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Am sitting here with my annoying date. My eyes fixed on the entrance door waiting anxiously for Emilio...I hope Nils was able to convince him to come. That's when I will rock this party to the fullest. I have something in stock for my prince charming...
" Babe...he's gonna come..."Zena assured me. Why should she be here with me after what I saw. I just rolled my eyes at her comment. If she thinks am happy with her, then she's crazy. Seeing what I did, I think she began to notice that am angry. Nobody told her to start explaining...
"Babe am sorry for what you saw...its not what you think and before I say anything I want to tell you that I think Emilio has feelings for you" I just stared at her. Duhhh...ain't working...try another lie..
"Cut the crap girl I know you have your eyes all over him."
"Emy you know that's not true. I actually have eyes for Ni..never mind"
I raised my brows giving her the do you think am a fool look but she ignored and continued..
" I actually saw Emilio at the party last night. He was with his friends at first and then he went to sit alone with the bar man. He drank a cup of alcohol once not even stopping for a sec. He asked for another and that was when I went to stop him. I asked him why he was drinking and he said he needed it to think "
"And how does that relate to you in his room"
"Hold're just in a hurry"
"Okay..go on"
"He started asking so many things about you..including if you have feelings for him"
"I don't know. But don't worry your secrets are safe. Actually he thinks he's not good for you and he also doesn't want to man up to his feelings.
He diverted and we started talking about me and I also started drinking. I had to stop because someone had to drive. I drove him home and we went up to his room. We were both drunk at this stage. We got into the room and he said I shouldn't leave and that he wanted us to watch something fun. And that was how we started watching porn. He didn't take off my dress I can remember that clearly. We took them off and I started fingering myself while he stroked himself..all this while the video was still playing. I don't know who initiated it but we only kissed once after muttering your name he pushed me and that was when you came in"
"God dammit it how can I believe that"
"Because it's the truth...I swear and I think he left the house immediately I left that's why he came back drunk"
For some reasons I don't know, I believe her.
I just hope she's right and am not being a fool
"But who do you have eyes on"
"Babe that can wait...look who we have here"
I turned to my right only to see my prince charming looking gorgeously stunning. Sorry for saying all that nonsense but this sexy devil right here is beautiful couple with his brown eyeballs...Darm..he's cute...I diverted my gaze from him. Focus girl.
I turned to my date...Game time...
"Am feeling bored let's dance.." He nods in agreement,he led me to the dance floor..
We started slowly dancing to Adele's Remedy until the DJ changed the song to Kranium's nobody has to know. I started rocking my butt on his hardcore to the rhythm of the song while he went on with romance..
He swayed me gently as I turned my face to his...our breath mixing..our eyes locked together.
He used his index finger to trace circle on my lips. As I closed my eyes, I saw Emilio's face..Darm this isn't right but I gat to do what I gat to do to gain his attention. I moved and kissed him on his cheek. He made use of this opportunity and grabbed my waist firmly placing it hard on his core. I could feel it's hardness but now is not the time to back down...
He moved his right hand slowly and placed it on my boobs. God this guy have some nerve.
My heart began to race both in fear and excitement. He moved his free hand under my tank top but was interrupted by the loud sound of scattered bottle....
We quickly pulled away from each other only to see Emilio's furious eyes on me...
I felt happy and worried. My eyes moved to Nils who looked just as worried as I am. I prayed silently for help because the guy standing before me is ready to kill....
He looked at me,his eyes reflecting a storm of different emotions....
I expected him to land his fist on my date but he dragged me away. My date tried to stop him but I stopped him as I willingly let Emilio drag me out to a secluded place. He released his grip. I gently massage my wrist. He took a step towards me looking at me like a hungry lion...

I poured my anger on her as I kissed her furiously. The image of her with that guy kept replaying in my mind. I could feel her struggling beneath me but i won't stop.. I need to get this picture out of my head. I want to go back there and rip his dick off but I know I might regret it later, so I'll just kiss the image out of my head and deal with him later. His scent on her shirt forced me to pull away from her. We stared at each other breathing heavily and she wiped her lips with the back of her hand furiously...
"what's wrong with you. You dragged me out here just to kiss me"she shouts at me
"have you gone mad?"
"Yes" i yelled at her causing her to shiver..
"am like this because of you" i shouted pointing at her. She took few steps backwards...
"How dare you behave like that before everyone including your elder brother"i paused to catch my breath
"don't you have any sense of dignity. You should be ashamed of yourself"i shouted at her..
"ashamed?"she dared to ask me. She walked closer to me as she looked into my eyes. Her eyes fuming with anger I know am responsible for
"who are you to judge me. You?? who gets drunk frequently or who have no respect nor regard for his dad.."her words hit hard on me. I stared at her confused while she laughs...
"You're messing around with your little sister"she says while laughing at me. I know she has a point but what can i possibly do in a helpless situation like this
"And yet you stand there and judge me?? why all this? Why do you have the habit of kissing your little sister"i stared at her speechless and unable to give her a reasonable answer. I walked out on her while she kept calling my name. I ignored her and hasten my steps heading towards the parking lot trying to make my way through the crowd of sweaty bodies. I could also hear Nils calling out for me. I stopped and turned towards the direction of his voice only to behold that jerk standing next to him..i contemplated on punching his nose but just then Emy approached me. Her determination is one thing I love about her and now she wants to hear my reply. I fought the urge to kill that bastard and turned but they kept following me. I turned on my engine and saw Emilia standing fearlessly blocking me from leaving. I horned thrice but she didn't move away.
I decided to drive with the aim of scaring her off but she remained adamant.. I reluctantly walked out of the car and fought the urge to shout at her
"please move out of my way"i pleaded as i head back to my car. She stepped aside and i drove off..
I drove roughly transferring my aggression on my wheel. Her question kept ringing in my head as I parked my car close to the lake. I screamed out loud and scared some birds away. Why did she ask me such stupid yet reasonable question?.. Can't she see the handwriting on the wall, I want her but why won't she understand me?. I need her. I want to feel her, make love to her, make her mine and the mother of my kids but i can't because she's my fucking adopted sister.. Damn Richard...
I must have her because I can't stand seeing her with those worthless jerks. She's mine...
"I will fight anyone and do anything to make you my woman because i....I love you"i yelled..
"i love you.."I yelled even louder..
"Ahhh..."i shouted stamping my feet hard on the cold sand of the beach
"you don't need to be too hard on yourself" Nils says in a steady voice.
I angrily push him down. How did he know am here. How did he find me...
"you don't have the right to tell me that"i told him
"you don't Nils. You have no idea how am feeling right now"
"of course i do.."he says while standing up
"i understand you dumb ass. It's like a battle waging inside you involving two delicate parts which are your heart and your mind"i know he's right but am confused on who to obey.. "You're confused on what to do"i nod in agreement..
"What are you afraid of??"he asked.. I shyly turned my face
"You should know that i don't like talking about my emotions so don't bother asking" his hand rests on my shoulder...
"I won't rest until you give me a reply,so speak up because delay is dangerous"i know he's a man of his words...
"Well...Am confused because i want her as my woman but at the same time the world will surely frown at our relationship,I don't think i can stand it when she's being humiliated. I would never forgive myself if that happens.."what he did next left me speechless and he having mental problem again??..

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