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The glass cup I was holding dropped from my hands which made everyone turn my way. The attendant was shocked but I wasn't moved. It took me more than five minutes to recover from the shock. What the hell, she's missing? How come? I mean she walked out of my house. I know that for sure but how could she be missing. Sh*t! She wasn't even having a car to go home with. I messed up. I messed up big time. How could I get her drunk, make love to her and let her go without a car or nothing. Am so stupid. I allowed my emotions cloud my sense of reasoning. Walking alone through that lonely road....what if she got home and Richard is hiding her or something. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid.
"shut up Emilio, what the fuck are you thinking"
After minutes of rambling, I jumped up to my feet as if brought back to life. I quickly got up to leave but the attendant stopped me
"you haven't paid the bill and for the mess you created"
I paid her and left. I virtually ran back to the party. I struggled to get pass the swampy bodies trying to locate where Jonah is. I spotted his brown hair in the midst of silly strippers. I grabbed his arm so he could face me. He seemed a little drunk
"hey.....where have you been"
"never mind....I need the car keys"
"why...what's wrong with're shaking dude"
"don't ask me questions. Just give me the Darm keys" I yelled.
The yelling seemed to do a lot of work and he reluctantly gave me the keys telling me to be careful or something like that. I don't think that's my priority now. I just want to get to Richard's house and tell him to provide my girl because I know she left my house that day or could she be hiding? Hiding for what? She should be proud of herself and everything she's got. Anyway, Bill and Richard certainly have questions to answer.
I need to text Jonah to look for a way to go home. I don't know when I'll be done. I checked for my phone but it wasn't with me. I tried to remember where I dropped it. I didn't see it at home today. Oh my....its inside Emy's purse. Fucked up shit.
I got into the car and zoomed off. I know I was definitely driving too fast and soon a corp would stop me but I don't care. As if on cue, I heard the siren of a corp on bike. Shit, how do I explain this now. I increased the speed and continued driving. The corp was still following me. I know am in serious shit. I looked back again after a while to see that they were now three. Shit! Shit! Shit! I banged the starry. I turned my attention back to the road and I knew it was over.

I've been searching all the places that she could be. The places I knew she liked. Why would you want to make me suffer, Angel? I thought you agreed to marry him yourself. Why would you eloped with a boy and not bother to tell me.
I wonder why I don't work at home. I mean work has been going fine even though am here. I just can't go to work in this state besides am also taking care of the other companies from home so why bother myself?
I lost my wife to death years few years back due to the fa that I wasn't having time for her and since then I've tried to create time for my kids. My work should not come between my kids and I. I've tried so far but why am I feeling like I've failed. I got up from my study chair and went straight to my bathroom to take a shower. I think I need it. When I saw myself in the mirror, I wasn't surprised that I looked pale because I cannot say that I've been able to eat since the past days Emy went missing. Each time I try to eat, I just loose my appetite.
I've been pressurising the police to do their job but nothing seem forthcoming. FIVE days without my daughter is like FIVE years. Hmmm... so frustrating.
I showered, got dressed and decided to sleep but a phone call interrupted me when I was about drifting to sleep.
"Good evening "
"Evening "
"Am I speaking with RICHARD RODERICO "
"Yes....what can I do for you"
"Please report to American British Cowdary Medical Center, a certain EMILIO ALEJANDRO RODERICO was involved in an accident"

THE MASKED (Sequence 1)Where stories live. Discover now