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God dammit! Shut up. With my eyes still closed I turned it off. This alarm is so annoying and the only reason I haven't thrown it outside my window is because it's still kinda useful.
I tried to move my legs but something weighed it down. What the heck...
I opened my eyes and there she was sleeping soundly in my arms. Yesterday night flashed through my mind and I smiled. I haven't felt this way in a long time. It was a kinda wild and unique sensation...hey I know you think am a player but am sincerely not. I mean a lot of girls run after me but that's really not my fault and I don't sleep around.
They like me but hey, I don't feel the same way. So not my fault.
Her warm breath on my skin was driving me crazy. Like I wanted to fuck her all over the house. Creating memories you know.
I think my neighbour must have heard me banging her..
Lolz My angel is actually a screamer. A novice with a difference.
She actually made me reach my climax..
I know this sounds crazy but beside her body i would love to take my last breath. Can't believe am smiling like an idiot. Then it hit me. Nils! He had something he wanted to say to us.. I gently moved my body so as not to wake her up and I went straight to his room. He needs to tell me first. I don't know if she can handle it anyway.
I closed the door gently and to my surprise, the whole place was looking woa...what's going on.
A bold happy birthday was written there. _OMG_ Emy's birthday and I haven't gotten anything for her.
This is so fucked up. I'm gonna ask Nils to go with me to the mall or order something myself. See, cool and easy.
I took long strides and in no
sec I was in his room. This room is too quiet. Nils is a noise maker so is everything about him including his room. I don't mean his room talks. It's just that anytime am here he's always playing loud music. Like he broke the volume button of his stereo or something. He only reduces the volume when Richard is at home. It's like he wants the speaker to burst or he wants the angels in heaven to dance to the rhythm of what's he's playing. Apart from that, his box is not beside his wooden wardrobe as usual. I quickly checked the wardrobe only to discover that his clothes were equally gone. What the eyes dropped on a nicely wrapped box like stuff. I think that's meant for Emy.
I went close to it and beside the gift laid a nicely folded paper reading thus:

"I didn't mean to leave like this without informing you guys but it was urgent. Am actually on my way to Mexico. I went to your room last night to inform you but you guys were pretty busy #wink
#...Richard informed me that my mum is starting chemotherapy tomorrow. It was actually moved backward because of the present situation and I need to be by her side. If you're the one reading this , please cheer Emy up and i send my love and kisses to you.
Lots of love Nils
He left? When? I mean its just 7 and he should have at least included what he wants to tell us. This is so frustrating.. I hope she makes it out alive. She shouldn't have the same fate like that of my mom..
No one has to pass through the same ordeal like mine.

I was woken up to the strong smell of coffee.. Emilio's favourite coffee..
I lazily opened my eyes to behold a sexy sexy devil...He's so fucking hot.. But there's a tint of worry in his eyes..Is he regretting last night? I probably was not good..
"What's troubling you?"
Instead of answering me he handed me a letter..It's Nils. I read through it over and over again that i didn't realise that i was crying until i felt a warm hand wiping my tears.. Poor Nils.. Aunt Freda is all he's got..
"My love you gat to be strong. He needs our support to scale through this difficult situation. Here's his gift for you" he said handing me a small box.. I wanted to open it but Emilio ask me to freshen up before i unwrap the gift.. So i took my bath slowly cos the steaming water was too soothing to step out of. After what looked like eternity, I sneaked into my room to get dressed.. I saw two gifts on my bed and I hurriedly opened the first one in anticipation of what he got for me.. Wow.. A diamond bracelet and necklace with a letter E crested in the most sexist way..
I stood closed to my dressing mirror admiring my gift..
"Am glad you like it.." Emilio's voice startled me out of my fairy world..
"Yeah.. I love it. Thank you so much"i hugged him tightly as he wrap his arm around me.. I pulled away as i remembered that have not opened Nils present.. Emilio handed me the gift as if he was reading my mind. I opened the gift and to my greatest surprise its was a fucking key...A Darm car key.. I rushed downstairs...
Oh my gosh.
It was exactly my dream car, lexius RX350
I couldn't contain my Joy as I screamed out loud
"Oh my god....
"This is superb...
"Super classic...." I hugged Emilio tightly that I didn't notice that dad was giggling behind me. I quickly composed myself.. I could see insecurities in Emilio's eyes. He's jealous I think but it shouldn't be a big deal..
"No matter the gift I get today yours has won my heart..."
I whispered to his ear as a broad smile appeared on his face. I knew he wanted to kiss me but he did an inner battle that was visible. I giggled silently and walked pass him to my room..

THE MASKED (Sequence 1)Where stories live. Discover now