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"What's wrong.."i asked her..
"Dad.." she called out as tears drop down her eyes.. She walked out on me as i kept calling out for her but she was so lost in thoughts..
I followed her as she grabbed her car key.. She was about to leave but i held her "You gat to tell what happened.. Am losing my mind.." she started to sob silently.. I became confused..
"My.. My dad is dead.."she said trying to calm down.. She unlocked her car as i took a sit next to her.. She started the engine.. I jerk up at the pace she's driving.. Nobody needed to warn me to put on a seat belt. This girl drives like Dom in fast & furious.. She's crazier.. "Whoa.. That was close" i exclaimed as she wrongly overtake three trucks coming from different dimension..
"Watch out" i shouted in fear..
"Drive slowly.." i pleaded..
"Ahhh!!!.." i exclaimed as she hit my head.. "What was that for"
"that was for screaming like a baby.."she replies..
We hurried inside.. The hospital entrance was filled with reporters.. Luckily for us.. Bill and Edwardo arrived at the same time with guards.. The guards led us through the crowd of reporters.. Although they kept throwing annoying questions at us but we just ignored them. We were directed to the room where his body was kept..
His body was covered with white sheet.. Her brothers and Zena were standing opposite us.. Ann stepped forward.. She was trembling and almost lost her balance.. Bill attempted to support her but she stopped him.. hmm still as stubborn and independent as always..
She reached for the cover as her hands vibrates.. God.. Please give her the strength to go through this trauma.. The room was filled with loud sobs as Ann removed the sheets.. She sobbed quietly as tears fell down her eyes as she wept..
"Dad.. Dad.." she called as she wiped her face but tears continued to fall down her eyes.. I didn't even notice that i was also crying.. I stood next to her and placed my hands on her shoulder..
"Let go Ann.. He's dead.."
"no.. Leave me" she shouted
"dad please get up.. You can't be dead" She said using her tears to clean his face..
"Don't listen to them dad.. They're crazy.. You can't be dead.."she laughed as more tears fell down..
"You.. You told me that you had six months to live but its not up to the third month.."
"Why are you so quiet.. Speak up" she cried out hitting his body..
"Get up.. Get up" she hits her hand hard on the bed repeatedly.. Her hand began to bleed but that didn't stop her.. We tried to pull her back but she struggles with us She kept fighting..
"Let me go.. Leave me alone.."she cried.. "He's dead.. Let him go" Emilio said as he holds her but she pulled her hand from his grib..
"Don't you dare touch me.."she shouted at him
"you're a murderer.. You killed my father. I hate you.. You killed him" she shouted
"please calm down.. You shouldn't be stressing yourself like that" Bill said to Ann...
"No.. I won't calm down.. I'll make this bastard pay.. I want to speak with the media.. I'll tell the whole world the truth" she kept struggling.. Suddenly she stumbled but Edwardo caught her..
"Please stop fighting with us.. Do it for your baby.. Please" Edwardo pleaded.. She placed her hand on her belly..
"My baby?"
"yes.." Edwardo replied. Bill brought water and handed it to me..
"Please drink it.." i gave her the glass of water and she drank it..
"Come with me.. You need to take your medicine" Bill cajoled her.. She nods and quietly followed him..
"please go with them.. Make sure she doesn't get to talk to the media.. She" Edwardo's phone started ringing thereby interrupting him..
"Hello brother.." he greeted..
"Shit.." he hanged up..
"She's gone missing.." he sighed..
"What are we waiting for..? Let's search for her" i suggested
"There's no need for that.." Edwardo said.. "What do you mean.." Alejandro asked..
"She must have gone to the media and going there to stop her will only raise more questions and prove her words to be true.." Edwardo explained..
"But i did not kill my father.." Alejandro argued..
"Only the law court will decide your fate" Edwardo answered him..
"Let's bury him for now.." Nils suggested.. a DEA officer barged in as we were about to leave.. Ann stood by the door her eyes fixed on Alejandro..
"Am detective Santos Doriga.." the DEA officer introduced himself...
"Am sorry to interrupt but you have to come with us to the station.."
"you can't arrest him without a warrant officer Santos.." Nils said...
"we only need a statement from you sir. So please corporate with us.." officer Santos requested politely with a smirk.. Alejandro nod as he quietly followed them.. He halt as he stepped closer to Ann.. He looked at her with tears in eyes.. His eyes portrayed conflicted emotions.. Poor guy.. He just became an orphan and his beloved sister has laid an allegation on him.. He shook his head as tears was about to drop and walked away with the cops..

THE MASKED (Sequence 1)Where stories live. Discover now