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When he asked me if i had a crush on him, i gulped. All I did was lock my emotions and answer him convincely because he can't find out that he has a place in my heart that's irreplaceable. I just hope he will begin to see me as a lady not his sister someday.
Asking to be my date at Lasse party is so weird and exciting. There's something mischievous about all this but who cares...he's mine for a whole day and am gonna take full advantage of his insecurity and make it work in my favour. Who knows, he could even be mine and then I'll waste no time in putting all those shameless bitches in their place....
Can't believe am dressing up like a bride...ain't my fault I just wanna look drop dead gorgeous...OMG 4 o'clock?? Its time to be a bitch. Should i go down or wait for him to call me?
I'll just wait so it won't look like am too excited...
"Emilia"he calls out for me but i ignored him
"sweetheart ain't we running late"he says while knocking. I quickly checked myself in the mirror for the last time and smiled in satisfaction to what I saw. I proudly opened the door to see the only man that my heart longs..darm he's looking breathtaking
"you look handsome asshole"i complimented him.
He didn't even flinch, he looked lost in his thought as he stared at me....i had to tap him hard
"yyyou lookk...hmm...I mean you're..."
"Shut up asshole, let's go"
With that, I took his hands and laced it with mine. The fun just started. As I stepped into his classic car, his exotic scent filled my nostrils.
"thank you for allowing me go with you my lady"
he said as he brought the engine of the car alive....
"its no big deal Alejandro, let's just have fun"i said happily but he suddenly looked away.
The drive became awkwardly silence
"what's wrong"i asked nervously
"you called me Alejandro for the first time. It felt strange"
"am sorry"i never knew he didn't like the name that much
"let's just enjoy the night to the fullest"he tells me as he pulled over in an empty space outside Lasse's mansion . We walked majestically into the compound as i waved Lasse
"hi"lasse greeted Emilio and the two of them exchanging glances
"nice party"Emilio answered him pulling me by my waist closer to him
"You look beautiful bestie"lasse complements me ignoring Emilio who was beginning to tight his fist. I quickly rest my hands on his chest as i kissed his cheek and he immediately relaxed to my touch
"bestie, meet my date Alejandro"i turned to Emilio
"meet my best boy friend, lasse"they both shook hands
"have heard a lot about you"Emilio tells lasse who smiled in return
"enjoy the party folks"he said and he walked away..
"your bestie has an attitude babe"i nod in agreement and walked over to the bar and ordered for drinks.
As if stalking us, Walter sat opposite us not quite long and two shameless bitches started flirting with my date and he was smiling at them in my presence. What nonsense. I felt so angry and jealous but quickly shook it of.
"Babe your ex has been staring at you for a long time now. Why don't we send him away"
i starred at him with utter disbelief. I mean he's the one that has been flirting with those in my presence and this is what he says...what the hell is going on in his brain but before I could give him a piece of my mind, he placed his lips on mine. I tried to wiggle out of his hold but he's Darm too strong. Instead he deepen the kiss and after what looks like forever he pulled away
"lets postpone this for later. We kinda have the night for ourselves. So can I have this hand my lady"he says with pleading eyes.
He really is a sexy devil. How can he make me angry and try to be nice at the same time.
"Please babe don't leave me hanging " with that, he started singing with his husky voice. Oh God he's so off key. I just love this sexy devil. I put my hands in his and he pulled me up as he led me to the dance floor his eyes never leaving mine.
He swung me gently as he locks his arm on my slender waist dancing to the beat of music. He trailed his finger slowly on my waist placing light feather kisses on my neck....his breath creating wild sensation as i felt heated up. He pulled me closer to him as he breaths on my neck..I just wanted to pull him closer to me but i don't want to ruin this moment. He moved his hand to rest on my lady bumps as he hands tightened around it.
I brought my face closer to him as our breath mixes. I rest one of my hand on his back and the other locked around his neck and i forgot about everything else i just want to live in the moment. He bent down and claimed my lips. Just what I need, he sure knows what I want. Immediately his lips touched mine it drove me crazy and my eyes automatically closed.
I felt a cold hand on my shoulder as it pulls me away. I turned to look at the jerk only to see it was no other than my ex... Why does he always interrupts my good moment
"Walter get lost"i yelled at him drawing attention towards me
"leave me alone" i yelled even louder
"my love i can't because you're mine"
he tried to grab my hand but was stopped by Emilio. Those deep brown sexy eyes have being infuriated and looks like bloodshed
"don't you ever lay your filthy hands on her again or else"
"what would you do" Walter said interrupting Emilio
"babe please calm down"i said resting my arms on Emilio chest
"why are you doing this to me"
"Doing what Walter"
"You are bent on ruining me"
"what have i done for crying out loud"i said shouting at him..
I could feel Emilio's fist tightens as he drag his sleeve up ready to descend on Walter
"Why are you fucking around bitch..." Walter barks at me but before i could digest his words, Emilio landed his fist hard on Walter. I was shocked. I never expected it. Before I knew it, Walter was on the floor and Emilio's punch became harder and harder on Walter
"stop"i cried out but it fell on deaf ears,i tried to pull Emilio off Walter but i couldn't
"let him go" I commanded and whole crowd suddenly became calm
"Emilio let him go"i broke down in tears
"please"it only came out as a whisper.. Emilio seem to come back to his senses as he grabbed my hands and led me to the counter. We sat side by side but none of us spoke. I just watched him in awe. This guy is something else. When I sniffed, he turned to me,held my cheek and wiped my tears.
"Please stop crying"
I ignored him and checked if he sustained any bruises but thank God he's fine
"am okay" he reassures me
"you almost punched him to a pulp"i stated angrily
"you know i can defend myself. I ain't a kid no more"
"I know babe but that is why am protect you. Anyway he asked for it"can't believe his saying that after almost killing someone. As if reading me, he said
"Look am sorry okay. I had to do something"
"Nope ain't forgiving you yet"
"Really?? For trying to protect you"
"So what am I gonna do to get your forgiveness mi amor"
After thinking for a while, he stole a kiss.
"What! That's not going to work. You have to try harder"
As if charging him, he traced my cheek with the back of his hand slowly, spreading tingles where his skin touched mine,moving until his fingers were pressed against the back of my neck..his thumbs were tracing circles on my skin and I couldn't fight the pleasure that ran through my spine. Shit am so turned on, i don't know what's wrong but his hand on the nape of my neck made it really hard for me to think clearly
"Lets go up stairs"he whispers into my ears. I followed him to an empty room and he locked the door his eyes never leaving mine...

THE MASKED (Sequence 1)Where stories live. Discover now