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As a mother, I couldn't just sit back and watch my family suffer. At first when Fustina (my sister-in-law ) came to me to go with her to her magician's place, I objected to it. Although there are numerous people in this part of the world that doesn't believe in God but my family is among those who believe in God and His principles.
My daughter has been in comma for the past few months. For those months that looked like years to me, I cried, prayed and sought the help of my pastor. But there wasn't any improvement and with the pressure my sister-in-law has been putting on me I decided to give in to her advice. A woman has to do what a woman has to do. I have been waiting here for the past few minutes without news from the magician.
Why is he taking so much time to come out of his room or whatever it is called and tell me the solution to my daughter's problem so I can leave here on time . I stood up to leave and just then he arrived..
"Fustina you did the right thing by bringing her here"
He praised my sister-in-law before turning to me with a half smile. Honestly, there's something creepy about his smile but I couldn't place my hands on it. I knew he was about to say something serious because I watched his smile disappear as soon as it came.
"you'll have to stay in this house, locked up in a room.. striped naked without bathing, eating or sleeping for two straight days while I and Fustina intercede on your behalf"
When I heard that, I froze and turned slowly to meet the gaze of Fustina. She nods her head in a silent approval. I couldn't bring myself to believe this madness. Locked in a room for two days without wearing a thing??? How is my husband gonna feel when he doesn't see or hear from me in two days. I shook my head in disapproval but thought about my daughter's health before agreeing to his proposal. I mean I gat nothing to loose.
"Give me your phone.."he instructed.
I reluctantly gave him and turned to Fustina who assured me that she'll be here with me although the process....

Two days ago, my sister encouraged my wife to go and see her so called magician. I knew my sister was into some fetish things but I didn't imagine her suggesting it to my wife. A woman that is serious about God and all that stuff. I know God but am not as serious as she is. But what surprised me the most was that my amor agreed to go with my sister. What a woman can do for love. I love this woman.
She left with Fustina and since then I have been expecting her. I have been worried sick. Not able to do anything meaningful.
My Amor is missing and my princess in comma has almost rendered me mad...we had hoped that all this will be over when she visits the magician but see how it turned out. God has always been unfair to me. I was one of the richest men in the world when he took that away from me. I came to this rural place trying my best to get government to sign a contract to reform and upgrade this place. All my savings disappeared into thin air as if it was swallowed. With all these efforts, the only thing I can boast of is the inheritance I kept long ago for my daughter who is now battling with the curse he layed on her and my beloved wife is out there facing only God knows what. Am less stressed because she's with my sister but am also scared because my sister never liked my wife from the start. God if you truly exist please protect and save my amor.
I couldn't believe my eyes. Did my daughter just call me? I quickly rushed out to call the doctor in case I was just imagining things. They came and ran series of tests on her before telling me that she's perfectly ok. My daughter is out of comma and she's alive. My princess is alive.
"Dad, where is mum"
she dropped the bomb. Telling her that her mum is missing would hurt her..
"Sweetheart,your mom is alright..we need you out this hospital bed as soon as possible okay?"
she nods in a silent yes. Just then my Amor rushed in. She looks like she just ran a hundred of mile to get here. I hugged her tightly without knowing I was hurting her until she spoke up..
"Careful babe am fine"
And she gave me the look of I'll explain later. Then she turned to our princess and hugged her while she cried. Women are too emotional....

Why do you think she came back alone???
Don't you think Fustina had another motive for taking her there??
Please share your views...

Lots of love from WG....

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