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I quietly strolled out of his house. What package could he be talking about.
For a very long time now, I've been looking for a way to crush him so that the attention and love from my dad can be on me and my mum. For heaven's sake, I'm his first son, yet everything he does, he puts Edwardo first.
Now the time has come to take what's rightfully mine. Ha ha
Am gonna do everything to find out what that package is all about and his shady dealings. I mean, if his dealings are not shady, why would he have boys around the house who call him boss. Boss my ass. I know am being ridiculous but his hands cannot be clean with what I've just heard.
I called my PI and told him to meet me at our usual spot, the cafe shop down town.
I come here sometimes to seal deals with clients and I use that cafe because it's far from town, I can't be traced there and I always tip the owner to clean up my mess if there's any and every tin line that shows that I was ever there. Creepy right? Yea creepy.
The old road looked the same but kinda older. I parked and went inside. As soon as I entered I was welcomed with the smell of cigar. Some staff who knew me greeted me and I went to my usual spot.
After some minutes, Caleb walked in. Still looking smart as ever.
"Cómo estás"
"Genial y tú"
He laughed at my response. What's bad about I said, he asked me 'how are you' and I answered 'handsome'. Ain't my fault. Am handsome and women love me.
"You haven't changed a bit"
"Neither have you Caleb"
After few minutes of chatting, I told him why I called him.
"I need you to check up on Edwardo Gate"
"Your brother?"
"Yes, my brother. I went to see him today and someone called him saying that a package has arrived. Do you know he has been visiting my fiancée? "
His head fell backwards and a resounding laughter blast through my ears..
"You, a renowned man whore have a fiancée . So you proposed to a lady? What happened to the always boo..boom rules and your boo..boom car"
I slapped his arm hard to make him stop laughing but he continued.
"Ow, stop that. Am not one of those girls you can use that to charm to bed"
"Stop it, it's not funny"
Slowly, his laugh died down. Caleb has known me for a while now and he knows about my shit that's why he's surprised. I actually told him that I ain't gonna get married. Anyway, Emilia is a big catch.
"You're engaged for real"
"Yes ponk"
"How did you propose"
Then it hit me. I haven't proposed. Shit.
"Am yet to propose cos she's ill and Edwardo has been visiting her without my consent. When I went there to confront him about it, he claimed that she's his friend and that was when I heard of the package"
"Oh I see"

Three days ago, Caleb told me that he'll get back to me and since then, I've been patiently waiting for his response. He is the best Private Investigator so far that's why I've been patient and it elapsed today. Am giving him a call.
"Hey, I was thinking of calling when I get home"
Really.... I just hope there's good news.
"Where are you"
"Am driving home"
"Talk to me Caleb"
"I've checked and re checked but he's clean as a slate. For the past three days I've been watching his movements but he hasn't gone out since then. Kinda weird or maybe he's like that. But he is clean"
"Really? Cause am not so sure that he is"
"I'll keep checking but if I hang around his house any longer, I might get caught "
I was totally disappointed.
"Alright. Keep checking "
"I will"
Hmm. So much for getting what I wanted.

I was having a quiet time when Snipper came to tell me that my brother was outside looking for me. Heck! Woa I wasn't expecting to see him in my house considering the fact that he has always hated me and on two occasions I had caught him plotting my downfall but he's still my brother anyway. I still love him but if he dares threaten my life again, I won't hesitate to deal with him.
My dad wanted to put Bill in prison when he found out about his scheme. I begged him and he allowed it go but he had my security men doubled.
It is really not my thing to have men surround me. Can't go anywhere without drawing attention.
When I went to see Emilia, Snipper insisted to follow me. I had to order him to stay in the car and wait for me.
I greeted Bill warmly but he answered as cold as he has always been. After which, he started asking why I was visiting Emilia. I told him she's my friend but in reality she's not. I've known her for a decade now but we haven't really met after the first time. I only had the opportunity to be close to her when I abducted her. You might think am mean but I'm not.
I wasn't even in town when dad called me asking for a favour. Saying he needs to abduct a girl urgently for a few days. At first I objected to it. But he explained to me that I wont harm her and that he just needs to know how important she is to her dad. He also said that if he(her dad) loves her enough that he would use the girl against him to get his revenge in future. I agreed and told him to send her details to me. When he did, I was beyond shocked. The same girl. The sudden urge to protect her came on me. We searched for her that day but couldn't get her. We got her the next day and that was my first time of meeting her after so many years.
When I saw her, she looked so pretty and gentle. I wanted to provide a way of escape for her but on a second thought, if I let her go, apart from ruining daddy's plan, he might decide to get other boys to do it for him and they might abuse her. That's how I found myself obliging to dad's wish. Am so tired of being dad's toy.
After the gun battle, I told Snipper to help me find out about her where about discreetly. Everything about her. Her past and where she is right now. He told me that she's in coma of which I have been secretly going to see her with the help of snipper.
So, it surprised me that Bill knew about my movements. How he got to know I don't know. It only means that I wasn't discreet enough.
Few minutes after Bill arrived, snipper called to tell me that the investigation concerning Emilia's past has arrived.

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