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The drive was indeed long .. Am beginning to regret my decision but there's no turning back..
I parked my car and let out a deep breath.. This is it. I walked inside the church and noticed the bright candle light.. I halt at the sight of Emilio.. I pinched myself to be certain that i wasn't daydreaming.. I walked closer to him counting my footsteps.. I don't know if he noticed my presence cos he didn't turn around.. My heart beat increased as I walked closer to him... oh! my poor heart.. I thought he always wanted to destroy the Temple of God but he proved me wrong.. Never in my wildest dream will i believe to see my brother in church praying..Impossible.. What a miracle..
"Hi.." i whispered.. He turned, stood up and rushed to embrace me as if he was expecting me to come.. He sob silently on my shoulder.. seriously? The Emilio I know is not the one to show his emotions. Anyway, I pat his back gently as i allowed him to pour out his emotions.. After he calmed down, we sat opposite each other..
"How's father.." he asked almost immediately....
"he made it but he's in comma" he nod his head and glanced around as if looking for something..
"You came alone..?" he asked and i nod.. We both fell into an uncomfortable silence.. Seeing that neither of us was willingly to speak up.. I rose to my feet..
"We should head back to the hospital.."i suggested turning to walk away.. I expected him to follow me but instead he grabbed my arm, spun me around swiftly and smashed his lip roughly against mine.. History is repeating itself again but this time the situation is more complicated. I mean, he kissed me here before when I thought I was his sister and now he's doing it again. I struggled with him for few minutes before I melted into his arms. I stood there not doing anything but allow him kiss me. But when he started caressing me I lost it. Our hands were practically everywhere. Oh how I missed this. This is how I want my husband to handle me..with love, passion and hunger for me. Shit! Husband? Husband? Husband? I gathered all the strength in me and pushed him off me.. I raised my hand to slap him but i stopped. I also contributed to it. He looked from my eyes to my hand.. I dropped my hand and it felt like my heart broke..
"Why didn't you hit me..?" he asked but sounded more like he was daring me.. "We're in the presence of God.. If not i would've smashed your nose.. That way you'll learn how to respect a married woman.." he wanted to speak but i raised up my hand to silence him..
"Shut up and follow me.. This never happened.." he nods and quietly followed me to the parking lot. He entered his car and drove off.. I got into my car and started my engine.. Why didn't i slap him..? I asked myself.. Am i still in love with him? No.. That's not possible.. Nah..
"Ahhh"i shouted and hit my hand thrice on my driving wheel.. I touched my lips as i recalled the kiss.. I smiled.. OMG.. Anna stop this nonsense. What is wrong with me? It never happened.. It never happened I said trying to convince myself..
I arrived at the hospital just as Emilio stepped out of his car.. I walked up to him and we both entered the hospital. We arrived at my father's ward and he turned to me...
"Thanks.." Gosh! A stain of lipstick. Before I could tell him he walked away..

It's been over one hour and no news from Emilia.. I should have called sniper to follow her or something.. That way i would be sure of her safety.. But no.. I wanted to respect her decision but now i regret my decision.. Maybe am just jealous.. Jealous that she's alone with Alejandro.. Her lover..
"She's taking so long.. I'll call her and find out about her whereabout" Bill suggested...
"Go ahead.." Nils said..
As he was about to call her, they walked inside..
"here they come" i exclaimed.. The first thing i notice was a cocky smile or shock on her face. Then my eyes wandered to her kissable lips. F*ck! I noticed something different. Her lipstick was smeared.. I glanced at Alejandro's lip to confirm my doubt and there it was a stain on his fucking lips.. I boiled in anger.. How dare him..?My heart boiled with anger.. Why the hell should she let him kiss her..?
"Where did you find him" Nils asked
"at the impo.." she tried to explain...
"That's none of your business.." Emilio interrupted her..
"You should be glad am here alive and not in prison or dead" Alejandro said rudely and walked away to see his father. Zena followed him while Bill excused himself to receive his call. Perfect.
I stood close to Emilia..
"He kissed you.. Didn't he?" i asked curiously.. She stared at me in awe.. She lowered her gaze..Yes.. She kissed him.. Nah.. She can't do it.. Can she?
"Did you kiss him back?"
"No.. You should know me better Ardo." I couldn't look through her emotions to know if she's lying or not. I decided to believe her even if something told me not to.
"I believe you.. Pardon me for being jealous.." I said while I scratched my head. I looked at her to find her smiling.
"What's funny..?" i asked curiously
"Nothing.. You amaze me a lot Ardo.. You share your emotions truthfully with me.."
"I would never lie to you.." i looked into her eyes.. I wish i could really share my emotions with you. To tell you what's more important.
"I know that.. But for the first time in a long time.. I can also do that boldly" she smiled.
"Sweetheart shall we go..?" Bill said with his eyes on his phone.. Thank goodness.. Emilia bid farewell to Nils and Zena..
"Well.. when he's done make sure he eats something and if he refuses you know what to do..?" Emilia say to Nils
"I'll call you boss lady" Nils replied..
"that's a nice nickname you know...from little angel to boss lady.. I feel angel" Emilia rejoiced like a kid who got her favourite toy as a birthday gift.. My Emilia.. Mia sounds better.. She's mine. She will be mine soon enough...

It's been three weeks since i talked to Ann.. She seems pretty talented at avoiding me even when we live under the same roof. Am sure my brother is helping her.. Afterall he's her husband.. Whenever i talked to him about her he quickly divert my attention by talking about unnecessary things and when he doesn't he'll say..
'She needs time to process things'
I thought if i told Bill my past, he would have sympathy on me and help me but reverse was the case.. His sympathy was only for his beloved wife.. I had to skip dinner and eat out just for Ann's sake maybe she'll have a change of heart.. None of my effort yielded a good result.. Edwardo on the other hand do understand my pain.. He does his best to cheer me up sometimes.. He maybe a gangster, a business tycoon but he's one of the best brothers anyone would wish for...Thinking of him always lighten my mood.. Am glad to be his sister..
I grabbed my jacket with full determination to talk with Ann today or never.. I went to her room but she wasn't there.. So i decided to check downstairs..
As i step closer to the staircase, I saw Ann climbing the stairs towards my direction.. So i hide my self at the extreme end of the stairs next to a statue.. Now she won't hide from me i'll do the hiding and finding myself..
I counted her steps as i wait for the final step.. I rose with determination to come out and talk to her but the statue i was hiding next to fell down and i heard a loud scream.. I watched helplessly as she stumbled down the stairs..
"Ann" i screamed as i rushed towards her body..
"HELP" I shouted on top my voice.. I raised her head to place it on my lap.. My hand was stained with blood.. I began to shiver as i look at the floor.. Blood.. That was the last thing I saw until everything went blank..

THE MASKED (Sequence 1)Where stories live. Discover now