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I kept wishing it was all a dream... Hoping that someone will wake me soon. But then i realized that it wasn't a dream. I felt a hot liquid on my cheek
"How dare you!"
"you disgust me brother.." I stated with mixed emotion
"Zena that's my brother you're fucking with" she immediately started picking up her clothes which were littered around the room.
"Am so sorry babe, we got carried away watching porn" Zena tried explaining.
I turned my back as they hurriedly dress up while I run downstairs.
How can Zena do this to me. I've always known Emilio to be like that but why would my friend do that to me. I thought he was supposed to be in a party. How did they even end up here. God dammit this shit hurts. I entered the kitchen and poured water into a cup to drink. This might help me.

* * *
My annoying alarm woke me up.
"Shut up, you annoying little thing"
with my sleepy eyes I turned it off. I sat down slowly and faced the mirror close to bed. Whoa who's that.
My eyes are very swollen...asking myself why, I remembered last night. The image of both of them on that bed still replays in my head. Aaarrrhhh no more..i don't want to think of that anymore.
I stood up, washed my face and went downstairs.
Descending down the stairs, my eyes caught someone sitting on the couch. That's certainly is not Emilio. I deliberately went to stand in front of him. I have a right to do that cos this my house.
"Emy..." he stood up and hugged me tightly...
"i missed you so much"
"i missed you too"he said squeezing me tighter.. We stayed like that until i broke free..
"You almost choked me" we burst into laughter.
"You've grown to be a very beautiful girl you know" I blushed..
"Anyway don't feel too good, you're still my little sister" I laughed
"when did you arrive"i asked curiously
"few hours ago..."i was about to say something but Zena interrupted me
"hey bestie...i will leave you guys to chat while i relax in your room"
"And don't keep me waiting for too long"
She walked out smiling mischievously. What in God's name is she up to. She's smiling and there's certainly no sign of remorse over what happened. God I don't know what to think anymore ...
Nils and I sat side by side a little longer chatting...
"How have you been"I asked in a steady voice...
" I'm superb.."he flashed me that gorgeous and charming smile of his....
"Uncle called me to come visit for a while. He's really disturbed by Emilio's behaviour......"
"I could see how concerned he is..."I paused...
"Moreover am glad you're back"I smiled...
"This is where you belong Nils" I hugged him. Don't you think I deserve one. I sure do. At least he didn't get to see how broken I am and for that am grateful...
We quickly pulled away when we heard a loud thud on the door...
Emilio..We hurried there only to find him drunk laying on the bare tiles. Is he not supposed to be in his room. Did he go out after what happened??
"Emilio.."I tried to raise him...
" me let's take him to his room"
As I was struggling with Nils to take him upstairs, Zena came out and gave us a helping hand.
We laid him on his bed and sat there quietly for what seems like ages... I finally broke the silence
"Nils you need to rest. You just got here.."he nods in agreement and walked out of the room without uttering a word...I know he's annoyed and disappointed in Emilio... Then I turned to Zena who looked extremely tired...
" You also need to rest. We'll talk later.."
"No babe I will stay..."
"You need to freshen up, okay." I know she's worried but I want to be left alone
"I'm fine.."
"I really want to be alone with him" she hugged me and gave me a reassuring look before she walked away.. I sigh as I took a staggering step toward Emilio. I felt disoriented. What the hell is going on. First he cheats. Not like he was mine in the first place but I still feel hurt. Zena is pretending as if what happened ain't mean a thing and now he's drunk. Why would he go out at that time. Does he really want to kill himself..
I watched him sleep soundly. Who would ever believe that after all this years i will still be madly in love with this scoundrel who held my heart captive in his cell...I lay my head on his chest as I was transported back to time...
When we where kids, he used to be full of life. But death took that boy away the same day he took mom away from us. I miss mom a lot. I also wish to see that Emilio again. He's drowning in so much pain and keeps hurting those who love him. Am supposed to be angry but am here waiting for him to open his eyes. Am so fucked up.
I felt a hand on my shoulder but I couldn't turn. It was so cold..just like...Oh God...He's here...
"'s me Nils...." he spoke up..I turned in relief
"You scared me...
Don't ever do that again" I squeezed myself in his arms as I let the tears roll down eyes freely...
"Am sorry....Emy. I never intended to frighten you."
"Hey..." He shook me in fear when I didn't respond to him. I was just there...starring at him, trying to calm my nerve. He's eyes soon began to water and I struggled to smile...
"Am fine...I'm glad it's you."I know by his look that he wasn't satisfied with my answer. I looked away feeling uncomfortable but I could feel his eyes on me like they were searching for answers.
I sat next to Emilio stroking his hair gently...
" You're still in love with him"he spoke in a steady voice....
"You can't deny it Emy. Hey talk to me. Your silence is killing.." He stood up to leave seeing I wasn't ready to bulge...I summoned the courage I needed and finally spoke up..
"Yes...I do love him" he turned to look at me...I walked up to him and held his hand firmly....
"I've always loved him. I know I shouldn't love him but I can't stop myself. Am crazy about him..." He didn't say a word as he starred at me then he turned to leave but I held his hand as I drag him closer to me...
"He's my life and I need your support. He's kinda aware of my feelings but I think he isn't interested and am really crazy about him. Say something Nils. Scold me, slap me but don't leave me alone in this. I love him a lot and it hurts a lot knowing he don't feel the same towards me...Despite knowing this fact, I still love him"
He placed his index finger on my lips
"I'm not angry with you. Am just worried that he's only gonna hurt you. Nevertheless, you have my total support. I will stand by you. I promise you... Emy...I promise"
I know Nils is a man of his word...He will surely fulfil his promise and now it's time to make Emilio want me so bad...
"I'll be going for a party later tonight and I need you to bring Emilio over there"
"I know you won't tell me what you have in stall for him...."he said smiling
"But don't do what I wouldn't do with Zena......"
"Of course I won't"
"I value my v. card a lot to dish out to all those worthless guys..." I reassured him
"But make sure he's sober through out the party. He's unpredictable.."
"I understand....." He cup my face as he look deep into my eyes
"Your fear is justified and that will be difficult because if he loves you he could kill for you" He's word cause a thunderstorm in my head...
"But I will keep him under control. Trust me on this. I will ha 't get to
"Thank you Nils..."
"I got to go now...I need to prepare for tonight. Tonight is gonna be a stormy night"I hugged him briefly and walked out....

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