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When I saw her hands moved around him during their make out section, I just knew she was about to take the control pad from him. How smart of her. For him to be so entangled in a kiss with my daughter in this situation shows that he isn't an expert. He's probably doing this for something in return. I turned to look at the other gun men they seemed surprised at their action. Emy is really smart and it's either now for us to act or never. I picked up my gun without drawing attention and she shouted the word
"now" so loud that even the detective reacted by telling his boys the same thing.
He was about to place his phone on his ear when I pulled the trigger.
It hit his right hand and it got him very angry. Thank God Emy had the control pad with him because he threatened to blow her up in my face.
He went to search for it in the car meanwhile policemen where already pumping into the building shooting and getting shot. This is a real gun battle. I quickly started to move towards Emy so that I can cover for her while she disengaged the bomb. I wasn't quick enough to get to where she was. She was so focused on what she was doing that she didn't notice that the leader of the gang was close to her. I shouted at the top of my voice.
"Emy, watch out" but it was too late. He used the back of his gun to hit her at the back of her head. Darm. She fell down hitting the floor hard.
I tried to rush to where she was but a bullet hit me on my stomach. I looked at the direction where it came from.
It was from the leader of the gang.
He smiled and looked at me.
"That serves you right asshole "
I tried to move few steps closer to Emy but I failed. My legs could no longer carry me because of the excruciating pain coming from my stomach. I fell to the ground while looking at my daughter. I've failed again. I looked at her lying down on the floor in the pool of her own blood. She stretched her hands to me seeking for help but I couldn't get to her.
I couldn't move an inch and I watched her shut her beautiful eyes.
The last time I saw her in this condition was 10 years ago when she was badly shot and couldn't make a move. I was her saviour then and had to stop my twin brother from pulling the trigger by putting a bullet to his leg which he still rants about today. She was a beautiful teenage girl and I fell in love with her immediately I set my eyes on her and that was when I decided to take her to my sister, Nil's mother. I visited her often and my sister suggested that I adopt her since I loved her so much. I talked to my wife and she surprisingly agreed to it. I moved her from that hospital to a hospital closer to me. My wife also loved her and she became a part of my family.
And now here she is dying in front of my eyes. There's nothing more painful than watching your loved one die.
I cried till my eyes became heavy and darkness consumed me.

I waited for the guys to call him back not telling Mr Richard my plan because he was just being casual about it. I wonder what type of a man he is to trust kidnappers so much that he isn't willing to go without a policeman. I have tried all I can to convince him about going alone but he doesn't want to listen. So i'm going to go behind him to do whatever I'm gonna do to save his life and that of his daughter in case it's a trap.
So when he called back I hacked his phone to listen to his conversations or phone calls.
Minutes turned into hours and I taught he wasn't going to make use of the phone but just as I was to move out of the room, a signal came through. Hurrah! it's a call.
He was talking to his boss and I traced the call to where his boss was receiving it. It wasn't too far from us so I carefully mobilized my boys not to allow Mr Richard know. I told them to station themselves around the place so as not draw attention from their boss.
I let them go telling them to keep me in touch. I had to stay with him to prepare him for his journey. I mean he's a cornel but since it involves someone close to him, he is kinda displaced. I realise now why we are always told to go home in such situations because we don't think critically like policemen but we think in the line of getting revenge or something just not really thinking expertly. This is what is happening to the cornel. He doesn't want revenge in this case, he just wants his daughter back. He loves her that much to be willing to part away with 140,000 Mexican Peso just for a realise....
After much argument he agreed to go with a gun and a phone pod.
He didn't wear the bulletproof saying that it was too much.
He reassured me that he's gonna be fine. He left early saying he doesn't want to keep them waiting.
I told my men to take two cars and follow him behind carefully. It's just to make sure he's safe. The other team have been gone for quite some time and yet no word from them.
I spoke into the phone while also getting ready to head out.
"What is the situation like detective "
"Sir, this place is empty....we've checked and re checked. Although we suspect about four cars that passed us not quite long to be theirs"
"Why didn't you stop them"
"I felt it would delay us from getting here on time.....If they are not here, that means someone gave them the information that we're coming. It's either an insider on our team or someone told to watch the area and relate to them because we missed them with few inches. Since they know we came here for an attack. I know for sure that Mr Richard is in trouble"
"Oh no! Make a u turn and head towards Baja California. I'll be there shortly "
"OK sir"
Darm it! I've wasted so much time.
I quickly got into my car and off I went. He must be there already because I spoke to him through the pod few minutes ago.
Ten minutes and am not even close. What kind of traffic is this. If I had taken the car with siren I would've been there by now. Well it's for the best and I wouldn't want them to kill Miss Emilia and the cornel because of one mistake.
My pod beeped and he spoke to me through it saying that it's was a trap.. shit! Am not even close enough. I told him that am aware and encouraged him to give us instructions that we have already surrounded them.
My boys are already there but I can't tell him that am not even close. It will discourage him. I think he trusts me.
When I was about ten minutes close, he gave the instructions and I equally shouted on the top of my voice so that the boys can move him. Thank God am almost there.
As I approached the place I was hearing gunshots. It's really bad.
I drove my car right into the building thereby knocking out some of their men. I looked around to find them only to see that the floor was littered with some of their men, few policemen and at the far end, they were on the floor and they bleeding heavily. OMG. I drove close to them so I could pick them up. I used the car to block incoming bullets. I quickly carried them into the car with the help of another detective.
I started my car but bullets came through the side glass of my car.
It shattered it and I felt a pain on my arm. Shit! I was hit. I drove out roughly and hit the road telling my men to retreat and since I have both of them with me. I think Mr Richard was hit on his stomach or something but I fear for Miss Emilia, it's her head.
I focused on my driving and soon enough I was at the hospital. Nurses wheeled them into where they'll be attended to while another nurse helped me with my arm.
Two hours and no word from both of them. This is abnormal and am getting nervous.

See you soon....
Good Morning....

THE MASKED (Sequence 1)Where stories live. Discover now