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I couldn't figure out who that guy could be. My dad walked in few minutes later. I wonder if he saw that guy. I want to know who he is before telling my father about it.
"Hey kids"
"How you"
"Fine" we answered chorusly
He went to Emy's bedside and talked to her silently but I could still here what he was saying. He was begging her for forgiveness. I know how he feels. It's not entirely his fault that she's in this state but it's partly his fault because he announced publicly and made the public aware of her wealth. I know we're kinda closer than before but I have to call a spade a spade. He caused it. Anyway am not going to say it out loud cos it would break his heart to hear me say it. After a while, he turned to us.
"I saw Bill on his way out. It was so kind of him to visit his fiancée "
Zena wanted to say otherwise but I quickly intervened.
She looked at me and I gave her the signal not to tell. I'll have to find out who that is before informing my father. I kinda think he's happy that Bill visited. She already left me right. Yea, she did and it hurts so bad. But I won't give up on her. She can't make me fall for her and runaway afterwards. Not when I've fallen deep.
The next day, I decided to go the hospital on time. I actually want to remind her of times we've been together. Times she promised to be there for me and when she told me that she loved me. I stayed for few hours before I heard the door opened. I thought I told Nils and Zena to allow me spend today with her. I looked at the door. What? What is he doing here.
"What are you doing here"
"Good morning to you too"
"Answer my question dick head"
"You haven't changed at all, Jandro"
"Don't call me that"
"Why not, aren't we best friends anymore "
"Not when you threatened to kill me"
"Hahaha....the almighty Jandro is afraid of dying. Let's leave that for later. You are my in-law now"
"That will never happen"
"You are so dumb. What else would I be doing here if not to see my fiancée "
"You are sick. Why did you not stay in LA and send your look alike as you've been doing to deceive my father"
"My look alike?"
"Don't even play that game of being surprised with me"
"I was surprised when your dad called me and that's why am here"
I laughed hard.
"So you weren't the one sending him yet you agreed when he praised you"
"What else would I have done"
"Ask him when I finish telling him about this"
"You would do no such thing"
"Why not"
He laughed. What's so funny.
"How about me telling him that you've been banging your sister under his roof or telling him that she was with you in your secret house that night no no no you wouldn't want that. Or I'll better still tell him how you slept with my fiancée and played the recorded video for people to watch it at 7/11. Which would you prefer"
"Bring down your voice young man and besides I didn't play the video at 7/11. That was not my doing"
"Whose was it. Mine?"
"Can we talk outside, I don't want to disturb her"
"Or you don't want her to hear it"
My heart is burning. What if she's hearing. She might just hate me for life.
"Don't bother yourself Jandro, she's mine now"
"In your dreams"
"Yea watch and see"
He stayed quiet for sometime probably thinking of what next to say to me to hurt me. I can't believe that this guy standing here was once my best friend. He's so changed now. Acting all bossy. I didn't even do what he's acussing me of. Trust me. I've been with girls and all but I didn't play the video at that club. I recorded it. Not for that purpose. I wanted to give him prove that Nadia never loved him. Each time I tell him about how she sleeps around he just won't believe me. So when she came to me that evening saying that she was feeling horny, I decided to record it to show him that she isn't good for him. Besides he never told me that they were engaged. I decided to talk since he's now silent all of a sudden.
"You never told me you guys were engaged "
When he turned to face me, he looked sobber but masked the feeling again.
"I was going to propose to her that night at the walkway close to her house. We had everything planned out already "
"And you didn't involve me?"
"I was going to tell you that night but you had your own plans."
"Bill, I swear I didn't record it to show it to the world. I only wanted to prove to you that Nadia wasn't good enough for you"
"You proved it quite alright"
He became silent again.
"Can you describe the man that has been coming here"
"He's you but in a younger version "
"Can you remember the colour of his eyes"
I tried to recall...
"Blue.... yea sea blue"
"I think I know him"
"You do"
"Yea. I'll see you later. We have an unfinished business"
With that he left the hospital. Bill being here is trouble for all of us.


Immediately Alejandro mentioned sea blue eyes, I knew it was my brother, Edwardo. Yea, that's the name of my brother I talked about. What the hell is he doing trying to impersonate me.
I arrived at his house about an hour later. I rang the door bell and a huge man came to answer me.
"What do you want"
Such a rude guy.
"I want to see your boss"
"Give me a minute"
I waited outside for two minutes before he reappeared
"Follow me"
I did as I was told. Woa. This mansion is a place for tourism. So big and beautiful. He led me through various doors and finally into a large room. There he was reading and drinking.
He dropped the book he was reading...
"Long time no see big brother"
"Cut the crap young man. Why are you trying to impersonate me"
"Excuse me"
"you heard me"
"C'mon big bro what gave you that idea"
"The same thing that gave you the idea to visit Emilia at the hospital"
"Oh, she's a friend of mine so how is my visit to her your business "
"It's my business because......"
His land line interrupted me so I kept quiet.
"Hello boss"'s loud enough for me to listen and who's boss, Edwardo? Since when?
"Talk to me"
"Ok...I'll be with you in a few"
Package? What package I need to find out.. he turned to me.
"You were saying something"
"Oh its nothing... I have to be on my way

THE MASKED (Sequence 1)Where stories live. Discover now