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It's been two days and i just can't stop thinking about that stranger.
The way his hands felt on my skin, the way he caressed me, oh the way his lips tasted.
How can I forget such.
Even when I got home I went to the bathroom and starred at my lips and I could still see the way he kissed them. Crazy me. I didn't even get a chance to know his name or any other thing I can identify him with. But I can never forget the structure of his face. Gosh he's so beautiful like he was made in a lab or something. It's all your fault Walter. I mean he still doesn't know his place,why did he show up at that time?..
Woa I think am really going insane. I mean I kissed a total stranger and am angry someone interrupted. How did I become so naughty.
As if this is not enough to drive me insane, I still haven't seen my brother. How can I live in the same house for weeks with him and I've not seen him. It's so strange. He's barely at home and even if he come home it would be when am asleep because I sometimes wake to see his stuff on the couch. I'll just take a nap and stop thinking about that sexy stranger or my brother.
As I climb up the stairs I heard the horn of a car. Daddy isn't coming back yet, he called me yesterday. I didn't tell  Michael to get me anything. Who could that be??? OMG I think he's home. Am gonna see him, there's no way he'll run out of this house without me getting to see him today and he must have a good explanation. I hurried down the stairs. I opened the door and saw him pressing his phone.
"hello bro..."
With that, he looked at me..
"oh no" i gasped under my breath. This can't be happening. How can this be.... I think my brain is giving me a hard time. Could it be that the sexy stranger traced me to my house. No no this can't be. I turned to run away but he grabbed my arms and spined me around to face him.
I looked directly into those deep brown eyes i will gladly become a prisoner in. Searching his eyes, I discovered he was confused... then he spoke up..
"who are you"
gosh what to do. Does it mean he didn't remember that night and the moment we shared? So why did he trace me here. To tell me that he doesn't remember me?? I knew it from the very start that he's rude but not to this extent. With all the boldness I could get, I answered
"am supposed to be asking you that question. Who are you and what are you doing in my house"
He grinned at me which left me more confused.
"What the can you ask me such a question in my're just silly."
He brushed past me and went into the house leaving me outside. What's going on. I followed him quickly. When I got inside, he was already at the door of the kitchen. How does he even know our kitchen.
"Hey stranger, you have no right to go into my kitchen like that."
He just laughed and brought out his phone and paced a call through. I heard the following conversation...
"Hello Richard
Who did you bring into this house without my permission..."
When i heard him call out that name, I knew he was talking to my dad. After all that, he handed the phone over to me.
"Hello daddy....this guy just entered the house and went straight to the kitchen..i don't know who he...."
Before I could complete my sentence he gave me the shock of my life. Oh kill me now, the sexy stranger is my brother. Before I could process the information he took the phone from me and am sure daddy told him also because I saw the life drain out of him but he quickly mask it with a big smile that didn't reach his eyes.
"Hello sister, I can't believe I couldn't recognise you. You've become so beautiful"
my cheek heat up immediately when he said that making me forget all my worries.
"You were gone for like five years."
giving him my cutest smile, i replied
"Almost. It wasn't up to five years"
"why were you shocked when Richard told you am your brother and that I am back for good"
Am definitely not going to be the one to bring up that issue..
"yyyeah...I was just shocked I couldn't recognise've become super hot"
he laughed as i also joined him to laugh at my foolishness
"we have a lot of catch up to do you know" he said palming my cheeks. Awwn he's so adorable and i can't stop myself from crushing on him..
"we could play random games together"
"truth or dare"he says like he was reading my mind
"yeah..that's if you're not too busy"
i said sitting next to him
"of course not. Am never too busy for you"
"Lets go to my room"
he says stretching his hand for me as i gladly hold up to him as he leads the way. His room is breath taking,though my room is quite bigger but his design is superb
"so any rules"
i ask sitting on his bed
"It will be truth only,if you want to ignore any question then u will do anything i want"
he says handing me a glass of orange juice
"that's fair enough. You go first"he smiled and thought for a while..
"do you know the lady that Richard calls princess"
i burst into laughter
"what's funny"
he asked looking confused but i can't stop laughing at his foolish question.
"it's me jackass"
i replied and he joined me laughing
"i thought she was one of his mistresses". I rolled my eyes at his comment.
"so while you were away did you fall in love cause I was praying for you to"
"yes"he replied
"Why, am human you know"
"Oh, no one is disputing that fact but we both know..."I paused
i sat closer to him,raised his chin so that we'll be looking eye ball to eyeball...
"that you're a player"I completed
he looked broken when i said that, anyway the truth is always bitter
"when you get to know me better your opinion will change babe. I promise"
gosh i could felt the butterfly in my stomach when he called me babe. What is wrong with me...wake up Emilia, he's your brother.
"so sweetheart do you have a boyfriend"
"No we broke up weeks ago. His demands became outrageous"i told him truthfully
"who was the first girl you kissed. I mean the one you loved not the one you did for fun" he suddenly looked sad,i could see tears in his eyes,i wish i could take back the question but just then he replied...

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