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I ran downstairs as i heard Sandra's voice shouting for help. To my greatest surprise i saw my wife's lifeless body next to my sister.. Edwardo and Uncle Sola also rushed in.. I quickly called my driver..
It's been over an hour and my wife is still undergoing surgery.. At least Sandra has woken up but am too paranoid to check up on her.. I told her several times to give my wife space and time to think but she wouldn't listen.. Why do i feel so restless and overprotective of Emilia? She's my wife after all.. Nah.. It's something else.. I married her for her wealth.. For revenge over what her father did to mine.. For revenge over what Alejandro did to me.. But my initial motives have changed.. For the past one month I've gotten to know her.. I feel proud to be her husband though we have our differences but all i want to do is to always put her happiness as my top priority over everything.. I will do everything in my power to make her happy..
"Doctor.. How's my wife" i asked as soon as he stepped out of the emergency room..
"Where are they taking her to.. Doctor?"i asked as i saw them take her away..
"She's been taken to a private room.." "How's she.. Can i see her"
"Mr gate.. The surgery was a little complicated but you don't need to be worried about your baby.. The baby is absolutely healthy.."
"my baby..?"
"yes.. Mr Gate.. Your wife is a month pregnant.." i was amazed by the news.. "May i see her.. Please"
"yes but i have to warn you.. The first 24hours are crucial.."
"what are you trying to say.. I thought you said the surgery was successful.."my brother spook up..
"Yes it was successful sir Gate but as a medical expert i can't assure you anything.. I've done my job.. The rest can only be done by her.." he explained. I nod my head but Edwardo doesn't look quite satisfied by the doctors explanation. There's one thing am sure of and it's Edwardo's bunch of covered secrets.. That's one of the things i adore about him..
"What aren't you telling us doctor?" Edwardo asked...
"Well.. Am afraid but she has 50% of surviving.. Her heart beat is unstable and bad for the baby.. It's a miracle that the baby survived such a critical accident.. I hope the same miracle is applicable to your wife.. Excuse me" he walked away My head hurts a lot.. What the hell did you do to my wife, Sandra..? Adeline rushed through my vein..I walked straight towards Sandra's room.. I felt someone grab my arm and pulled me back as i was about to burst the door open..
"Calm down bro.. You know she had ..."
"I don't give a damn if she's suffering from hemophia..." i snapped at him..
"I understand.. You seek answers but do it politely.. Please" i nod taking a deep calming breath.. I pushed the door gently and i walked gently towards her surpassing my anger.. I sat beside her.. She turn around.. Her nose and eyes were red.. She must have been crying.. We were never close but that doesn't mean i don't love her.. I do love her alot but i hardly express it.. I was angry but seeing her sad quench my anger.. I was once again judgemental..
"I know you're angry.. I take full responsibility for what happened to her but it wasn't my intention to bring harm to her.. I just wanted to talk to her.. I should've listened to you.." She cried out.. "None of this would have happened.. Please forgive me" she cried resting her head on my chest..
"It wasn't your fault.. It was an accident" I replied while she gently raised her head up and I continued....
"It was wrong of me to blame you for that am sorry.." I wiped off the tears on her cheek using my thumb..
"You shouldn't blame yourself.. She's fine and so is my baby.." Her mood brightened up when I said that...
"she's pregnant.." she exclaimed and i nod "am going to be an aunt.." she tried to stand up but i stopped her.. I rest her head properly and covered her body..
"You should rest..that way you'll recover better"i peck her forehead and waited for her to fall asleep before i exited the room quietly....


It feels so good to be back home.. Am adjusting to the fact that am gonna be a mother.. It feels so good.. The feeling is awesome.. Words cannot express how i feel and to show how happy i am I've decided to have a word with Shilla.
I knocked gently and she opened the door though she looked shocked to see me..
"Come in.." she ushers me inside her room..
Her room's decoration is superb.. Adorned with lots of painting of her and sculptures. I glanced around for a while before sitting on her bed silently..
"I need to know how you survived" i asked curiously..
"I didn't actually die after being shot I fainted due to shock.. When i regained conciousness, I tried to escape.. I ran towards the river as the fire began to spread out.. I saw people being burnt alive.. Roasted like animals.. When i got to the river bank, my body started to tremble and i struggled into the river.. that's what i remembered.. Next.. I woke up lying on a hospital bed.. All father told me was.. He found me on a river bank where him and his son where having a picnic.. I told him everything i knew and he adopted me.. I swear to you.. I looked for you.. I stopped for a while.. After i had alot of resource.. I decided to use my contact to search for you but none yielded good result.."
"i believe you.." i hugged her..
"Did you also have a hand in my kidnap or was close to my kidnap venue..?"
"Yes but i didn't know who you were at that time" she explained....
"Am not upset.. I was just confirming my hunch"
"it's good to have you back.. Together we'll take revenge on those bastards that destroy our lifes.. Together we'll be invincible.."
"yeap.." my phone rang..
"Hello Nils"i say happily..
"WHAT" I shouted..

THE MASKED (Sequence 1)Where stories live. Discover now