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I ended the call and looked at my dad. How do I break the news to him that the only sister he gat is gone.
I don't even know how he'll react so I decided not to talk about it.
"who was that"
what do I tell him now. I mean he's still not fully ok, I just recovered and Emy is here fighting for her life.
"its nothing"
"why do I have a feeling that something is wrong"
"everything is ok..... Please tell me how both of you got shot and if you remember the face of the person that shot you both" he took a deep breath
"the leader was wearing a mask and was the only one close enough for me to remember. Others were positioned at different places ready to shoot" as he explained I could see through him. He cares for Emy.
"wait, they shot her too?"
"seems so because the detective told me that when he carried her, he discovered that she was bleeding from her shoulder and her head"
"the detective?"
"yea....he was the one that brought you here"
he was about to say something but his phone interrupted him.,.
I just hope its not a call from the states. I listened to his conversation...
"is my phone playing games on me"
"how are you mehn... Did your wife preach to you to call your twin?"
"bad news?" oh no... I wasn't able to hear the other discussant but immediately he mentioned the name of his twin, I knew he was about to be told.
"what...thought she was on chemotherapy"
"oh my God...what is happening to my family" he turned to me and I tried to console him...
"don't worry dad, God knows why"
"you're aware?"
"hmm....yyeaa....that was the call I received"
"why didn't you tell me"
"am sorry dad... I felt it wouldn't be nice for you to know yet because of everything that's going on" all he did was nod.
He starred at the wall for long and I noticed that he was crying.
He's been through a lot these days that he has aged greatly due to worry. I didn't even know when I stood up and hugged him. My tears seemed to have been waiting for this time to pour out. I heard the door swing open and Zena stood before me.
She also look pale like she hasn't been eating. She hugged us and together we all cried.

* * * *
Nils came back as promised and he looked really beaten up by the situation. He locked himself in his room for three days straight without coming outside. My dad was afraid that he might harm himself but I assured him that Nils wont do such a thing and that he just needs some time to himself. When my mom died I locked myself in my room for a week. I was only drinking to make the pain go away but it wouldn't stop.
When I opened my room after one week, the first place I went to was my father's room. I angrily destroyed everything I could lay my hands upon. After which I sacked all my mum's workers and left he house for 2 weeks and that was when I met Jonah. He was the one who pushed me to go home saying I've spent too much time in his place partying and getting laid. When I came back, Emy took all my shit and was there for me.
I still love her.
Nils came out after three days trying to go back to normal but it wasn't that easy. After eating we chatted for a while and he went back to being gloomy and then he asked
"where is Emy. Is she now going out as early as 8...she needs spanking " hmm why do I have to be the one to give this news.
"she's at the hospital"
"doing what" i explained everything to him.
"so why did all of you keep me in the dark" I couldn't think of what to say to him..
"we felt we could handle it and telling you would be adding more burden on your shoulders" my dad answered from no where. His figure started to pop out of the other side of the house...
"Nils don't lock yourself up again and if you do, you'll leave me no choice than to break down that door of yours" he smiled a little. That's the only time I've seen him smile since he got back.
"Anyway, am sorry I didn't tell you about it. Am going to the hospital now you can come with me if you want"
We stood up and followed him to his car. The whole drive to the hospital was characterised by silence.
Maybe we had nothing to say to ourselves or we just needed the silence.
We walked into Emy's room to meet her BFFs with her, Zena and Lasse.
They greeted us and gave their condolences as people say, whatever. We all sat there in silence not saying anything until dad spoke up.
"Nils, we'll be going to the states in two days for the burial. I have to be there and you have to be there. Alejandro can you take care of your sister while we're gone?"
My dad can be annoying sometimes. Why did he bring this up here. Wait! My sister? Sometimes I forget that she's my sister. I stopped seeing her as a sister long time ago but Nils said he had something to share with me that will help clear everything up.
As much as I would like to know what it is that Nils has to say, this is not the appropriate time to ask him.
Zena spoke up..
"You guys should go. I and Lasse would take care of our BFF"
My dad looked at me and then Emilia before staring at the wall for a long. After few minutes of obvious thinking, he agreed. We stayed for a long time before leaving the hospital with Zena and that troublesome guy behind. Don't think I forgot about his attitude when Emy introduced me to him at that party. Nah I haven't.
* * * *
I hate funerals. The only funeral I attended was my mum's and I stayed for just an hour before running away. Everyone in the family was present and were putting on black clothing and shades. My dad was not an exception. After the prayer in church, they moved her to the grave side and lowered her into the ground. The preacher was saying something but I did not pay attention. I was just there looking at my aunty and remembering all the time we spent together. People started putting flowers into the grave. I just stood afar off watching the whole scene.
So this is it. She's left us.
They began to cover the coffin and cries were coming from different angles. Nils cried and fell on the floor. They helped him up and took him to the car. After everybody left, I went to the grave side. Looking at it for several hours before I went home.
When I got home everybody was wearing a sad face and it was already 3:00 in the afternoon. Dad told us that we'll be leaving for Mexico the next day. I only nod and went to Nils room only to meet him answering a phone call.
"Hey, how you"
"No problem... how's she "
"Are you serious"
"We're on our way" that's all I heard. I couldn't hear the other person.
He turned to me.... SHE'S AWAKE...

THE MASKED (Sequence 1)Where stories live. Discover now