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I never knew my wife was so good in racing, am finding it hard to keep track of her. How will i know which route she took. Still contemplating on the right road she went to,i saw a crowd gathering,something attracted me to heart missed a beat when I came face to face with the reason behind their gathering...
low and behold it was my priceless jewel,my treasure..
i ran to her as i carried her hurriedly back to the hospital

Struggling, I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar place. It took me time to realise where i was... turning to meet the gaze of the most beautiful eyes have ever seen, I discovered he was looking stressed out...With sadness in his voice he said...
"Do you know that i almost lost you?...what came over you Bella..."he blurted out.
I pulled him closer to me as i crashed my lips to his,he was reluctant but i forceful made my way as we got lost in our own world..
A world of so much sensation..
A world where feeling him covers for words that can't be said..when we pulled away for air,i notice my sister in-law presence...
"when did you arrive?
"not too long.."
"hope i didn't disturb your moment together"..she said laughing
"of course not sis..i will go settle the bill"
my husband replied shyly....

Am really tired of my brother's wife...
She have some nerve...
She got married before me, destroyed my brothers life by wasting all his money on material things, became a control freak and turned the tables around...damn that bitch....
I was the only miss Adam,the only queen, my brother was under my control but she came and bewitched him. After eating all the normal children God gave her, she finally gave birth to that thing..she's cursed from birth and is paying for her mother's sin. Instead of her to find a remedy to her daughter's problem, she is flirting with my brother at the hospital..she's so shameless and gullible...i hate her so much...i lost my chances once before but i won't back down till i destroy her even if it's the last thing i do...
"Aunt Aunt"
Oh no what is she doing here?
" are you sweetheart? what brings u here"
i asked, irritated by her presence.
"i stopped by to say hello"
"oh i see,have you gone to visit your friend? she must have been...."
"no ma,i don't want to see her"
She interrupted me arrogantly. I was super shocked to hear that from someone who has always been by that daughter of a bitch. But come to think of it, this girl will be my perfect companion and the best key to unlock my success
"I don't understand you"
I said so as to be sure of what am hearing..
I interrupted whatever she had to say..
"i won't judge you,you must have very solid reason why you don't want to see her"
Well, all i need to do is get into that head of yours and turn you into my puppet..
"thank u so much ma, you're the only one that understand means a lot to me"
Now you're trapped with me and I know with you my dreams will be achieved..
"You're always here for can count on me anytime"
She waved goodbye but I didn't forget to tip her just to tell her that am ready to give her more if she cooperates with me and I will indeed be here for you till i get what i want....puppet....

Mum kept on nagging me to visit Anna but am definitely not going there. I can't afford being irresponsible....
"Shilla you have to visit Anna"
"i don't feel like going there"
i replied in a very irritating manner which I wouldn't do normally....
"But Shilla she's your best friend..she was always there for you when you needed a shoulder to cry on..she always protected you"
At this point she was already crying. I didn't know I was also crying until I felt something on my check..
"she treated you like her own flesh and blood...what has she done to deserve this betrayal from you. You hate her for no reason just so ashamed to be called your mother"
she walked out angrily..her last statement kept ringing in my ear..I can't believe she just said that to me. She didn't even bother to find out why I made this decision. Does it mean she doesn't know what I can do or Anna had completely won her over? Why does she seem to love and care for Anna more..probably because she's ill or has Anna taken her away from me???

THE MASKED (Sequence 1)Where stories live. Discover now