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He held me close to himself as if I am his property or something. We drove in silence to the said venue.
I discovered that when we were close to the said location, black SUV cars where following us.
OMG this is even worse than I thought. We got to an uncompleted storey building and the other cars dispersed positioning themselves inside the building in such a way that you won't know that they are there. Our car was the only car visible.
The leader of the gang was on the drivers seat while I was seated with him. Three other guys where at the back and you wouldn't know because of the tinted glasses. The leader which I later got to know that his name was Edwardo made a call asking if the others were in position. Shit snippers. What do they really want from my dad or from me. What have we done to deserve all this. After which he tied a bomb to me. He tied it on my stomach.
"Love, you know I wouldn't do this to you on purpose but it's an order from the boss"
He leaned downwards and whispered into my ears.
"I'll try to help you if you cooperate with me ok"
He sat upright and looked straight ahead with a serious look on his face.
"I hope you know that thing is a bomb. If you try anything funny, I won't hesitate to blow you up..ok"
I nodded and gave him the signal of I wanna say something. He removed the gag against the protest of the other members.
"Thank you for taking care of me" he smiled
" you're welcome kid"
He used his to rough my hair and laughed at how funny I was looking.
He looked at his wristwatch.
"It's time boys".

I'm very nervous or am being very afraid of the outcome of this journey. I just want my daughter back.
That's all I ask for.
I took my gun with me as suggested by the detective. When it was few minutes to 5, I set out to go.
The detective told me that two of this men should go with me but I objected since I was instructed not to come with any of them. After arguments they decided to let me go alone while they wait for me to tell them when he wants to make the call. I gave them a kinda look and left.
While I was driving I discovered that I was sweating. What the heck.
"Hello sir. How you doing over there " the detective spoke to me through the pod
"Am fine detective. Am only kinda nervous"
"Ok sir remember all we talked about"
Look at this small boy. He has forgotten that am a cornel. Well he's just doing his job.
"Please always give us updates"
" allow me focus on my driving "
Before I left the station, I was handed a phone pod to enable me give them update about my where about. I've told them severally that I'll be fine but they wouldn't just listen to me.
I got there about two minutes to 5. I stayed in my car holding the briefcase very tight. I looked around, it was an uncompleted storey building. It looked too quiet for my liking. Something is obviously not right here. Why are they not here yet??
I waited for about five minutes before coming out of my car.
I was surprised when two SUVs drove out from their hiding place. WTF where have they been. You mean they have been watching me since then?..God help me...
One of them came out of the cars wearing a mask. He doesn't even want me to see his face. Who cares. Just give me daughter.
"' do you know my full name"
"Oh common you're popular anyway where is my money"
"I brought it but where is my daughter "
He laughed wickedly.....
"Am not here to play games with you Mr. Just give me my money let's get this thing done with" he roared... I went to the car brought the money and opened the briefcase so that they can see it. I closed it.
" you just saw the money, now I need to see my daughter " I roared the last part of my statement. This people are trying to play games with me but I won't let them.
He brought his gun and told me to hand the money to him. He thinks his smart. I brought out mine too and immediately I heard the sound of cracking of guns from different angle. God, is this how am going to die?
The guy laughed at me saying
"Look around you Mr. You are surrounded by men and any foul movement from you ,you're dead"
I looked and the snippers I saw scared the shit out of me. Snippers not less than five where located at different angles and gun men seemed to appear from no where. Hah.
"Now gently drop your weapon, hand me the money and drive home"
What! how the hell am I going to do that. I should have adhered to the advice of the detective. I quickly whispered to the detective through the pod.
"It's a fucking trap. Where are you"
"We know and we are waiting for you to make the move. We are closing in on them. They are already surrounded."
"OK just wait for my command"
The kidnapper looked at me and I think he was getting suspicious of what was going on since I was still standing firm.
I looked at him with a pleading face
"I thought we had an agreement "
" not trust people easily and if you think I don't know that you're trying to buy time before the police arrive then I'm just sorry for you. I'm not dumb ok. I think you should see this."
I watched my princess come down from one of their cars with her hands tied to her back. A bomb tied to her stomach and a gag around her neck. I think it was used to tie her eyes or her mouth earlier on. Oh how I wish I could just hug her. I've missed her so much
"My angel..."
"Shussh...Just in case you don't know, I have my men watching for me. If I site any other person around this premises, you and your daughter dies in a flash so behave yourself.
"Did you hear that, what do I do now...I can't loose her" I whispered to the detective. "Don't worry they won't see us besides we are waiting for your move"
"Ok" this is where my expertise comes into play. I slowly levelled my gun and the briefcase.
Emy gave me a signal with her eyes before she turned to the leader of the gang...
"Edwardo...." as soon as he turned, she kissed him. What is she doing....

Seeing my dad in a tight situation, I knew I had to do something. Thank God for those years of training. I could see me dad moving his body and whispering. I think he's communicating with someone who might help us. For Edwardo not to notice this ,means he's a rookie and am definitely going to use this to my advantage.
Immediately my dad lowered his gun I gave him the get ready signal and turned to Edwardo. I called him and when he turned, I smashed my lips on his. I know you might think that am a fool to do that in this tight situation but am not. Am going to tell you how.
My dad was very surprised as well as everyone there. That's it. To cause a distraction for my dad and our helper.
I know he's into me and he couldn't help but kiss me back. I deepen the kiss and used my hands to trace his jacket while moaning into his lips and he lost it. He held me tightly while his hands moved everywhere. What a rookie. How can you be careless in a situation like this. This brought me to the conclusion that he isn't really their leader or something close to it. He must be doing it for something. I used this opportunity to turn him to lie on the vehicle thereby blocking my action from his watchdogs. I removed the control of the bomb and successful hid it. I tried to remove his gun but his grip on it was tight and if I try harder he'll suspect. Just as I was planning on what to do, his phone rang. I think that brought him back to his senses. It's now or never. I shouted to my dad.
"Now" it took my dad a bullet to his right hand to bring him back to his senses.
"Fuck" was all he could say. He told all his men to drop their weapons who became suddenly alert. He gave a loud grunt in anger before adding
"You sure want to know what I can do. You're going to see your daughter blow up in your eyes"
He put his hands confidently into his pocket but couldn't find the control pad and I smiled to myself. He went into the car to look for the control pad. I quickly used the opportunity to start working on the control pad to disengage the bomb. My tied hands wouldn't allow me do it and just as I was about the press the last button, I heard my dad shout
"Emy, watch out "
Before I could turn I felt a sharp pain at the back of my head.....

THE MASKED (Sequence 1)Where stories live. Discover now