I didn't even know that I have been staring at him without saying anything. I try to say something but couldn't even form a single sentence. I opened my mouth again but nothing came out. Jeeez...I just looked at him and smiled..
"You seem a little distracted..are you ok"
I just nod in a silent yes...he moved closer to me but I moved away..i mean I don't understand what this is that keeps pulling me to him. As if explaining, he said..
He moved closer to me again gently removing a strand of hair from my face and tucking it behind my ear. The closeness of my body to his made my brain stop functioning for a while. Why did he do that? His hands moved to my cheek gently caressing it while looking into my eyes. My heart beat increased in loud beats as he came closer. I don't know who initiated it but I felt his lips on mine. Whoa it tastes just like strawberries and he's really not a bad kisser. I mean this is really different from all others..he deepen the kiss pressing his body to mine leaving us with no space. I lost my principles and all, I just want to enjoy this moment to the fullest....
A familiar voice called out my name and I jerked off his laps breathing heavily ..i mean when did I climb him???

THE MASKED (Sequence 1)Where stories live. Discover now