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His word kept ringing in my head..
I have proof..
Concrete proof..
How can this be true..?
When did she drift so far that all her good values became immoral..?
No!!! I refuse to believe any word from his mouth.. But why is my heart so restless...?
"What none sense are you uttering from your mouth..?" Edwardo asked Bill..
"If you weren't my husband i would have feed you your dick in a silver plate.. Then no man in this world would try to tarnish my image" Emilia replied in frustration..
"It's not in my nature to defame you but jealousy yield me to. Sorry my love.." Bill apologized kissing her
"Gross" i whisper..
"Get this straight.. You can't be in control jerk and expect me to forgive easily but I'll let this one go.. I hope we're on the same page.."
"yes love.." Bill replied her..
I rolled my eyes..
"And what brings you here..."she asked facing my direction..
I turn around but there's no one at my back..
"Me...?" i asked to confirm my doubt..
"Yeah.. "
"Are you here to finish dad off.. But get this straight.." my heart miss a bit..
"If anything happens to my father..." She grabbed my collar...
"I'll make sure you pay.. I promise.." i think my heart sunk..
"I just came to see fa.. Emmm.. Richard.." i explained my motive.. Deep down.. It hurts a lot.. How stupid of me to come here and expect to be welcomed in love.. They say love conquers all odd feeling but not in my case. My love has destroyed my life.. I've lost it all

After hearing in details all that has happened and the commossion that took place right here in this hospital i still can't believe that such a happy day could turn soar.. Full of unexpected traumatizing situations.. And my best friend .. She couldn't even share her problems with me.. She chose Edwardo..
Edwardo over me her long time friend.. Her sister. I shouldn't have encouraged her to marry Bill..
I should have never told her to give him a chance.. He's not worth it...
She wouldn't have to face such embracement.. She must be angry with me. She didn't even acknowledge my presence.. I've mislead my dearest sister..
"All this happened because of me.." I whispered to myself sobbing silently with my head bow down..
"You don't have to blame yourself.. Sister"
"sister?.."i exclaimed surprisedly..
I hugged her so tightly to withhold her from releasing me quickly..
I miss her warmth.. Though she's in my arms but she seems distance from me.. She's certainly not the same Emilia i know.. She's not naive..
Nor friendly.. She have became more like a goddess and expect her descendant to worship her without complain..
"With time you'll understand me better.. You should get your beauty sleep.. We'll talk later.." she tapped my shoulder lightly.. Just like that she left me with a lot of questions in my mind..
My eyes still set on her as she walks up to Edwardo without turning back.. I walked closer to them.. Am definately getting my answers right this instance.. Even as i drew closer to them i couldn't understand what they were saying..
"Vy poluchili to chto ya prosil..?(have you gotten what i asked for..)" Emilia said to Edwardo..
"Da.. Tochno kalo vy nastavili..( yes.. Exactly how you've instructed )" Edwardo replied her as they continue to speak in an unfamilar language
"pozhaluysta, naznach'te vstrechu..(please setup a meeting i want to get it done over with )" Emilia sighed
"vse poluchili ukhod... Snayper otpravit vas detali..( it's all been taking care of.. Sniper will send you the details..)" he replied her.. That's enough.. Am done waiting.. I clear my throat gaining their attention only Edwardo turned to look at me but Emilia didn't burge like she was aware of my presence..
"You speak Russian" Nils asked startling me..
"Yes brother.."
"i had no idea.. But fear not i don't understand Russian that much so your conversation is safe"he replied
"i don't give a damn about that.. It's not a big deal.."she replied harshly.. Nils remained calm like it was nothing.. But not me..
"You could have been more polite.. He was just asking a question"i tried to defend Nils.. "You know he can defend himself when needed.. Why should you try to speak when you shouldn't.." she dares question me..
"Why are you being so bossy.. This is not who you are.. " She laughs at me..
"You do feel oppressed.. I get it.. But we all are dynamic in nature"she replied me.. But am not convinced and she knows it.. I'll get my answer from you..
"But definately not today"she replied reading my thought..
Alejandro walks towards us for the first time there's tears in his eyes..
"What's wrong.." Nils asked nervously..
"It's Richard.." he tried to compose his voice ..
"What's wrong with father.." Emilia panicked.
"You should come see for yourself.." he responded...

THE MASKED (Sequence 1)Where stories live. Discover now