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I seemed to have changed the way I look at my father. Ever since I saw him so vulnerable something changed. I think a little piece of love was still buried deep down my heart. It took time to actually resurrect it.
I was supposed to be discharged from the hospital tomorrow but I told them that I wanted to go home today so they allowed me.
Not that they had any choice.
I left the hospital to our house( my dad's house). I haven't laid my eyes on him since he left the hospital yesterday so I went straight to the house.
When I came home yesterday night, I was too tired to check up on my dad so I just went into my room and slept like a baby.
I woke up at about 10:00am.
How good am I in sleeping? I am so good. I did the normal bathroom rituals and headed downstairs for my breakfast. As soon as I sat down to eat, our chef served me good food.
The last time I ate a proper meal was few days ago when Jonah cooked for me; sorry when I stole food prepared by Jonah. What am I even saying, how can I steal my own food. I think the food this chef prepared is really affecting my line of thought.
After eating, I called the chef and asked her what she added to the food. It was funny how scared she looked when I asked her. Why was she so scared. I only wanted to find out if she added something extra that's intoxicating nothing. I had to dismiss her so she doesn't faint here because she's so fat. If she falls, I wonder how she's going to get up on her feet again. Maybe with the help of 20 men. Lolz.
I stood feeling ok and went straight to my father's room to check if he's back. It was empty. What the hell is going on. Did he travel again. Here I was thinking that he had a Mosul of love for me but he travelled and left me on the sick bed just as heartless as I knew he was.
Just to confirm for myself I asked the gateman about his movement and I was told that he only drove out hurriedly the next day after my accident. I don't if he travelled.
If he was travelling, he would have told the gateman to look after the house or something. But nothing like that. Something is obviously wrong.
I called his phone severally but he didn't pick up. I became unease. I don't even know any of his friends to call. I went inside the house and sat on the couch. The sound of my phone woke me up. I didn't even know I had drifted to sleep.
"am I speaking with Alejandro Roderico"
"please come to city hospital in Baja California"
"Baja California?? ..Why?"
"your sister and father were shot during a gun battle yesterday so you...."
I didn't even wait for him to complete the statement before I dashed out of the house. This time my speed wasn't much and I made sure I drove carefully.
As soon as I got to the hospital, a police greeted me. I got know that he was the one who called me and brought my father and sister to the hospital. After thanking him profusely, he left. I went straight to see my father. He lying down on the bed, breathing steadily. I held his hand and told him to be strong for me. I left him after few minutes and went to see Emilia. I stood close to the door after shutting the behind me. She was surrounded with gadgets and a machine close to her was still beeping indicating that she was still alive. Her head and shoulder was wrapped with a band aid. Seemed she was shot on those places. Another thing that scared me was the life support she was using. WTF.
I just can't believe this is Emy.
My own Emy. Few weeks back she was with me in my house happily giving me a blow job but here she is dying.
A tear slipped out of my eyes. I wiped it off and moved to her side. I held her hands and starred into her face and thoughts came flooding in as well as my sobbing increasing. I don't know how long I've been here but I know I don't want to leave her here alone.

* * *
A hand tapped my shoulder. I woke up to see my dad before me.
"daddy is that this real?... I mean I was just in your ward few hours ago"
"its me better now" i nodded to what he said and he continued.
"and it wasn't few hours ago, it was yesterday"
"yesterday?" he nods. Wow, I passed a night in a hospital unknowingly.
But then I looked at my dad.
He was on a wheelchair. What is he doing on a wheelchair.
Am sure my eyes popped out when I realised because my dad gave me a questioning look..
"why are you on a wheelchair, dad"
"oh its nothing"
"nothing? And you're on a wheelchair? C'mon dad am not 7"
"its not what you're thinking son, I can walk"
"so why are you using that"
"am not too strong to walk on my own yet"
"so why did you come here"
"when I told a nurse to call you, she told me that you were in my room yesterday and that you're here. So I decided to come see you both"
"yea.... I thought you were supposed to be discharged today"
"yea... I told them that am ok and I wanted to leave. Besides, hospitals remind me of mom" his countenance changed and an uncomfortable silence settled between us. After some time he spoke
"i'm sorry I wasn't there for you and your mom. I didn't know she was sick. I swear I didn't know. If I knew I would've....."
"i know you weren't aware. You were just too busy"
"and for that am sorry"
"its ok dad"
"how are you feeling now?"
"am ok...just little pains around my body"
"you need rest son"
"i sure do"
he used his hands to rough my hair just as he used to do when I was younger.
"stop it dad. I'm no longer a kid. I'm a man now" we laughed. It feels so good to laugh with my father again. My phone rang and brought me out of my thoughts. It was Nils.
"what's up asshole"
"hey dude"
"you now call me impressive"
"what the hell is wrong over there . I've been calling Emy, uncle and your phone but no one cared to pick up"
"am sorry. A lot has been going on"
"I'll be coming to Mexico tomorrow"
" Who do you want to leave your mum for"
"she didn't make it"

THE MASKED (Sequence 1)Where stories live. Discover now