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Tomorrow is my Queen's birthday yet I haven't gotten her a present but I plan on confessing my feeling to her tonight because tomorrow she will be too busy since Richard is throwing a huge party for her...But what I still don't understand is what he meant by she's ripe for her biggest surprise... What could that be?
On the other hand, Nils sent me a message that he has something important to say to me and Emilia. I hate it when am kept in the dark, it can be so frustrating....
A knock on my door interrupted my thought. I lazily stood up to open the door. Emilia and Nils?...
I ushered them in as we sat in a triangle-like structure anxiously waiting to hear what Nils has to say...
I might end up punching the hell out of him tonight if what he has to say is not worth this fucking attention...
"You must be wondering the reason for this meeting but before I go further I would like both of you to talk in private because I know you both have something to disclose to each other..."
He stood up and walked out of the room...
We stared at each other in an uncomfortable silence for few minutes. I had to muster the courage to confess my feelings for her just like Nils advised me few days ago...
"I know I've not been treating you with utmost respect lately. Am sincerely sorry about that...I don't know why I can't control myself and I can't stand you being around another guy either" I paused to catch a breath. "Watching you dance with him really made me loose it. I know I had no right to do what I did but I was so fucking jealous..." I explained truthfully....
She raised her eyelids and starred at me for a while, looking and scanning to know if I was lying..
"I didn't cause all those commotion as a brother but as a man who is in love..." My words came as a shock to her as she scratches her hair nervously.. An old habit of hers...
"I really love you... I love you Emilia. Have always loved you not only as a brother but as a man.." She attempts to say something but she only stammered...
"It's don't need to feel the same way but always remember that I love you.."
I turned to open the door. I was actually broken but she surprised me by saying those magical words..
"I love you too...very much"
"I've always loved you mi amor...."I smiled in satisfaction and turned to face her pretending I didn't here a thing. I gave a the pardon?? look...
"I love you Emilio...." I could feel the sincerity in her voice...
I took few bold steps towards her...
"Say it again..." I commanded her mischievously..
"I love you asshole" On her declaration, I hungrily placed my lips on hers as i coax her hip lightly....

My pulse began to increase as he kisses me. He presses his lips along the line of my neck and I moved my head to the side to grant him full access. I closed my eyes and I could feel his hands all over me even if he's barely touching me. Shit! am so wet and my nipples are so hard that they might burst through my dress.
How can kisses be this is intense.
His lips worked on my neck to my ear and he licked it before biting it. He did it again and I shivered. Gosh I love this kind of biting not that I like it generally. He turns me and hungrily placed his lips on mine. He teased me with his tongue. What the hell are you doing to me asshole?? I gripped his hair and pulled him closer to me. He really has a soft hair you know. I ran my fingers through his hair scalp and I can bet he loved it.
I felt his dick pressed against my abdomen. OMG he's hard. Thank goddess he can't push me away this time. Am fucking sure of it.
He moans against my lips and sucks my tongue while his hands roam around my back. He took his hands a little downward, caressing my waist before bringing his hands to my butt holding it and caressing it.
He holds my butt firmly and lifts me off the ground swiftly and quickly. I in turn wrapped my legs around his waist while he carried me to the bed. Looking at him, I licked my lips and he groans at my action. I think am ready and if he rejects me again tonight then I'll have to plead..
beg him to have him inside of me.
"You look so sexy doing that" he starred at me with those deep brown eyes of his. It shines brighter tonight or maybe it's my desire that's blurring my thinking ability.
"You wouldn't imagine how much I wanted to tear your clothes off that night. When I kissed you, his scent was all over you. And if I had pulled that sexy dress off of you, I knew i wouldn't be able to control my self from not having you there and then" whoa that would have been raw.
"Well it would have been a wild night you know " I winked and he smiled..
He pulled and tossed his shirt in a second and i was mesmerised by what I saw. His bare chest is a wonderful sight to behold . It's kinda broad and sexy as hell. I noticed a tattoo on his right breast and DON was crested on it. I don't know what the hell that means and I don't wanna ask any questions right now cos am a girl in need.
He is muscular and he has six beautiful packs. I know I shouldn't be staring at him with no shame but I can't keep my eyes off him.
My eyes move towards to his trousers as he unbuckles his belt and steps out of his trousers leaving him with a hard erection that's threatening to pop out of his boxers. Hmmm just as I envisioned it to be. I could suck it all day if he let's me.
He dropped to his knees as if he wants to plead or something. What the hell is he doing. But just then he pulled me by legs to him. I gasped. I wasn't expecting that you know. He giggled as he dropped my legs over his shoulders.
"I need to taste you". What???? He's dirty...
He raised my dress up to reveal my thong. Actually Zena made me start using this cos she believes it's sexy. Now am happy for adhering to her advice. I am so loosing my virginity to him.
"I want you to come on my lips love"
Shit, he's a rude sexy devil and he's gat a dirty mouth too. Well let's see what he got.
He groaned and I felt his hands running up and down my thong.
"Uh...huh" was all I could say at that very moment.
I couldn't even say one meaningful thing. Dammit.
"'re so hot and wet. You smell good too...I gat a feeling that you'll taste good too"
With that he made a first lick and I almost jumped out of the bed.
"Holy shit..what was that? I mean that was.."
Shut the fuck up girl. You're babbling.
I pressed my thighs together hence suffocating his head and he still managed to move. He eats me like his life depends on it. I want to close my eyes but I bet he wants it open, so it stayed opened. I watch him intensely as he alternates his move. I swear his good...really good at this. Am so fucking feeling this and I think he's enjoying it too.
He increased the rate at which he was fingering me and then I lost it. My body begins to vibrate, pulsating, I think am close. This is it! oral sex. So raw and undiluted. Fuck!
"What...are you...oh my"
I'm panting and speaking in tongues. What the fuck!
"Yeah babe, that's your G spot and am definitely gonna make you come"
This sexy devil is really incredible. How could he have known that in such a short time.
He presses further into that spot while his other hand pushes down on the front of my pelvis. My body is changing and I gat a feeling that he know exactly what's going on.
"That's it babe, give it to me"
I couldn't hold it no longer. I locked my eyes with his as my orgasm rips through my entire system shredding me into pieces.
"Holy shit! you're so beautiful when you come"
He stood up and pulled his boxers while he licks the hand he just used in fingering me. That did turn me on.
He pulled my dress and stared at me for what looked like eternity....

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© Winner Godwin
& Grace Aghedo

THE MASKED (Sequence 1)Where stories live. Discover now