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I drove like a mad man.. I stepped out of my car as i took a deep breath..
"This is for you dad" i walked towards the big brown door.. You can do it.. I assured myself as i pushed the door open..
I walked straight to alter and knelt down..I don't have faith in you but here i am for the sake of my father.. I laughed slightly as the candle light goes off..
"Even the lights are mocking me.. I know the last time i came here i yelled at you...

"My mother have strong faith in you but what did you do.. You took her away from her son, and her daughter.
You're wicked.. You're ungrateful and unjustful. She worshipped you regularly.. Do you remember she escaped from the hospital and came here.. She sang praises to you even though she was in pain.. What kind of a God are you..? I don't worship you like she does.. I have no faith in you but she had one.. Why didn't you just take my life but no you proved how mighty you are by taking hers.. I hate you so much.. I'll never come back here.. Never.. And even if i did.. I'll break this building down..

Am sorry.. I was so young and hurt.. I just lost my only support.. It was immature of me.. Let bye gones be bye gones.. Please forgive me and forget i ever said such blasphemous thing to you. I light the candles at the alter...
"please just remember the good times i use to come here with mom..

"Mom please i want to light the candle.."i grumbled..
"you might burn your hand.." my mom said lighting the candles as i frown
"you know mum's right.. When we grow older like mum then we'll light all the candles everyday" Emilia explains to me "you should never frown in the church except you wanna drive the angels away with that face.. Right mummy?" she ask my mom
"you're right sweetheart.. Now kneel down let's pray together..."

I came back here not to break your house but for you forgive me and heal my father.. I don't have strong faith in you.. But i do believe that you'll not neglect the prayer of a repented sinner.. Please God answer and grant me my heart desire..

Emilia tapped me and I opened my eyes.
"What did you pray for.." she asked me..
"I asked God to accept all your prayer request.." i answered proudly and she giggled..
"Well i also prayed for you.. Mum and dad"
"why don't we take a vow before God and the Angels"
"what kind of vow..?" she asked
"promise me that you'll always be by my side no matter what become of our future..?
"I promise.. Together forever" she replied.. I drew closer to her as she looked at me in awe....
"What are you doing" she asked nervously.. "Trust me and close your eyes"she closed her eyes as I claimed her lips.

"I know it's not appropriate to think of that now but I can't help it. She promised to be by side and I kissed her for the first time here on this alter. Now where's she. She abandoned me and I need her. Right here with me.
I've always held my emotions not allowing anyone see them but she broke down my walls and now everyone can see through me.
She abandoned me but please spare my dad. I cannot stand another heart break"
just then someone so familiar said hi.

Why do i feel so restless..? There's this sharp pain in my heart.. Something is definately wrong somewhere..
"What are you thinking about ...I have been talking to you but you seem lost in thought" Bill sighs..
"Am sorry dear.. What were you saying."
"nah.. Forget about that.." he lifted me up to sit on his lap.. what is your problem dude..
"you look disturbed.. What's the matter love" Love? You must be sick...
"I don't know.. I have this strange feelings that its not well.." he was about to say something when my phone rang...
"Hello Zee" i rolled my eyes
"babe come to the hospital your da.."i hanged up..
"I need to go the hospital.." I told Bill while i grabbed my car key..
"Am driving you there... No argument... Please" i sighed and handed him the car key..
As we descended from the stairs i bumped into someone.. Someone I was practically avoiding..
"Ann.. I.."i raised my hand to silence her "Now is not the best moment to talk.." i walked past her..
"Where are you love birds heading to?" Ardo ask startled me..
"What hell was that for.." i shouted before I inhaled a deep breath..
"We're on our way to the hospital..." Bill answered....
"brother can i tag along" Ardo asked Bill. I hissed silently. Does he have a say this?. Bill nods his head in agreement as if controlled by my thoughts...
"Can i also come with you..?" Shilla asked looking at me.. I turned to look at Bill and Ardo. Both expression were pleading to accept her request..
Now am feeling like am the villain. I unwillingly nod my head..
The drive to hospital was uncomfortably quiet. I caught a few stares from Shilla though...
We arrived at the hospital and hurried to my father's private ward..
"How's he..?" i asked Nils..
"The doctor hasn't given us any update..We should hope for good news.." Nils replied..
"Who's she?" Nils asked..
"my sister in-law.." i replied..
"Sandra Shilla Gate.. Pleasure to meet you" she said stretching forth her hand..
"Nils Clinton Julio.. Her cousin brother.. Pleasure is all mine" Nils replied shaking hands with her..
"your name sounds familiar.. Shilla.. I've heard that name before.." says nils.. I just stare at him like am surprised but am actually not..
"Emilia called out her name when she woke up from comma.. Shilla that's the name.." Zena answered happily like she won a trophy.. Shilla looked shocked and sad.. She walk slowly towards me.. I gave her a death glare and she stopped...
"Can somebody explain what's going on here.." Nils asked pointing at me and Shilla..
Shilla was about to say something when i gave her a dont-you-dare look.. She swallowed back whatever she wanted to say and I took that as a clue to leave.
I went to take a seat next to my supposed husband and ignored their stares.. When i say their i meant Nils, Zena and my husband.. Except Ardo.. He knows too much for his own sake..
"Emilia, what's going on in your life.. Your attitude.. It's like you're a different person.. What did you do to my sister..?" Nils asked. She's dead.. I wanted to say...
"Don't you dare say nothing because i know for a fact it's something.. So many secrets.. Won't you at least share it with me. Your Nils?.. Even if you say nothing to others.. You should say something to me.." i was about to say something the doctor came out.. Just at the right time..
"He's out of danger.. But he's in comma.." thank God he made it..
"You may see him" he said and walked away..
"This conversation is not over.." warned Nils as i nod my head. Wait..
"Where's Emilio..?"i asked anxiously..
"He left in haste while i was trying to get in contact with you and Nils.." Zena answered..
"I think we've been hard on him and that might have caused him leaving like that. Please we need to find him.. I'll try to contact a few friends i know.."
We called the few friends we knew but nothing. They were all saying the same thing.
"Where could he be..?" Nils asked worriedly.. I know you think I'm evil and I also know that I no longer feel anything towards him but resentment but he's still my plan and my life.
"Where are you coming from.." i asked rudely..
"I went to the source of my problems" he answered. I put my hands on my waist. What is he saying...
"Where might that be?"saying i asked curiously..
"The church.."he replied..
"The church..?" i asked uncertain..
"Yeah.. The church"
"I know where to find him.."
"where.. I'll take you there.." Bill offered.. "Nah.. It's a long drive.. Give me the car key.." i demanded..
"I insist"
"give me the damn key.. Bill"i shouted.. He handed me the keys.. I sighed.. Now i feel bad for raising my voice at my pathetic husband..
"Am sorry for yelling at you.. I need to go alone."he nods.

THE MASKED (Sequence 1)Where stories live. Discover now