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I couldn't tear my gaze off him.. His pleading eyes held mine captive.. The church became uncomfortably quiet with heated gaze towards us with anticipation of what my reply would be.. Shockingly Emilio's cheek became wet and as i looked down i noticed mine was also wet..
That's the confirmation i need to make my decision.. I boldly looked up at Bill and then at Emilio..His cheek were still wet with tears.. That's what i need..his pain.. I smiled as his shoulder stiffen..
"Yes.. I do" i replied as my eyes held his captive.. His shoulder dropped and he tightened his fist.. Bill surprisingly removed my veil that's when i realised that we were already pronounced husband and wife. I glanced around and i noticed a strange expression on Edwardo's face. His eyes met with mine but i didn't fidget..I mean, there's a lot of emotion like the day he apologized for trying to assault me. I was still trying to understand his emotions when Bill cupped my cheeks and without wasting time he kissed me.. I felt absolutely nothing.. No burning desire nor aching passion.. No butterfly building in my stomach but all I could think of was Emilio. I can't wait to see your face Emilio.. I pulled away before he could deepen the kiss further.. As the guest kept cheering and applauding classically, I smiled. Not at them but at the havoc am creating.. This is just the beginning dearest Emilio.. I will make your life a living hell that you'll beg for death.. My precious toy.. I will use you to achieve my ultimate revenge. No commitment, No forgiveness, only punishment with God as my witness. All the love and passion i felt towards him has turn into hatred.. I've gotten my memory back so I have to muster all the courage i need for this task. Bless me lord..
"Congrats bgff" Zena, my brides maid hugged me as my father approached me with Nils and Emilio my his side.. Poor guy.. Muster courage man..
"congratulations princess"dad embraced me as the guys exchange pleasantries.. Game time..
"Big brother won't you hug your little sister as an encouragement that I'll need to start my family.." i said to Emilio who looked shocked but foolishly embraced me.. I felt a little spark as i felt his warmth..OMG..
"I'll miss you so very much Emy.. Don't forget that i love you... We'll always love you" he said. That's what i need for my revenge.. Your love.. Faithful but wounded dog..
"Thanks.. I'll keep that in mind.." I replied casually
"best of luck.. Have a wonderful new beginning" Nils pecks me..
"Definitely Nils"
I purposely missed my balance and as expected Emilio came to my aid.. I used the opportunity to grind my hip seductively and his arousal harden.. I quickly turned around coming face to face with him.
"Thanks.." he nods trying to compose himself
"You should keep that thing in check.. Dearest brother" i whispered to him referring to his arousal.. He nods.. hmm. My puppet.

The wedding was a success. I wouldn't deny the fact that i thought Emilia would change her mind.. Well i wasn't the only one with that perception.. But she proved us all wrong.. I still don't understand the reason she delayed to reply the priest?.. What's her motive for accepting to go through the marriage even though Emilio has proven that they are not siblings??.. Why did she stay away from her home after regaining consciousnesses...?.. Why would she choose to stay at my brother's house..?.. How the fuck did they meet..?.. Was she also one of his fling..? What kind of game are you playing.
"HEY" Emilia shouted breaking me from my thoughts.. By the look on her face i know she's annoyed..
"We arrived ten minutes ago but you seems lost in thought neglecting the fact that I have been talking to you.. Is this how our new beginning ought to be.." she spat with bitterness..
"Am sorry sweetheart but I'll make it up to you.. I promise.."
My guards opened the door as i stared at another one of my would be achievement; the Roderigo's mansion...
I don't give a damn as to why she chose this place for our honeymoon but it's worth more than several suits I've been to in the past. At least I'll be able to know more about this family and how to run them down. I know you may be thinking am mean but trust me Emilio deserve what I'll do to him and his dad also deserve what will befall this family after I take all they own. I know I don't like my dad very much but Sir Richard has to pay for playing him back then.

She sat quietly sipping her wine as she sent withering look at me.. I couldn't withhold my hunger to lavish what's mine. So, i took her wine, put it down next to mine, drew her closer to me and kissed her gently.. Her body responded.. I took her hand and pressed it to my heart..
"It's beating this fast for the second time today and you're the first woman who's capable of doing this to me.. "
She smiled and ignored my piercing eyes
"save the lines for other women.."
"ooh.. Unfortunately.. There aren't any".
"No?"she mocks. I swung her legs over easing her into my lap.. She became tensed and uncomfortable..
"You miss him don't you." she raised her brow questioning. I continued..
"Emilio..Or is it my brother Edwardo.." she laughs but didn't reply..
"It depends on your definition of miss my husband. Regardless of that.. I do miss them as i ought to.." my heart started thumping unusually for the first time..I dropped her on the bed .. Just as she straightened her self, i lunged up and tumbled her onto the bed covering her body with mine.. I unzipped her gown leaving her in her in pant and bra.. What a beauty!. I took in a sharp breath, gazing at her. I kissed her neck down to the valley of her breast..
"Now mine.. Mine forever" i proclaimed lustfully.. I unclasps her bra as my phone began to ring..
"I'll be back.." i hurried to grab my phone as i switched it off.. Going back to my lovely bride.. I met her naked sitted on the bed.. Without wasting anymore time i undress myself and climb onto the bed.. My mouth held her pointed nipple captive savouring it with torturing strokes giving equal attention to each of them. I kissed down her stomach as her legs wraps on my hip inviting me to stroke her.. It's been long since i made love to a woman.. The realisation made my erection grow harder.. I entered her slowly and lazily. Fuck! She's tight. I don't know how long am gonna last. Then I started thrusting in and out..thrust...thrust...thrust...getting harder and faster.. Our moans becoming louder urging me to go faster.. Thrusting with all I've got.. Then i felt her orgasm inevitably, her body gathering for it.. Her eyes closed , hissing breath through her teeth, moaning loudly.
I began to grind my pelvis on hers. Then moved out and plunged in again, am close to my release..
"Look at me.." i urge her.. She met with my eyes. Losing total control, i thrust again and her orgasm hit.. As mine shots into her.
"Emilia.." i whisper dropping my head next to hers.. Pressing our cheeks together, digging my hands under her back to hold her tightly against my body..Woa that was..... am not telling you..
I could hear whisper.. No it's an argument.. I listened further and i noticed Emilio's voice. I unwrapped my hands and grab her nightgown from the wardrobe.. she rushed to the bathroom insisting to change there. I would have followed her but maybe she's still shy. I'll give her a little privacy just for tonight.
"Get dress quickly.." i obeyed without complain as i trail behind her and she opened the door and the noise became clearer and louder.. It's obvious that Emilio and his father are having a heated argument..
"Daaaddd"Emilia yelled in pain and shock..

THE MASKED (Sequence 1)Where stories live. Discover now