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OMG! That's the same girl who my nephew is in love with.. The same girl whose father my brother despise so much.. Oh my poor nephew. He finally found the girl who he has loved for so long only to receive this heartbreaking news. I know he might not notice that he's in love with her but I know that he is. From the way he talks about her to the way he has been keeping tabs on her.
"Why are you both yelling..?" William shouts. I know he must be surprised.
"William ..."i inhaled deeply to calm my nerve.
"please keep your voice down"i let out the breath i didn't know i was holding..
"William am very much aware of the dispute between you and Roderico.."
"yes..I won't deny it.. But it's business" he states
"There's no permanent enemy in business.. But i won't try to.." his phone began to ring.
"I gat to take this"he excused himself.. Turning my attention to my nephew.. I noticed that my bottle of whiskey is empty..
"Shit" i spat..
"What the hell are you doing... This" i raised the empty bottle of whiskey
"will not solve anything.. It'll only cause more harm than good.."
"am okay.. In fact i feel better than before.. Moreover one bottle is not enough to make me drunk. Am good"
Williams walks in as he drank the last drop of his whiskey
"i have to leave Sola.. Hope to see you at the wedding" he bring his hand forth and i lock mine with his..
"Definitely brother.."
"i too will be on my way uncle" Edwardo said and walk out hastening. Me and my brother stared at his weird behaviour. I know his dad may misinterpret that as his son not wanting to see him but I know better I just pray he doesn't do something stupid.

Preparing for the wedding has been very stressful for me but i'm really thankful that Edwardo has been assisting me. I know he just want to be a good friend but I don't trust him totally. If there's anything I've learnt in the few years I've spent on earth is that nothing goes for nothing.
I was woken up by a screaming Zena and a laughing Lasse. Zena was jumping up and down screaming 'IT'S YOUR WEDDING DAY' while Lasse was laughing at her childish behaviour.
Zena forced me to hold a girl's night which we had last night. It was done here in my room consisting of me, Lasse and Zena. Oh! I know what you were thinking. But that wasn't what happened. Zena ordered fries and took drinks from Edwardo's bar. I only ate fries cos I didn't want to have a hangover. Honestly, Edwardo has been nice to allow me live in his house, eat his food and accommodate my friends.
I checked the time and it read 6:00am
"God! Why are you guys disturbing me? It's just 6"
"We have a lot to do before your makeup artist come over" Zena retorts
"What could that be cos I honestly don't see the reason why you guys woke me up from my beauty sleep"
"Well, you need to have a long cold bath cos it's going to be a long day and secondly, that thing on your head you call hair needs to be taken care of"
"Why don't you go ahead and get married you seem more excited than me" I spat. She rolled her eyes..
"You should be thankful I like someone else already "
"Really" I asked in anticipation but instead of the details she dragged me into the bathroom. She obviously doesn't want to tell me and it makes me more anxious.
I stayed in the bathroom for about thirty minutes and finally came out. The artist who was to dress me was already there. What is with the people this morning. I thought I would be able to sleep a little while those friends of mine get ready but now she's ruined my plans. We exchanged greetings and she got into work. An hour and thirty minutes went by before she finished with my hair. Just my hair. The makeup artist continued from where the other stopped. Right now my butt hurts and yet she's not done with my face.
Few minutes later Zena came in fully dressed. When she got to where I was her lips formed an O shape .
"OMG! What a beauty"
I had to restrain myself from rolling my eyes.
After what looked like eternity, I was set to walk down the ile. Edwardo's driver drove me to the venue of my supposed wedding. Security men where everywhere and the outside of the hall was filled with people and the press. What the hell! Why is this place filled with paparazzi. I turned to Zena...
"Why is this place filled with so much paparazzi "
She stared at me as if I had grown two horns all of a sudden.
"It's like you don't know who you are. You are the heiress to everything your dad got and equally have full access to half of THE RODERICO'S a company that is known all over the globe and for tops, the man you're getting married to is also rich, the son of the renowned Mr William's Gate who is one of the richest men around here so what are you saying. No one would want to miss an event like this for anything in the world"
Hmm. That's not my problem now. My mind is occupied with so many things other than that.
The car came to a stop and the security men that escorted me opened my door while parting the way for me to go through. The press where throwing questions at me..
'Miss, is it true you are the heiress to your dad's properties? '
'Are you marrying for love or a business contract? '
'Do you love your fiancé?'
I ignored them and followed the security men.
When I got into the hall, people there stood up to acknowledge my presence. I looked around to see men and ladies dresses in exotic dresses. You could tell at once that this gathering is not for mere people. It's a form of business meeting.
All my life I've imagined my wedding to be small and filled with a few people I love but fate planned something else for me. The people I see here are just part of my second life not the initial one.
My dad smiled and walked me down to the alter where Bill was already waiting for me. As I walked to the alter, I saw Walter who winked at me. So this guy still exits. By the right I saw Nils and the man I thought would be on the alter waiting for me right now, Emilio. Immediately I saw him my heartbeat changed. He was putting on a tuxedo that hugged him so tightly. He looked handsome even in his state of tiredness that was visible because of the dark circles under his eyes.
I forcefully tore my gaze from his eyes and looked forward. There was my suppose husband in a few minutes standing like a soldier.
After the boring speech by the priest, the moment came.
"Bill Gates do you take Emilia Roderico as your lawfully wedded wife. To love and to hold, to cherish and be with in sickness and in health till death do you path"
"I do" he answered. What nonsense is he saying he doesn't even know my date of birth. The priest turned to me....
"Emilia Roderico do you take Bill Gates as your lawfully wedded husband. To love and to cherish till death do you path?"
My eyes immediately drifted to Emilio. His eyes were pleading....

THE MASKED (Sequence 1)Where stories live. Discover now